3 # This defines some general, useful functions.
5 #hmmm: starting to get a bit beefy in here. perhaps there is a good way to refactor the functions into more specific folders, if they aren't really totally general purpose?
9 # test whether we've been here before or not.
11 type function_sentinel &>/dev/null
13 # there was no error, so we can skip the inits.
14 if [ ! -z "$DEBUG_FEISTY_MEOW" ]; then
15 echo "skipping function definitions, because already defined."
22 if [ -z "$skip_all" ]; then
24 if [ ! -z "$DEBUG_FEISTY_MEOW" ]; then
25 echo "feisty meow function definitions beginning now..."
28 # a handy little method that can be used for date strings. it was getting
29 # really tiresome how many different ways the script did the date formatting.
30 function date_stringer() {
32 if [ -z "$sep" ]; then sep='_'; fi
33 date +"%Y$sep%m$sep%d$sep%H%M$sep%S" | tr -d '/\n/'
36 # makes a directory of the name specified and then tries to change the
37 # current directory to that directory.
39 if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then mkdir -p "$1"; fi
44 [[ "$(declare -p $1)" =~ "declare -a" ]]
52 # displays the value of a variable in bash friendly format.
57 local varname="$1"; shift
58 if [ -z "$varname" ]; then
62 if is_alias "$varname"; then
63 #echo found $varname is alias
64 local tmpfile="$(mktemp $TMP/aliasout.XXXXXX)"
65 alias $varname | sed -e 's/.*=//' >$tmpfile
66 echo "alias $varname=$(cat $tmpfile)"
68 elif [ -z "${!varname}" ]; then
69 echo "$varname undefined"
71 if is_array "$varname"; then
72 #echo found $varname is array var
74 eval temparray="(\${$varname[@]})"
75 echo "$varname=(${temparray[@]})"
76 #hmmm: would be nice to print above with elements enclosed in quotes, so that we can properly
77 # see ones that have spaces in them.
79 #echo found $varname is simple
80 echo "$varname=${!varname}"
87 # when passed a list of things, this will return the unique items from that list as an echo.
90 # do the uniquification: split the space separated items into separate lines, then
91 # sort the list, then run the uniq tool on the list. results will be packed back onto
92 # one line when invoked like: local fredlist="$(uniquify a b c e d a e f a e d b)"
93 echo $* | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq
96 # sets the variable in parameter 1 to the value in parameter 2, but only if
97 # that variable was undefined.
98 function set_var_if_undefined()
100 local var_name="$1"; shift
101 local var_value="$1"; shift
102 if [ -z "${!var_name}" ]; then
103 eval export $var_name="$var_value"
107 function success_sound()
109 if [ ! -z "$CLAM_FINISH_SOUND" ]; then
110 bash $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/multimedia/sound_play.sh "$CLAM_FINISH_SOUND"
114 function error_sound()
116 if [ ! -z "$CLAM_ERROR_SOUND" ]; then
117 bash $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/multimedia/sound_play.sh "$CLAM_ERROR_SOUND"
121 # checks the result of the last command that was run, and if that failed,
122 # then this complains and exits from bash. the function parameters are
123 # used as the message to print as a complaint.
124 function test_or_die()
126 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
127 echo -e "\n\naction failed: $*\n\nExiting script..."
133 # like test_or_die, but will keep going after complaining.
134 function test_or_continue()
136 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
137 echo -e "\n\nerror occurred: $*\n\nContinuing script..."
142 # wraps secure shell with some parameters we like, most importantly to enable X forwarding.
147 # we remember the old terminal title, then force the TERM variable to a more generic
148 # version for the other side (just 'linux'); we don't want the remote side still
149 # thinking it's running xterm.
151 /usr/bin/ssh -X -C "${args[@]}"
152 restore_terminal_title
155 # locates a process given a search pattern to match in the process list.
156 # supports a single command line flag style parameter of "-u USERNAME";
157 # if the -u flag is found, a username is expected afterwards, and only the
158 # processes of that user are considered.
