//gulliver/build /home/fred/gullybuild cifs uid=1000,gid=1001,noauto,credentials=/etc/gulliver_credentials.txt 0 0 # in this example, a box named gulliver has an SMB share called "build". # we are mounting that to a local directory /home/fred/gullybuild. # the uid/gid items should be set to the actual user id and group id for # whatever user will need to access and modify those files. the credentials # file is used to specify authentication parameters for the share. an # example of the credential file format is below. ############### # example credentials file: # the information below is all that should be needed to access the share on # gulliver. note that the user can contain a windows domain. # this file does not go in /etc/fstab! it should be a separate file in the # /etc directory or some other safe place. the file permissions should only # allow root to read/write the file, such as when these three commands # are used to set the ownership and permissions: # chown root /etc/gulliver_credentials.txt # chgrp root /etc/gulliver_credentials.txt # chmod 600 /etc/gulliver_credentials.txt ## /etc/gulliver_credentials.txt username=sluggocorp\dhughley password=semjendradok89 workgroup=smezzo_group