// huffware script: huff-update server, by fred huffhines. // // this script is the server side of the update process. it should reside in an object that // has all the newest versions of scripts and objects that will be updated. when rezzed, and // at periodic intervals, it announces on a private chat channel that updates are available. // when objects respond that they might like an update, it tells them the scripts that it has // stored inside of it. if any of those scripts are an older version inside the client // (update requesting) object, then the client will request the newer versions. the server // object will stuff them into it and tell them to start running. // // this script is licensed by the GPL v3 which is documented at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html // do not use it in objects without fully realizing you are implicitly accepting that license. // integer IS_OPENSIM = TRUE; // must be set to true for opensim, false for second life. integer DEBUGGING = FALSE; // set this to true for noisier diagnostics. // updater dependency section: // should be moved to a notecard!!! // // format is a list of strings, where each string has a pair wrapped by the // huffware item separators. the pair contains (1) the basename of a script // that has a new dependency and (2) the basename of that new dependency. list known_script_dependencies; load_script_deps() { known_script_dependencies = [ llDumpList2String(["jaunt wik rez", "jaunt config funcs"], ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR), llDumpList2String(["jaunt wik rez", "data cow"], ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR), llDumpList2String(["jaunt wik rez", "jaunt rezolator"], ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR), llDumpList2String(["remotely personable", "inventory exchanger"], ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR), llDumpList2String(["animote main driver", "exchange driver hudimation"], ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR), llDumpList2String(["animote main driver", "avatar timer manager"], ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR), llDumpList2String(["animote main driver", "avatar choice memory"], ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR), llDumpList2String(["giftorse", "particle projector"], ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR), llDumpList2String(["huff-search brainiac", "searchbert armature"], ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR), //special purpose -- removes the updater from the elevator buttons... //llDumpList2String(["comfortable sitting", "zap updater from elevators"], ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR), // => do not uncomment unless you want your elevators to shed their ability to update. // this allows us to add or remove items above at will without complaints about comma. llDumpList2String(["xyzzy", "hopefully-never-matches"], ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR) ]; } // global constants... integer USER_COMMAND_CHANNEL = 4; // channel where we listen to user commands. float ANNOUNCEMENT_PERIOD = 14.0; // how often we tell other objects that we have tasty treats. integer UPDATE_ANNOUNCEMENT_CHANNEL = -420108; // used by server to brag about itself. integer OLD_REQUEST_INVENTORY_CHANNEL = -421008; // used by clients to request an update list. string UPDATE_ANNOUNCEMENT_PREFIX = "#huff-update#"; // first part of any announcement. string REQUEST_INVENTORY_PREFIX = "#huff-reqinv#"; // first part of request for inventory list. string REPORT_AVAILABLE_SCRIPTS = "#scripts#"; // server's keyword to let client know script inventory. string REQUEST_SCRIPT_UPDATE = "#updatego#"; // keyword used by client to request some updates. string SHUT_THEM_DOWN = "#huffdown#"; // server tells client to stop any non-updater scripts. string READY_TO_UPDATE = "#listoneeds#"; // the client tells the server the scripts it wants. string SCRIPTS_ARE_CURRENT = "#gottemthx#"; // client says this when all new scripts are in place. string START_THEM_UP = "#huffup#"; // server tells client to start up other scripts again. string DONE_UPDATING = "#finito#"; // the client is done updating. string BUSY_BUSY = "#busymuch#"; // a signal that the server is too busy to update us. integer UPDATER_SCRIPT_PIN = -1231008; // the hook for our scripts to be modified. string RESTART_UPDATER_COMMAND = "#restart"; // said in open chat to recrank the updater. string SHOW_SCRIPTS_COMMAND = "#show"; // said in open chat to list out the scripts. string SHUTDOWN_COMMAND = "#destroy"; // shuts down object and destroys it. string UPDATER_PARM_SEPARATOR = "~~~"; // three tildes