4 if [ "$COMPILER" = "GNU_LINUX" \
5 -o "$COMPILER" = "GNU_DARWIN" ]; then
6 # compiler version report for the gnu compiler on linux and darwin.
8 # older code is needed for some versions of gcc / suse.
9 ver_found=$(gcc -### 2>&1 | grep "gcc version" | sed -e 's/^gcc version \([0-9.][0-9.]*\) .*$/\1/')
11 # if [ ! -d "/usr/include/c++/$ver_found" ]; then
12 # -a ! -d "/usr/include/c++/$ver_found" ]; then
14 # # newest code takes only first two version numbers, since that's how
15 # # suse 11.0 at least is listing the includes.
16 # ver_found=$(gcc -### 2>&1 | grep "gcc version" | sed -e 's/^gcc version \([0-9.][0-9.]*\) .*$/\1/' | sed -e 's/\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1.\2/')
22 elif [ "$COMPILER" = "GNU_ARM_LINUX" ]; then
23 # compiler version report for the gnu compiler on the arm processor.
24 gcc -### 2>&1 | grep "gcc version" | sed -e 's/^gcc version \([0-9.][0-9.]*\) .*$/\1/'
25 elif [ "$COMPILER" = "VISUAL_CPP" ]; then
26 # compiler version report for ms visual studio.
27 ver_raw=`$COMPILER_ROOT_DIR/bin/cl 2>&1 | head -1 | sed -e 's/.*Version \([0-9][0-9]*\)\..*$/\1/'`
28 if [ "$ver_raw" = "12" ]; then echo 6;
29 elif [ "$ver_raw" = "13" ]; then echo 7;
30 elif [ "$ver_raw" = "14" ]; then echo 8;
31 elif [ "$ver_raw" = "15" ]; then echo 9;
32 elif [ "$ver_raw" = "16" ]; then echo 10;