============== find all the tables that have a CreatorID column: SELECT DISTINCT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMN_NAME IN ('CreatorId') AND TABLE_SCHEMA='opensim'; => yields assets inventoryitems prims primitems as tables matching the column. (note: replacing all creator ids like below still did not secure total ownership to fred; some things retained their original creator. how!?) ============== replace all the creator ids with fred's id on ducky: update inventoryitems set creatorid = 'NEWGUID' => do for each of the tables. ============== checking to make sure the changes to creatorid took effect: select * from assets where creatorid != 'YOURGUID' => there should be no matches after running a setting operation. ============== if you have a more selective update to do, try replacing using a pattern: update assets set creatorid = replace(creatorid, 'OLDGUID', 'NEWGUID') ==============