#!/usr/bin/env bash # checks the rootkit report file to see if anything is listed. export CHKFILE=$TMP/test_for_rootkit_entries.txt export QUIET_REPORT=/var/www/rootkit_report_quiet.txt export LOUD_REPORT=/var/www/rootkit_report_expert.txt # cgi text starting thing... #not right yet echo echo if [ ! -f $QUIET_REPORT ]; then echo No file found for $QUIET_REPORT exit 3 fi grep "LKM Trojan" $QUIET_REPORT >$CHKFILE if [ -z "$(cat $CHKFILE)" ]; then echo found no content in the quiet report, skipping complaint. rm $CHKFILE exit 8 fi echo found some content in the quiet report, looking up bad processes. if [ ! -f $LOUD_REPORT ]; then echo No file found for $LOUD_REPORT exit 9 fi grep "PID.*not in readdir output" $LOUD_REPORT >$CHKFILE echo after the pid grep if [ -z "$(cat $CHKFILE)" ]; then echo "didn't find our expected phrase." exit 23 fi export BAD_PROCESS=$(sed -e "s/^.*PID *\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/" <$CHKFILE) if [ -z "$BAD_PROCESS" ]; then echo "didn't find our expected phrase." exit 32 fi echo bad process number is $BAD_PROCESS echo bad proc command line is: export CMDLINE=$(cat /proc/$BAD_PROCESS/cmdline) echo $CMDLINE if [ $BAD_PROCESS -ne 1 ]; then if [ ! -z "$(echo $CMDLINE | grep ini)" ]; then echo "How come the process $BAD_PROCESS is called \"$CMDLINE\"" echo "when the init process is always supposed to be process 1?" fi fi