solution to mesh problem in Fallout New Vegas for New Vegas Bounties Mod #1 This is under wine using playonlinux, but it probably applies to any wine setup for Fallout New Vegas when you start modding. The problem was that the meshes directory had two versions, one called "meshes" and one called "Meshes". Some mods had put resources into one directory, and some into the other. bounties and fallout flora thingy were the only ones that failed, probably because they had the files listed under one spelling in their archive but in another spelling in the config file. for bounties, the new vegas bounties folder was definitely under Meshes. after i made meshes be just a link to Meshes, the whole problem disappeared and the missing meshes came back, like for ferguson rifle. but this is only part of the problem, since there can be two textures directories also (textures and Textures), and mods can list those inaccurately also. so, also moved all the files out of "textures" into real Textures folder, in corresponding directory locations!, and then made "textures" a link to "Textures". rsync hoses this up if you tell it to rsync a mod into the Data folder; it crushes the link and replaces it with a real directory. maybe a hard link would work better? ==> nope, can't make a hard link that's a directory. thought that would be possible, but it's not on ubuntu linux at least. aha, this problem can also be found at lower levels, under the Textures and Meshes folders: seeing folders like 'clutter' and such in both caps forms, so you may have to examine the next level of folder names also to make sure there are no other screw-ups.