# This is an example "version.ini" file for a library or application. # Using this file and the "main_ver.ini" (see "proto_main_ver.ini" for more # information), the version support creates the version record in a resource # file and outputs the header for version checking (libraries only). [version] ; currently, the only section name used is "version". description=Gurp Library: assorted multi-purpose frotzing components ; longish text summary of the library's purpose. name=Gurp_Library ; the name that the library goes by. how it thinks of itself. root=gurp ; the root name for the project's dll or exe file. don't include the ; extension; that's specified below. extension=dll ; type of file created by the project. the default is "dll", which indicates ; that a version checking header should be created (called "version.h"). ; the other option is "exe", which doesn't bother with the version header. assembly=c# ;assembly=cpp ; specifies that the version stamper should also generate an assembly ; info file for the project. the two types are c# and cpp for the c# ; and managed c++ languages.