# some aliases that i don't expect very many people to ever want. they are # based on some of the mount configurations available at home or abroad. # moo and unmoo mount the local folders i use most. alias moo='check_mount /z/stuffing ; check_mount /z/walrus ; check_mount /z/chunky ; check_mount /z/fredgrid' alias unmoo='sudo umount /z/stuffing ; sudo umount /z/walrus ; sudo umount /z/chunky ; sudo umount /z/fredgrid' # skype needs this to run properly. alias skype='env PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 skype' # load in the xsede build scripts. source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/buildor/build_xsedes.sh" # just shows a separator line for an 80 column console, or uses the first # parameter as the number of columns to expect. function line() { count=$1; shift if [ -z "$count" ]; then count=80 fi echo for ((i=0; i < $count - 1; i++)); do echo -n "=" done echo echo }