160 local -a patterns=("${@}")
162 #echo patterns list is: "${patterns[@]}"
166 if [ "${patterns[0]}" == "-u" ]; then
167 user_flag="-u ${patterns[1]}"
168 #echo "found a -u parm and user=${patterns[1]}"
169 # void the two elements with that user flag so we don't use them as patterns.
170 unset patterns[0] patterns[1]=
176 local PID_DUMP="$(mktemp "$TMP/zz_pidlist.XXXXXX")"
179 if [ "$OS" == "Windows_NT" ]; then
180 # gets cygwin's (god awful) ps to show windoze processes also.
181 local EXTRA_DOZER_FLAGS="-W"
182 # pattern to use for peeling off the process numbers.
183 local pid_finder_pattern='s/ *\([0-9][0-9]*\) *.*$/\1/p'
186 # flags which clean up the process listing output on unixes.
187 # apparently cygwin doesn't count as a type of unix, because their
188 # crummy specialized ps command doesn't support normal ps flags.
189 local EXTRA_UNIX_FLAGS="-o pid,args"
190 # pattern to use for peeling off the process numbers.
191 local pid_finder_pattern='s/^[[:space:]]*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/p'
194 /bin/ps $EXTRA_DOZER_FLAGS $EXTRA_UNIX_FLAGS $user_flag | tail -n +2 >$PID_DUMP
196 #echo got all this stuff in the pid dump file:
200 # search for the pattern the user wants to find, and just pluck the process
201 # ids out of the results.
203 for i in "${patterns[@]}"; do
204 PIDS_SOUGHT+=($(cat $PID_DUMP \
206 | sed -n -e "$pid_finder_pattern"))
209 #echo pids sought list became:
210 #echo "${PIDS_SOUGHT[@]}"
213 if [ ${#PIDS_SOUGHT[*]} -ne 0 ]; then
214 local PIDS_SOUGHT2=$(printf -- '%s\n' ${PIDS_SOUGHT[@]} | sort | uniq)
217 echo ${PIDS_SOUGHT[*]}
222 # finds all processes matching the pattern specified and shows their full
223 # process listing (whereas psfind just lists process ids).
226 echo "psa finds processes by pattern, but there was no pattern on the command line."
229 local -a patterns=("${@}")
230 p=$(psfind "${patterns[@]}")
236 if [ "${patterns[0]}" == "-u" ]; then
237 # void the two elements with that user flag so we don't use them as patterns.
238 unset patterns[0] patterns[1]=
242 echo "Processes matching ${patterns[@]}..."
244 if [ -n "$IS_DARWIN" ]; then
247 # only print the header the first time.
248 if [ -z "$fuzil_sentinel" ]; then
251 ps $i -w -u | sed -e '1d'
256 # cases besides mac os x's darwin.
257 if [ "$OS" == "Windows_NT" ]; then
258 # special case for windows.
261 ps -W -p $curr | tail -n +2
264 # normal OSes can handle a nice simple query.
270 # an unfortunately similarly named function to the above 'ps' as in process
271 # methods, but this 'ps' stands for postscript. this takes a postscript file
272 # and converts it into pcl3 printer language and then ships it to the printer.
273 # this mostly makes sense for an environment where one's default printer is
274 # pcl. if the input postscript causes ghostscript to bomb out, there has been
275 # some good success running ps2ps on the input file and using the cleaned
276 # postscript file for printing.
277 function ps2pcl2lpr() {
279 gs -sDEVICE=pcl3 -sOutputFile=- -sPAPERSIZE=letter "$i" | lpr -l
283 # function fix_alsa() {
284 # sudo /etc/init.d/alsasound restart
289 #hmmm: ugly absolute path here.
291 restore_terminal_title
294 # switches from a /X/path form to an X:/ form. this also processes cygwin paths.
295 function unix_to_dos_path() {
296 # we usually remove dos slashes in favor of forward slashes.
298 if [[ ! "$OS" =~ ^[Ww][iI][nN] ]]; then
299 # fake this value for non-windows (non-cygwin) platforms.
302 # for cygwin, we must replace the /home/X path with an absolute one, since cygwin
303 # insists on the /home form instead of /c/cygwin/home being possible. this is
304 # super frustrating and nightmarish.
