This is the definition of the HOOPLE format for a links database. This uses an underlying CSV (comma separated values) format to define the columns of the database. Each column is meaningful. The first three fields are used by both URL and category definitions. The fourth field is used only for URL definitions. Each field is defined thusly: Column 1: The type for this entry. This is either C for category or L for link. Column 2: The name or description of this entry. This need not be unique. For a category definition, it will be the name of the category, with an optional nickname following it in square brackets ([ and ]). For a link definition, this is the descriptive text that will be shown for the link. It can be quite long if needed. Column 3: The parent category name. This must be either a name defined in a category definition or a definition's nickname. In our database, only the Root category is allowed to omit the parent category. If a parent name is ambiguous, the closest recent parent will be used. Column 4: This is only provided for link definitions. It is the link address, as a valid URL that points at the location out on the internet. Further notes: The real root category is nameless. However, we choose to use the name "Root" as the parent category of all real categories. The "Root" category itself has an empty parent, but it should be the only one like that. Every HOOPLE format link database should start off with the definition of the Root: "C","Root","" Category names are now required to be unique by the HOOPLE bookmark tools. Previously, this was enforced for neither full category names nor for their nicknames. As a consequence, the database could occasionally get confused looking due to addition of a link to the wrong category, depending on where the link was placed in the csv list. Also, it was considered aesthetically unacceptable to have numerous categories named "Info" or "Vendors" or whatever. Creating this new requirement has led to a marked improvement in the clarity of the Gruntose Bookmark Database (