is an uncommon thing to have otherwise, so we use it to separate // our commands in linked messages. string SCRIPT_DEPENDENCY_MARK = "DEP"; // signals that a dependency is coming. integer ENTRIES_PER_LINE = 4; // number of items from a list shown on one line of text. integer MAXIMUM_ACTIVE_CLIENTS = 5; // number of conversations we will allow at a time. float LONGEST_SLACK_PER_CLIENT = 84.0; // we allow a client to be out of touch with us for this many seconds. after that, // we decide it's deceased and remove it from our list. integer MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT = 800; // longest thing that can be safely said without clipping (guess). float SCRIPT_LIST_PAUSE_INTERVAL = 1.4; // pause between large chunks of update text. string ITEM_LIST_SEPARATOR = "``"; // separates dependencies. float CHANGED_INVENTORY_SNOOZER = 7.0; // the number of seconds we sleep once we see an inventory change. we don't want to // react to this immediately. this overrides the normal announcement cycle until it's // dealt with by the timer. string CONTINUANCE_MARKER = "..."; // a string sent when the update list is too long and needs to be continued in another chat. string UPDATER_BASE_NAME = "huff-update client"; // the name of the updater script that keeps everything in sync. ////////////// // global variables... list scripts_available; // the list of scripts we have in our inventory for distribution. list objects_available; // list of objects for handing out. list active_clients; // list of keys for clients that are updating currently. list active_update_channels; // active conversations on client chosen channels. list active_listen_ids; // the ids for the listener on those channels. list active_timestamps; // tracks when the client was last active. integer inventory_request_channel; // our personal channel that the update client should talk with. integer dealing_with_change; // has the inventory changed? we will deal with this in the timer. // displays the status of the update server. show_status(key who_says) { string title = "[mem free=" + (string)llGetFreeMemory() + "]"; title = "Listening for requests on channel " + (string)inventory_request_channel; if (llGetListLength(active_update_channels)) title += "\nactive channels=" + dump_list(active_update_channels, FALSE, ENTRIES_PER_LINE); else title += "\nNo channels active."; if (llGetListLength(active_clients)) title += "\nactive clients=" + dump_keyed_list(active_clients, TRUE, 2); else title += "\nNo clients active."; if (llGetOwner() == who_says) { string addition = " "; if (USER_COMMAND_CHANNEL != 0) addition = "/" + (string)USER_COMMAND_CHANNEL + " "; title += "\n[ \"" + addition + SHOW_SCRIPTS_COMMAND + "\" lists all the scripts, " + "\"" + addition + SHUTDOWN_COMMAND + "\" zaps the updater, " + "\"" + addition + RESTART_UPDATER_COMMAND + "\" refreshes the updater ]"; } llWhisper(0, title); } // plink a quietous string of resonance... squonk(integer indy) { string snd = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND, indy); if (snd != "") llTriggerSound(snd, 1.0); } // list out the scripts that the server's object contains. show_scripts() { string title = (string)llGetListLength(scripts_available) + " scripts available:"; show_list(title, scripts_available); title = (string)llGetListLength(objects_available) + " objects available:"; show_list(title, objects_available); } // lets the client know that we're here and have some scripts available. announce_presence() { if (llGetListLength(active_clients) < MAXIMUM_ACTIVE_CLIENTS) { // only announce if we're not already booked up. llWhisper(UPDATE_ANNOUNCEMENT_CHANNEL, UPDATE_ANNOUNCEMENT_PREFIX + (string)inventory_request_channel); } } // lifted from "clear text and effects" script; should be nearly identical // to that, except that we set the texture animation. reset_all_effects() { llSetText("", <0,0,0>, 0); // clear any text above object. llSetSitText("Sit Here"); // reset sit text to default state. llSetTouchText("Touch"); // similarly for touch. llSitTarget(ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION); // reset sit target position. llParticleSystem([]); // turn off all particles. llSensorRemove(); // stop any running sensors. llTargetOmega(<0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0, 1.0); // stop rotations of object. llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, 1.0, ALL_SIDES); // turn off any transparency. // keep it from being physical and from disapparating. llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ, FALSE, PRIM_PHYSICS, FALSE, PRIM_PHANTOM, TRUE]); llSetLinkColor(LINK_SET, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, ALL_SIDES); // reset