305 DOSSYHOME="$(cygpath -am "$HOME")"
308 if [ ! -z "$SERIOUS_SLASH_TREATMENT" ]; then
309 # unless this flag is set, in which case we force dos slashes.
310 echo "$1" | sed -e "s?^$HOME?$DOSSYHOME?g" | sed -e 's/\\/\//g' | sed -e 's/\/cygdrive//' | sed -e 's/\/\([a-zA-Z]\)\/\(.*\)/\1:\/\2/' | sed -e 's/\//\\/g'
312 echo "$1" | sed -e "s?^$HOME?$DOSSYHOME?g" | sed -e 's/\\/\//g' | sed -e 's/\/cygdrive//' | sed -e 's/\/\([a-zA-Z]\)\/\(.*\)/\1:\/\2/'
316 # switches from an X:/ form to a /cygdrive/X/path form. this is only useful
317 # for the cygwin environment currently.
318 function dos_to_unix_path() {
319 # we always remove dos slashes in favor of forward slashes.
320 #old: echo "$1" | sed -e 's/\\/\//g' | sed -e 's/\([a-zA-Z]\):\/\(.*\)/\/\1\/\2/'
321 echo "$1" | sed -e 's/\\/\//g' | sed -e 's/\([a-zA-Z]\):\/\(.*\)/\/cygdrive\/\1\/\2/'
324 # returns a successful value (0) if this system is debian or ubuntu.
325 function debian_like() {
326 # decide if we think this is debian or ubuntu or a variant.
327 DEBIAN_LIKE=$(if [ ! -z "$(grep -i debian /etc/issue)" \
328 -o ! -z "$(grep -i ubuntu /etc/issue)" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi)
329 if [ $DEBIAN_LIKE -eq 1 ]; then
330 # success; this is debianish.
333 # this seems like some other OS.
338 # su function: makes su perform a login.
339 # for some OSes, this transfers the X authority information to the new login.
342 # debian currently requires the full version which imports X authority
343 # information for su.
345 # get the x authority info for our current user.
346 source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/security/get_x_auth.sh"
348 if [ -z "$X_auth_info" ]; then
349 # if there's no authentication info to pass along, we just do a normal su.
352 # under X, we update the new login's authority info with the previous
354 (unset XAUTHORITY; /bin/su -l $* -c "$X_auth_info ; export DISPLAY=$DISPLAY ; bash")
357 # non-debian supposedly doesn't need the extra overhead any more.
358 # or at least suse doesn't, which is the other one we've tested on.
363 # sudo function wraps the normal sudo by ensuring we replace the terminal
364 # label if they're doing an su with the sudo.
369 restore_terminal_title
370 # if [ "$first_command" == "su" ]; then
371 # # yep, they were doing an su, but they're back now.
372 # label_terminal_with_info
377 # trashes the .#blah files that cvs and subversion leave behind when finding conflicts.
378 # this kind of assumes you've already checked them for any salient facts.
379 function clean_cvs_junk() {
381 find $i -follow -type f -iname ".#*" -exec perl $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/files/safedel.pl {} ";"
385 # overlay for nechung binary so that we can complain less grossly about it when it's missing.
387 local wheres_nechung=$(which nechung 2>/dev/null)
388 if [ -z "$wheres_nechung" ]; then
389 echo "The nechung oracle program cannot be found. You may want to consider"
390 echo "rebuilding the feisty meow applications with this command:"
391 echo "bash $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/generator/produce_feisty_meow.sh"
398 # recreates all the generated files that the feisty meow scripts use.
399 function regenerate() {
400 # do the bootstrapping process again.
402 echo "regenerating feisty meow script environment."
403 bash $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/reconfigure_feisty_meow.sh
405 # force a full reload by turning off sentinel variables and methods.
407 unalias CORE_ALIASES_LOADED &>/dev/null
408 unset -f function_sentinel
409 # reload feisty meow environment in current shell.
410 source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/launch_feisty_meow.sh"
411 # run nechung oracle to give user a new fortune.
