# define an array. @fred = ('x', 'y', 'z'); # define a hash. %fred = (x => 'farfle', q => 'nuggy', r => 'bunko'); # show the array. print "\@fred is: @fred\n"; # show the first element of the array. print "\$fred[0] is $fred[0]\n"; # show the details of the hash. @fredkeys = keys(%fred); print "\%fred keys are: @fredkeys\n"; @fredvals = values(%fred); print "\%fred values are: @fredvals\n"; # show the value for the first key we defined in the hash (although that's incidental; # we don't expect to access things in the hash by their order of addition or even by # numerical indexes at all. print "\$fred['x'] is $fred{'x'}\n";