color to white. // // the following are specific to the huffotronic update server. // // we re-assert our special texture set here, in case some wayward scripts have // messed with us. integer textures_held = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); integer indy; for (indy = 0; indy < textures_held; indy++) { string curr_tex = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, indy); // we have a simple scheme for putting textures on the updater. // we have an inside, an outside and the ends. if (is_prefix(curr_tex, "~~s0")) { llSetTexture(curr_tex, ALL_SIDES); } else if (is_prefix(curr_tex, "~~s1")) { llSetTexture(curr_tex, 1); } else if (is_prefix(curr_tex, "~~s2")) { llSetTexture(curr_tex, 0); llSetTexture(curr_tex, 3); } } // re-assert our texture animation also. llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | LOOP | SMOOTH | ROTATE, ALL_SIDES, 0, 0, 0, TWO_PI, 1.0 / 36.0); } // set up the update server object. initialize_root() { // set up our particular "look". reset_all_effects(); // shut down any competing scripts in this object. // we try to swat any other script that's been added before we let them do weird // stuff. for example, a pet script might start acting like one. this // function is not guaranteed to run before that bad stuff can happen, // and that's maybe the one major issue with this approach. as long as // the contained scripts aren't evil (like if they jump someplace else // as soon as they start), then there shouldn't be any serious problems. knock_down_other_scripts(); // reset our variables. active_update_channels = []; active_listen_ids = []; active_clients = []; active_timestamps = []; scripts_available = []; objects_available = []; dealing_with_change = FALSE; // not handling any inventory changes. // make sure we know about any scripts that have new dependencies. load_script_deps(); // clean out any older versions of the scripts before we make our // inventory. destroy_older_versions(); // now accumulate the list of scripts in our inventory. integer items_held = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SCRIPT); integer indy; for (indy = 0; indy < items_held; indy++) { string curr_script = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, indy); // we don't provide our own script for updating; it must be kept from // floating around, like into other objects that are not updaters. //// if (curr_script != llGetScriptName()) scripts_available += curr_script; } items_held = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT); for (indy = 0; indy < items_held; indy++) { objects_available += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, indy); //log_it("added obj: " + llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, indy)); } items_held = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD); for (indy = 0; indy < items_held; indy++) { objects_available += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, indy); //log_it("added note: " + llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, indy)); } // listen to the owner. llListen(USER_COMMAND_CHANNEL, "", llGetOwner(), ""); // listen for any requests from our loyal clients. inventory_request_channel = random_channel(); llListen(inventory_request_channel, "", NULL_KEY, ""); // listen for older clients too. llListen(OLD_REQUEST_INVENTORY_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, ""); // set up the periodic announcements. llSetTimerEvent(ANNOUNCEMENT_PERIOD); } handle_timer() { if (dealing_with_change) { dealing_with_change = FALSE; state rerun; // zoom back to the starting point. } integer indy; integer timecheck = llGetUnixTime(); // use for whole loop. for (indy = llGetListLength(active_timestamps) - 1; indy >= 0; indy--) { integer last_time = llList2Integer(active_timestamps, indy); if (llAbs(last_time - timecheck) > LONGEST_SLACK_PER_CLIENT) { // we need to clear out this item. we know we can whack the client // at the same index and that will take care of this slacker. key curr_key = llList2Key(active_clients, indy); log_it("timed-out client: " + llKey2Name(curr_key) + " [" + (string)curr_key + "]"); remove_client(curr_key); } } // let the objects nearby know that we are open for business by // announcing the script inventory. announce_presence(); } // turns a list into a nicely formatted string. string dump_list(list to_show, integer initial_line_break, integer entries_per_line) { string msg; integer indy; for (indy = 0; indy < llGetListLength(to_show); indy++) { // we break every Nth entry, but not if it's the first line and // they said to not have the initial line break. if ( !