# m h dom mon dow command SHELL=/bin/bash USER=jurgis # we need these for the XSEDE and GenesisII environment. XSEDE_TESTS_FOLDER=/home/jurgis/xsede/xsede_tests GENII_INSTALL_DIR=/home/jurgis/xsede/code/GenesisII/trunk GENII_USER_DIR=/home/jurgis/.tmp/dot-genesis-xcg3 JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun ############## # variegated scheme: we run the container during non-working hours. # during non-weekday hours, make sure grid container is started if can't detect it as running. # first is for weekdays, during non-working hours. #*/10 0-8,19-23 * * 1-5 export FOOP=/tmp/container_restarter_${USER}_$(hostname).log; bash $XSEDE_TESTS_FOLDER/library/maybe_restart_container.sh &>>$FOOP ; /bin/chmod g+w $FOOP # second is for weekends. #*/10 * * * 0,6 export FOOP=/tmp/container_restarter_${USER}_$(hostname).log; bash $XSEDE_TESTS_FOLDER/library/maybe_restart_container.sh &>>$FOOP ; /bin/chmod g+w $FOOP # stop the container during working hours, so it doesn't hose up our desktop performance. #*/10 9-18 * * 1-5 export FOOP=/tmp/container_restarter_${USER}_$(hostname).log; bash $XSEDE_TESTS_FOLDER/library/zap_genesis_javas.sh &>>$FOOP ; /bin/chmod g+w $FOOP ############## # a fairly rude scheme; always stop the container. #*/5 * * * * export FOOP=/tmp/container_restarter_${USER}_$(hostname).log; bash $XSEDE_TESTS_FOLDER/library/zap_genesis_javas.sh &>>$FOOP ; /bin/chmod g+w $FOOP ############## #current scheme, always run it. */5 * * * * export FOOP=/tmp/container_restarter_${USER}_$(hostname).log; set &>$FOOP ; bash $XSEDE_TESTS_FOLDER/library/maybe_restart_container.sh &>>$FOOP ; /bin/chmod g+w $FOOP ##############