2 # stdbuild: a build script that applies to most unix make based builds
3 # for things that you trust enough to install. this does the configure
4 # phase, then makes the project, then installs it.
6 # go to the main folder of the project you're building before you run this.
8 source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/functions.sh"
10 echo "$(date_stringer)"
11 echo "Building application from $(\pwd)"
12 echo " via standard 'configure;make;sudo make install' process..."
15 echo "Running configure script..."
18 echo "Something went wrong during 'configure'."
22 echo "Calling make..."
25 echo "Something went wrong during 'make'."
29 echo "About to install application as root..."
30 echo "sudo password needed to install from $(\pwd):"
33 echo "Saw a failure to su or to install application."
36 echo "Finished building in $(\pwd)."
37 echo "$(date_stringer)"