(indy % entries_per_line) && (indy || initial_line_break) ) msg += "\n"; string cursc = llList2String(to_show, indy); msg += cursc; // add commas where needed. if (indy < llGetListLength(to_show) - 1) msg += ", "; } return msg; } // similar to dump_keyed_list, but only shows the names, each on their own line. string dump_names_for_keys(list to_show) { string msg; integer indy; for (indy = 0; indy < llGetListLength(to_show); indy++) { // we only line break after the first entry. if (indy > 0) msg += "\n"; string keystr = llList2String(to_show, indy); msg += llKey2Name(keystr); } return msg; } // similar to dump_list string dump_keyed_list(list to_show, integer initial_line_break, integer entries_per_line) { string msg; integer indy; for (indy = 0; indy < llGetListLength(to_show); indy++) { // we break every Nth entry, but not if it's the first line and // they said to not have the initial line break. if ( !(indy % entries_per_line) && (indy || initial_line_break) ) msg += "\n"; string keystr = llList2String(to_show, indy); msg += llKey2Name(keystr) + " (" + keystr + ")"; // add commas where needed. if (indy < llGetListLength(to_show) - 1) msg += ", "; } return msg; } // shows the list specified in a compact manner. show_list(string title, list to_show) { string to_say = title + dump_list(to_show, TRUE, ENTRIES_PER_LINE); // flush some memory. title = ""; to_show = []; integer indy; // say the output in pieces to avoid over-clogging chat. for (indy = 0; indy < llStringLength(to_say); indy += MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT) { integer last_indy = indy + MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT - 1; string addition; if (last_indy < llStringLength(to_say)) addition = CONTINUANCE_MARKER; llWhisper(0, llGetSubString(to_say, indy, last_indy) + addition); } } // stops all the scripts besides this one. knock_down_other_scripts() { // set all scripts but this to not be running. integer indy; string self_script = llGetScriptName(); list split = compute_basename_and_version(self_script); string self_base = llList2String(split, 0); self_script = ""; split = []; // free memory. integer count = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SCRIPT); // we set all other scripts that are not versions of this script to not be running. for (indy = 0; indy < count; indy++) { string curr_script = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, indy); if (!is_prefix(curr_script, self_base) && !is_prefix(curr_script, UPDATER_BASE_NAME) ) { llSetScriptState(curr_script, FALSE); } } } // set a text label on the updater with the list of clients. set_our_label() { string label = ""; if (llGetListLength(active_clients) > 0) label = "[updating]\n"; llSetText(label + dump_names_for_keys(active_clients), <0.8, 0.95, 0.92>, 1.0); } // clean out a client that we should be done with. remove_client(key id) { // locate said client of deceased nature... integer indy = find_in_list(active_clients, id); if (indy < 0) { // if (DEBUGGING) log_it("failure to find client to remove: " + (string)id); return; } active_clients = llDeleteSubList(active_clients, indy, indy); // also clean out the channel and stop listening to it. integer act_chan = llList2Integer(active_update_channels, indy); active_update_channels = llDeleteSubList(active_update_channels, indy, indy); integer listen_to_remove = llList2Integer(active_listen_ids, indy); //log_it("remove listen " + (string)listen_to_remove + " on chan " + (string)act_chan); llListenRemove(listen_to_remove); active_listen_ids = llDeleteSubList(active_listen_ids, indy, indy); active_timestamps = llDeleteSubList(active_timestamps, indy, indy); set_our_label(); } // fix a partial match to a script name if we can't find the exact item. string backpatch_script_name(string partial) { if (llGetInventoryType(partial) == INVENTORY_SCRIPT) return partial; // all set. integer dep_indy; for (dep_indy = 0; dep_indy < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SCRIPT); dep_indy++) { string curr_name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, dep_indy); if (is_prefix(curr_name, partial)) { // log_it("found real name " + curr_name + " for part: " + partial); return curr_name; } } // log_it("no matches for partial script name!"); return ""; // no matches! } // moves the upgrade process with "id" along to the next step given the request in // the message. propel_upgrade_process(integer channel, key id, string message) { if (DEBUGGING) log_it("got upgrade note from " + (string)id + " with msg=" + message); if (message == REQUEST_SCRIPT_UPDATE) { // begins the update process with the client. llSay(channel, SHUT_THEM_DOWN); } else if (is_prefix(message, READY_TO_UPDATE)) { // whack