413 restore_terminal_title
416 # copies a set of custom scripts into the proper location for feisty meow
417 # to merge their functions and aliases with the standard set.
418 function recustomize()
420 local custom_user="$1"; shift
421 if [ -z "$custom_user" ]; then
422 # use our default example user if there was no name provided.
428 if [ ! -d "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/customize/$custom_user" ]; then
429 echo "The customization folder provided for $custom_user should be:"
430 echo " '$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/customize/$custom_user'"
431 echo "but that folder does not exist. Skipping customization."
434 regenerate >/dev/null
435 pushd "$FEISTY_MEOW_LOADING_DOCK/custom" &>/dev/null
436 incongruous_files="$(bash "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/files/list_non_dupes.sh" "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/customize/$custom_user" "$FEISTY_MEOW_LOADING_DOCK/custom")"
438 local fail_message="\nare the perl dependencies installed? if you're on ubuntu or debian, try this:\n
439 $(grep "apt.*perl" $FEISTY_MEOW_APEX/readme.txt)\n"
441 #echo "the incongruous files list is: $incongruous_files"
442 # disallow a single character result, since we get "*" as result when nothing exists yet.
443 if [ ${#incongruous_files} -ge 2 ]; then
444 echo "cleaning unknown older overrides..."
445 perl "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/files/safedel.pl" $incongruous_files
446 test_or_continue "running safedel. $fail_message"
450 echo "copying custom overrides for $custom_user"
451 mkdir -p "$FEISTY_MEOW_LOADING_DOCK/custom" 2>/dev/null
452 perl "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/text/cpdiff.pl" "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/customize/$custom_user" "$FEISTY_MEOW_LOADING_DOCK/custom"
453 test_or_continue "running cpdiff. $fail_message"
455 if [ -d "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/customize/$custom_user/scripts" ]; then
456 echo "copying custom scripts for $custom_user"
457 netcp "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/customize/$custom_user/scripts" "$FEISTY_MEOW_LOADING_DOCK/custom/" &>/dev/null
458 #hmmm: could save output to show if an error occurs.
463 restore_terminal_title
466 # generates a random password where the first parameter is the number of characters
467 # in the password (default 20) and the second parameter specifies whether to use
468 # special characters (1) or not (0).
469 # found function at http://legroom.net/2010/05/06/bash-random-password-generator
470 function random_password()
472 [ "$2" == "0" ] && CHAR="[:alnum:]" || CHAR="[:graph:]"
473 cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd "$CHAR" | head -c ${1:-32}
477 # a wrapper for the which command that finds items on the path. some OSes
478 # do not provide which, so we want to not be spewing errors when that
483 which which &>/dev/null
484 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
485 # there is no which command here. we produce nothing due to this.
488 echo $(which $to_find)
491 #hmmm: improve this by not adding the link
492 # if already there, or if the drive is not valid.
493 function add_cygwin_drive_mounts() {
494 for i in c d e f g h q z ; do
495 ln -s /cygdrive/$i $i
499 ############################
501 # takes a file to modify, and then it will replace any occurrences of the
502 # pattern provided as the second parameter with the text in the third
504 function replace_pattern_in_file()
506 local file="$1"; shift
507 local pattern="$1"; shift
508 local replacement="$1"; shift
509 if [ -z "$file" -o -z "$pattern" -o -z "$replacement" ]; then
510 echo "replace_pattern_in_file: needs a filename, a pattern to replace, and the"
511 echo "text to replace that pattern with."
514 sed -i -e "s%$pattern%$replacement%g" "$file"
517 # similar to replace_pattern_in_file, but also will add the new value
518 # when the old one did not already exist in the file.
519 function replace_if_exists_or_add()
521 local file="$1"; shift
522 local phrase="$1"; shift
523 local replacement="$1"; shift
524 if [ -z "$file" -o ! -f "$file" -o -z "$phrase" -o -z "$replacement" ]; then
525 echo "replace_if_exists_or_add: needs a filename, a phrase to replace, and the"
526 echo "text to replace that phrase with."
