feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
structures::pointer_hash< contents > Member List

This is the complete list of members for structures::pointer_hash< contents >, including all inherited members.

acquire(void *key)structures::pointer_hash< contents >
hash_table< void *, contents >::acquire(const void * &key)structures::hash_table< void *, contents >
add(void *key, contents *to_store)structures::pointer_hash< contents >
hash_table< void *, contents >::add(const void * &key, contents *to_store)structures::hash_table< void *, contents >
hash_table< void *, contents >::add(void * *key, contents *to_store, bool check_dupes=true)structures::hash_table< void *, contents >
apply(apply_function *to_apply, void *data_link)structures::pointer_hash< contents >
apply_function typedefstructures::pointer_hash< contents >
calculate_num_slots(int estimated_elements)structures::hash_table< void *, contents >static
class_name() const =0basis::nameablepure virtual
DEFINE_CLASS_NAME("hash_table")structures::hash_table< void *, contents >
elements() conststructures::hash_table< void *, contents >
estimated_elements() conststructures::hash_table< void *, contents >inline
EXISTING enum valuestructures::hash_table< void *, contents >
fast_dangerous_add(const void * &key, contents *to_store)structures::hash_table< void *, contents >
find(const void * &key, contents *&item_found) conststructures::hash_table< void *, contents >
find(const void * &key) conststructures::hash_table< void *, contents >inline
hash_table(const hashing_algorithm &hasher, int estimated_elements)structures::hash_table< void *, contents >
ids() conststructures::pointer_hash< contents >
ids(pointer_set &ids) conststructures::pointer_hash< contents >
IS_NEW enum valuestructures::hash_table< void *, contents >
outcomes enum namestructures::hash_table< void *, contents >
pointer_hash(int estimated_elements)structures::pointer_hash< contents >
rehash(int estimated_elements)structures::hash_table< void *, contents >
reset()structures::pointer_hash< contents >
table_access() conststructures::hash_table< void *, contents >
verify() conststructures::hash_table< void *, contents >
zap(void *key)structures::pointer_hash< contents >
hash_table< void *, contents >::zap(const void * &key)structures::hash_table< void *, contents >
~hash_table()structures::hash_table< void *, contents >virtual
~pointer_hash()structures::pointer_hash< contents >