the prefix so we can get the list they want. message = llDeleteSubString(message, 0, llStringLength(READY_TO_UPDATE) - 1); list requests = llParseString2List(message, [UPDATER_PARM_SEPARATOR], []); message = ""; // send over the scripts the client asked for, since it seems to be ready for them. if (llGetListLength(requests)) { show_list("updating " + llKey2Name(id) + " (key " + (string)id + ") with", requests); integer indy; for (indy = 0; indy < llGetListLength(requests); indy++) { string curr = llList2String(requests, indy); if (find_in_list(objects_available, curr) >= 0) { //log_it("handing object over: " + curr); // it's an object, so treat it that way. llGiveInventory(id, curr); } else { //log_it("handing script over: " + curr); // assume it's a script, and use script pin to stuff it. curr = backpatch_script_name(curr); if (curr != "") { // integer starting_state = FALSE; // second life was okay with scripts being plugged in unstarted. opensim is not. // and second life appears to be unhappy with scripts plugged in as started. so we // have an impasse. // this should be: true for opensim, and false for second life. integer starting_state = IS_OPENSIM; // if (DEBUGGING) log_it("installing script using updater pin."); llRemoteLoadScriptPin(id, curr, UPDATER_SCRIPT_PIN, starting_state, 0); } } } } } else if (message == SCRIPTS_ARE_CURRENT) { // the client thinks it's ready to get back up and running. //log_it("heard client is ready!"); llSay(channel, START_THEM_UP); // kludge for older clients (pre 10.4 version) to try to help them start up. //old and not useful. llSleep(0.2); llSay(channel, START_THEM_UP); llSleep(0.2); llSay(channel, START_THEM_UP); remove_client(id); } else if (message == DONE_UPDATING) { // this client has nothing to do for now. //log_it("heard client is done: " + (string)id); remove_client(id); } else { //log_it("weird note from client: " + message); return; // not used. } } // blasts out the inventory list to a curious client. spew_inventory_list(integer channel, string message, key id) { if (!is_prefix(message, REQUEST_INVENTORY_PREFIX)) { // this is an old style update alert that we still use at startup of the client // to ensure that finishing replacement of the updater script is never unnoticed. if (is_prefix(message, DONE_UPDATING)) { // if (DEBUGGING) log_it("found very special message from startup of updater."); propel_upgrade_process(channel, id, message); } // argh, this is not the right kind of message on our channel. return; } string chan_str = llDeleteSubString(message, 0, llStringLength(REQUEST_INVENTORY_PREFIX) - 1); integer new_update_channel = (integer)chan_str; if (llGetListLength(active_clients) >= MAXIMUM_ACTIVE_CLIENTS) { // got to tell them "not right now". we'll pretend we have no // scripts; they'll know what we mean if the update client is // recent enough. really old clients will just go to sleep until later. if (DEBUGGING) log_it("having to disallow new client '" + llKey2Name(id) + "', too many now."); llSay(new_update_channel, REPORT_AVAILABLE_SCRIPTS + BUSY_BUSY); return; } // looks like we're going to try to handle the request for them. if (DEBUGGING) log_it("server heard update req on chan " + (string)channel + " from: " + llKey2Name(id)); //log_it("add client convo chan " + (string)new_update_channel); integer existing_indy = find_in_list(active_clients, id); if (existing_indy < 0) { active_clients += id; active_update_channels += new_update_channel; integer new_listen_id = llListen(new_update_channel, "", id, ""); //log_it("add listen " + (string)new_listen_id + " on chan " + (string)new_update_channel); active_listen_ids += new_listen_id; active_timestamps += llGetUnixTime(); set_our_label(); } else { // if (DEBUGGING) log_it("same client came back before finishing previous upgrade, rolling with it."); // delete old listener so we don't leave it dangling. integer old_listen_id = llList2Integer(active_listen_ids, existing_indy); //log_it("remove old listen " + (string)old_listen_id); llListenRemove(old_listen_id); // update the channel and listener id for the new registration. active_update_channels = chop_list(active_update_channels, 0, existing_indy - 1) + [ new_update_channel ] + chop_list(active_update_channels, existing_indy + 1, llGetListLength(active_update_channels) - 1); integer new_listen_id = llListen(new_update_channel, "", id, ""); //log_it("add new listen " + (string)new_listen_id); active_listen_ids = chop_list(active_listen_ids, 0, existing_indy - 1) + [ new_listen_id ] + chop_list(active_listen_ids, existing_indy + 1, llGetListLength(active_listen_ids) - 1); active_timestamps = chop_list(active_timestamps, 0, existing_indy - 1) + [ new_listen_id ] + chop_list(active_timestamps, existing_indy + 1, llGetListLength(active_timestamps) - 1); } // our report name is always called available scripts, but it can actually have // script dependency definitions, script names and object names. string msg = REPORT_AVAILABLE_SCRIPTS; string curr; // temp. // add in the huff updater, since that's the most crucial that they know we have. integer posn; string UPDATE_CLIENT_SCRIPT = "huff-update client"; for (posn = 0; posn < llGetListLength(scripts_available); posn++) { curr = llList2String(scripts_available, posn); if (llDeleteSubString(curr, llStringLength(UPDATE_CLIENT_SCRIPT), -1) == UPDATE_CLIENT_SCRIPT) { //log_it("found " + curr); msg += curr + UPDATER_PARM_SEPARATOR; posn = 99999; // jump out. } if (DEBUGGING && (posn == llGetListLength(scripts_available) - 1) ) { log_it("epic fail, found no updater client script."); } } // speak about the dependencies that we know. for (posn = 0; posn < llGetListLength(known_script_dependencies); posn++) { msg += SCRIPT_DEPENDENCY_MARK + llList2String(known_script_dependencies, posn) + UPDATER_PARM_SEPARATOR; if (llStringLength(msg) > MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT - 50) { llSay(new_update_channel, msg + CONTINUANCE_MARKER); //log_it(msg + CONTINUANCE_MARKER); llSleep(SCRIPT_LIST_PAUSE_INTERVAL); msg = REPORT_AVAILABLE_SCRIPTS; } } // tell this new client what scripts we have. for (posn = 0; posn < llGetListLength(scripts_available); posn++) { curr = llList2String(scripts_available, posn); if (llDeleteSubString(curr, llStringLength(UPDATE_CLIENT_SCRIPT), -1) != UPDATE_CLIENT_SCRIPT) { // add in the next item, along with the parameter separator. msg += curr + UPDATER_PARM_SEPARATOR; //log_it("adding " + curr); if (llStringLength(msg) > MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT - 50) { llSay(new_update_channel, msg + CONTINUANCE_MARKER); //log_it(msg + CONTINUANCE_MARKER); if (channel == OLD_REQUEST_INVENTORY_CHANNEL) { // stop sending the list to them since they may not know how // to interpret a multiple part update list. return; } llSleep(SCRIPT_LIST_PAUSE_INTERVAL); msg = REPORT_AVAILABLE_SCRIPTS; } } } // mention any objects that are available. for (posn = 0; posn < llGetListLength(objects_available); posn++) { // add in the next item, along with the parameter separator. msg += llList2String(objects_available, posn) + UPDATER_PARM_SEPARATOR; if (llStringLength(msg) > MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT - 50) { llSay(new_update_channel, msg + CONTINUANCE_MARKER); //log_it(msg + CONTINUANCE_MARKER); llSleep(SCRIPT_LIST_PAUSE_INTERVAL); msg = REPORT_AVAILABLE_SCRIPTS; } } // say final bit, even if it's mostly blank. we need to let them know // that we're done and not adding that continuation flag string. llSay(new_update_channel, msg); } // handles verbal commands from objects that want updates. process_verbal_requests(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if ( (channel == OLD_REQUEST_INVENTORY_CHANNEL) || (channel == inventory_request_channel) ) { spew_inventory_list(channel, message, id); return; } else if (channel == USER_COMMAND_CHANNEL) { if (DEBUGGING) log_it("heard orders: " + message); // simple verbal commands. if (message == RESTART_UPDATER_COMMAND) { log_it("Restarting now."); llResetScript(); } else if (message == SHOW_SCRIPTS_COMMAND) { show_scripts(); } else if (message == SHUTDOWN_COMMAND) { // we will de-rez now (i.e., die) if we are not one of the special names that is undying. if (!matches_substring(llGetObjectName(), "keeper")) { // log_it("server " + (string)inventory_request_channel + " now disintegrating."); squonk(1); llDie(); } } return; } integer indy; // see if the channel is for one of our valid updates that's in progress. for (indy = 0; indy < llGetListLength(active_update_channels); indy++) { integer cur_chan = llList2Integer(active_update_channels, indy); if (cur_chan == channel) { // yes, this is really for that guy. propel_upgrade_process(channel, id, message); return; } } } ////////////// // from hufflets... integer debug_num = 0; // a debugging output method. can be disabled entirely in one place. log_it(string to_say) { debug_num++; // tell this to the owner. // llOwnerSay(llGetDate() + ": " + llGetScriptName() + "[" + (string)debug_num + "] " + to_say); llWhisper(0, llGetDate() + ": " + llGetScriptName() + "[" + (string)debug_num + "] " + to_say); // say this on an unusual channel for chat if it's not intended for general public. // llSay(108, llGetDate() + ": " + llGetScriptName() + "[" + (string)debug_num + "] " + to_say); // say this on open chat that anyone can hear. we take off