529 grep "$phrase" "$file" >/dev/null
530 # replace if the phrase is there, otherwise add it.
531 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
532 replace_pattern_in_file "$file" "$phrase" "$replacement"
534 # this had better be the complete line.
535 echo "$replacement" >>"$file"
539 ############################
541 # finds a variable (first parameter) in a particular property file
542 # (second parameter). the expected format for the file is:
544 function seek_variable()
546 local find_var="$1"; shift
547 local file="$1"; shift
548 if [ -z "$find_var" -o -z "$file" -o ! -f "$file" ]; then
549 echo -e "seek_variable: needs two parameters, firstly a variable name, and\nsecondly a file where the variable's value will be sought." 1>&2
554 if [ ${#line} -eq 0 ]; then continue; fi
555 # split the line into the variable name and value.
556 IFS='=' read -a assignment <<< "$line"
557 local var="${assignment[0]}"
558 local value="${assignment[1]}"
559 if [ "${value:0:1}" == '"' ]; then
560 # assume the entry was in quotes and remove them.
561 value="${value:1:$((${#value} - 2))}"
563 if [ "$find_var" == "$var" ]; then
569 # finds a variable (first parameter) in a particular XML format file
570 # (second parameter). the expected format for the file is:
571 # ... name="varX" value="valueX" ...
572 function seek_variable_in_xml()
574 local find_var="$1"; shift
575 local file="$1"; shift
576 if [ -z "$find_var" -o -z "$file" -o ! -f "$file" ]; then
577 echo "seek_variable_in_xml: needs two parameters, firstly a variable name, and"
578 echo "secondly an XML file where the variable's value will be sought."
583 if [ ${#line} -eq 0 ]; then continue; fi
584 # process the line to make it more conventional looking.
585 line="$(echo "$line" | sed -e 's/.*name="\([^"]*\)" value="\([^"]*\)"/\1=\2/')"
586 # split the line into the variable name and value.
587 IFS='=' read -a assignment <<< "$line"
588 local var="${assignment[0]}"
589 local value="${assignment[1]}"
590 if [ "${value:0:1}" == '"' ]; then
591 # assume the entry was in quotes and remove them.
592 value="${value:1:$((${#value} - 2))}"
594 if [ "$find_var" == "$var" ]; then
600 ############################
602 # goes to a particular directory passed as parameter 1, and then removes all
603 # the parameters after that from that directory.
604 function push_whack_pop()
606 local dir="$1"; shift
607 pushd "$dir" &>/dev/null
608 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo failed to enter dir--quitting.; fi
609 rm -rf $* &>/dev/null
610 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo received a failure code when removing.; fi
616 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
618 if [ ! -f "$arg" -a ! -d "$arg" ]; then
619 echo "failure to find a file or directory named '$arg'."
623 # first we will capture the output of the character replacement operation for reporting.
624 # this is done first since some filenames can't be properly renamed in perl (e.g. if they
625 # have pipe characters apparently).
626 intermediate_name="$(bash "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/files/replace_spaces_with_underscores.sh" "$arg")"
627 local saw_intermediate_result=0
628 if [ -z "$intermediate_name" ]; then
629 # make sure we report something, if there are no further name changes.
630 intermediate_name="'$arg'"
632 # now zap the first part of the name off (since original name isn't needed).
633 intermediate_name="$(echo $intermediate_name | sed -e 's/.*=> //')"
634 saw_intermediate_result=1
637 # first we rename the file to be lower case.
638 actual_file="$(echo $intermediate_name | sed -e "s/'\([^']*\)'/\1/")"
639 final_name="$(perl $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/files/renlower.pl "$actual_file")"
640 local saw_final_result=0
641 if [ -z "$final_name" ]; then
642 final_name="$intermediate_name"
644 final_name="$(echo $final_name | sed -e 's/.*=> //')"
647 #echo intermed=$saw_intermediate_result
648 #echo final=$saw_final_result
650 if [[ $saw_intermediate_result != 0 || $saw_final_result != 0 ]]; then
651 # printout the combined operation results.
652 echo "'$arg' => $final_name"
659 # new breed of definer functions goes here. still in progress.