the bling for this one. // llSay(0, to_say); } // returns TRUE if the "pattern" is found in the "full_string". integer matches_substring(string full_string, string pattern) { return (find_substring(full_string, pattern) >= 0); } // returns the index of the first occurrence of "pattern" inside // the "full_string". if it is not found, then a negative number is returned. integer find_substring(string full_string, string pattern) { return llSubStringIndex(llToLower(full_string), llToLower(pattern)); } // returns TRUE if the "prefix" string is the first part of "compare_with". integer is_prefix(string compare_with, string prefix) { return find_substring(compare_with, prefix) == 0; } // joins a list of parameters using the parameter sentinel for the library. string wrap_parameters(list to_flatten) { return llDumpList2String(to_flatten, UPDATER_PARM_SEPARATOR); } // locates the string "text" in the list to "search_in". integer find_in_list(list search_in, string text) { integer len = llGetListLength(search_in); integer i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (llList2String(search_in, i) == text) return i; } return -1; } // returns the portion of the list between start and end, but only if they are // valid compared with the list length. an attempt to use negative start or // end values also returns a blank list. list chop_list(list to_chop, integer start, integer end) { integer last_len = llGetListLength(to_chop) - 1; if ( (start < 0) || (end < 0) || (start > last_len) || (end > last_len) ) return []; return llList2List(to_chop, start, end); } // a random channel for the first interaction with the client. integer random_channel() { return -(integer)(llFrand(800000) + 20000); } // note that this new, lower memory version, depends on the inventory functions returning // items in alphabetical order. scrub_items_by_type(string this_guy, integer inventory_type) { list removal_list; integer outer; for (outer = 0; outer < llGetInventoryNumber(inventory_type); outer++) { string curr = llGetInventoryName(inventory_type, outer); list split = compute_basename_and_version(curr); // make sure there was a comparable version number in this name. if ( (curr != this_guy) && llGetListLength(split)) { string curr_base = llList2String(split, 0); float curr_ver = (float)llList2String(split, 1); //log_it("outer: " + curr_base + " / " + (string)curr_ver); integer inner; for (inner = outer + 1; inner < llGetInventoryNumber(inventory_type); inner++) { string next_guy = llGetInventoryName(inventory_type, inner); list comp_split = compute_basename_and_version(next_guy); if (llGetListLength(comp_split)) { string comp_base = llList2String(comp_split, 0); float comp_ver = (float)llList2String(comp_split, 1); // okay, now we can actually compare. if (curr_base != comp_base) { // break out of inner loop. we are past where the names can matter. inner = 2 * llGetInventoryNumber(inventory_type); } else { //log_it("inner: " + comp_base + " / " + (string)comp_ver); if (curr_ver <= comp_ver) { // the script at inner index is comparable or better than // the script at the outer index. removal_list += curr; } else { // this inner script must be inferior to the outer one, // somehow, which defies our expectation of alphabetical ordering. removal_list += next_guy; } } } } } } // now actually do the deletions. for (outer = 0; outer < llGetListLength(removal_list); outer++) { string to_whack = llList2String(removal_list, outer); log_it("removing older asset: " + to_whack); llRemoveInventory(to_whack); } if (IS_OPENSIM && (llGetListLength(removal_list) > 0) ) { log_it("now restarting to avoid opensim late updating change event."); llResetScript(); } } // ensures that only the latest version of any script or object is kept in our inventory. destroy_older_versions() { // firstly, iterate across scripts to clean out older versions. scrub_items_by_type(llGetScriptName(), INVENTORY_SCRIPT); // secondly, try to clean out the objects. scrub_items_by_type(llGetScriptName(), INVENTORY_OBJECT); // thirdly, try to clean out the notecards. scrub_items_by_type(llGetScriptName(), INVENTORY_NOTECARD); } ////////////// // huffware script: auto-retire, by fred huffhines, version 2.4. // distributed under BSD-like license. // partly based on the self-upgrading scripts from markov brodsky and jippen faddoul. // the function auto_retire() should be added *inside* a version numbered script that // you wish to give the capability of self-upgrading. // this script supports a notation for versions embedded in script names where a 'v' // is followed by a number in the form "major.minor", e.g. "grunkle script by ted v8.2". // when the containing script is dropped