661 # defines an alias and remembers that this is a new or modified definition.
662 # if the feisty meow codebase is unloaded, then so are all the aliases that
664 function define_yeti_alias()
666 # if alias exists already, save old value for restore,
667 # otherwise save null value for restore,
668 # have to handle unaliasing if there was no prior value of one
670 # add alias name to a list of feisty defined aliases.
672 #hmmm: first implem, just do the alias and get that working...
681 #hmmm: this points to an extended functions file being needed; not all of these are core.
683 # displays documentation in "md" formatted files.
686 local file="$1"; shift
687 pandoc "$file" | lynx -stdin
692 # just shows a separator line for an 80 column console, or uses the first
693 # parameter as the number of columns to expect.
697 if [ -z "$count" ]; then
702 for ((i=0; i < $count - 1; i++)); do
708 # alias for separator.
716 # count the number of sub-directories in a directory and echo the result.
717 function count_directories()
719 local appsdir="$1"; shift
720 numdirs="$(find "$appsdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l)"
724 # takes a string and capitalizes just the first character. any capital letters in the remainder of
725 # the string are made lower case. the processed string is returned by an echo.
726 function capitalize_first_char()
728 local to_dromedary="$1"; shift
729 to_dromedary="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${to_dromedary:0:1})$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< ${to_dromedary:1})"
733 # given a source path and a target path, this will make a symbolic link from
734 # the source to the destination, but only if the source actually exists.
735 function make_safe_link()
737 local src="$1"; shift
738 local target="$1"; shift
740 if [ -d "$src" ]; then
741 ln -s "$src" "$target"
742 test_or_die "Creating symlink from '$src' to '$target'"
744 echo "Created symlink from '$src' to '$target'."
747 # pretty prints the json files provided as parameters.
748 function clean_json()
750 if [ -z "$*" ]; then return; fi
753 local file="$1"; shift
754 if [ -z "$file" ]; then break; fi
755 if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then "echo File '$file' does not exist."; continue; fi
756 temp_out="$TMP/$file.view"
757 cat "$file" | python -m json.tool > "$temp_out"
758 show_list+=($temp_out)
759 test_or_continue "pretty printing '$file'"
761 filedump "${show_list[@]}"
767 # only print our special headers or text fields.
771 grep -i "\"text\":\|^=.*" |
772 sed -e "s/\\\\r/$CR/g" -e "s/\\\\n/\\$LF/g"
777 # echoes the machine's hostname. can be used like so:
778 # local my_host=$(get_hostname)
779 function get_hostname()
781 # there used to be more variation in how to do this, but adopting mingw
782 # and cygwin tools really helped out.
783 local this_host=unknown
784 if [ "$OS" == "Windows_NT" ]; then
785 this_host=$(hostname)
786 elif [ ! -z "$(echo $MACHTYPE | grep apple)" ]; then
787 this_host=$(hostname)
788 elif [ ! -z "$(echo $MACHTYPE | grep suse)" ]; then
789 this_host=$(hostname --long)
790 elif [ -x "$(which hostname 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
791 this_host=$(hostname)
796 # makes sure that the provided "folder" is a directory and is writable.
797 function test_writeable()
799 local folder="$1"; shift
800 if [ ! -d "$folder" -o ! -w "$folder" ]; then return 1; fi
806 # NOTE: no more function definitions are allowed after this point.
808 function function_sentinel()
813 if [ ! -z "$DEBUG_FEISTY_MEOW" ]; then echo "feisty meow function definitions done."; fi
817 # test code for set_var_if_undefined.
819 if [ $run_test != 0 ]; then
820 echo running tests on set_var_if_undefined.
822 set_var_if_undefined flagrant forknordle
823 test_or_die "testing if defined variable would be whacked"
824 if [ $flagrant != petunia ]; then
825 echo set_var_if_undefined failed to leave the test variable alone
828 unset bobblehead_stomper
829 set_var_if_undefined bobblehead_stomper endurance
830 if [ $bobblehead_stomper != endurance ]; then
831 echo set_var_if_undefined failed to set a variable that was not defined yet