into an object with a different version, the // most recent version eats any existing ones. // keep in mind that this code must be *copied* into your script you wish to add // auto-retirement capability to. // example usage of the auto-retirement script: // default { // state_entry() { // auto_retire(); // make sure newest addition is only version of script. // } // } auto_retire() { string self = llGetScriptName(); // the name of this script. list split = compute_basename_and_version(self); if (llGetListLength(split) != 2) return; // nothing to do for this script. string basename = llList2String(split, 0); // script name with no version attached. string version_string = llList2String(split, 1); // the version found. integer posn; // find any scripts that match the basename. they are variants of this script. for (posn = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SCRIPT) - 1; posn >= 0; posn--) { string curr_script = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, posn); if ( (curr_script != self) && (llSubStringIndex(curr_script, basename) == 0) ) { // found a basic match at least. list inv_split = compute_basename_and_version(curr_script); if (llGetListLength(inv_split) == 2) { // see if this script is more ancient. string inv_version_string = llList2String(inv_split, 1); // the version found. // must make sure that the retiring script is completely the identical basename; // just matching in the front doesn't make it a relative. if ( (llList2String(inv_split, 0) == basename) && ((float)inv_version_string < (float)version_string) ) { // remove script with same name from inventory that has inferior version. llRemoveInventory(curr_script); } } } } } // // separates the base script name and version number. used by auto_retire. list compute_basename_and_version(string to_chop_up) { // minimum script name is 2 characters plus a version. integer space_v_posn; // find the last useful space and 'v' combo. for (space_v_posn = llStringLength(to_chop_up) - 3; (space_v_posn >= 2) && (llGetSubString(to_chop_up, space_v_posn, space_v_posn + 1) != " v"); space_v_posn--) { // look for space and v but do nothing else. } if (space_v_posn < 2) return []; // no space found. // now we zoom through the stuff after our beloved v character and find any evil // space characters, which are most likely from SL having found a duplicate item // name and not so helpfully renamed it for us. integer indy; for (indy = llStringLength(to_chop_up) - 1; indy > space_v_posn; indy--) { if (llGetSubString(to_chop_up, indy, indy) == " ") { // found one; zap it. since we're going backwards we don't need to // adjust the loop at all. to_chop_up = llDeleteSubString(to_chop_up, indy, indy); } } string full_suffix = llGetSubString(to_chop_up, space_v_posn, -1); // ditch the space character for our numerical check. string chop_suffix = llGetSubString(full_suffix, 1, llStringLength(full_suffix) - 1); // strip out a 'v' if there is one. if (llGetSubString(chop_suffix, 0, 0) == "v") chop_suffix = llGetSubString(chop_suffix, 1, llStringLength(chop_suffix) - 1); // if valid floating point number and greater than zero, that works for our version. string basename = to_chop_up; // script name with no version attached. if ((float)chop_suffix > 0.0) { // this is a big success right here. basename = llGetSubString(to_chop_up, 0, -llStringLength(full_suffix) - 1); return [ basename, chop_suffix ]; } // seems like we found nothing useful. return []; } // ////////////// // end hufflets. ////////////// default { state_entry() { auto_retire(); initialize_root(); // get set up to start answering requests. llWhisper(0, llGetScriptName() + " started... touch for more info."); squonk(0); } state_exit() { llSetTimerEvent(0); } on_rez(integer parm) { state rerun; } timer() { handle_timer(); } touch_start(integer count) { show_status(llDetectedKey(0)); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { // make sure that the object is something we should even talk to. if (llGetOwnerKey(id) != llGetOwner()) { return; } // looks okay, let's see if this is useful communication. process_verbal_requests(channel, name, id, message); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { log_it("inventory changed, scheduled a restart."); // sleep a little bit; otherwise we get SL noise about scripts not being // there when it told us they were there. this can lead to some scripts // doing bizarre things if they are running when added. dealing_with_change = TRUE; llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // kludge to get around second life bug. llSetTimerEvent(CHANGED_INVENTORY_SNOOZER); } } } state rerun { state_entry() { state default; } }