POST_AUTHORIZATION_JUMP()] = $url; } /** * retrieves any post authorization url that was registered. * this destroys the item in the session also, so it is available for a single use. */ public function getPostAuthorizationURL() { if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { Log::debug('starting session for get post auth url'); session_start(); } if (isset ( $_SESSION [$this->POST_AUTHORIZATION_JUMP()] ) && $_SESSION [$this->POST_AUTHORIZATION_JUMP()]) { $url = $_SESSION [$this->POST_AUTHORIZATION_JUMP()]; Log::debug('loaded url for post auth as: ' . $url); unset($_SESSION[$this->POST_AUTHORIZATION_JUMP()]); return $url; } else { Log::debug('could not find post authorization url in session!'); return null; } } /** * before we can request oauth authorization, we need to know the scopes that will be used * by our application. this allows them to be set in the session, where scopes should be an * array of valid scope names (defined by the google oauth API). */ public function setRequestedScopes($scopes) { if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { Log::debug('starting session for set req scopes'); session_start(); } $_SESSION [$this->OAUTH_SCOPES_REQUESTED()] = $scopes; } /** * gets the array of scopes out of the session for use by the next oauth call. * this will NOT destroy the scopes; that must be done manually with dropRequestedScopes * below, since we need this session item multiple times. */ public function getRequestedScopes() { if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { Log::debug('starting session for get req scopes'); session_start(); } if (isset ( $_SESSION [$this->OAUTH_SCOPES_REQUESTED()] ) && $_SESSION [$this->OAUTH_SCOPES_REQUESTED()]) { $scopes = $_SESSION [$this->OAUTH_SCOPES_REQUESTED()]; return $scopes; } else { return null; } } /** * throws the requested scopes out of the session. */ public function dropRequestedScopes() { if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { Log::debug('starting session for drop req scopes'); session_start(); } unset($_SESSION[$this->OAUTH_SCOPES_REQUESTED()]); } /** * saves the result of oauth authorization, an access token, into the session. */ public function setLastOAuthToken($token) { if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { Log::debug('starting session for set last oauth token'); session_start(); } $_SESSION [$this->STORED_OAUTH_TOKEN()] = $token; } /** * retrieves the last stored oauth token. this destroys the item in the session * afterwards, so you get one chance for retrieval of the token. */ public function getLastOAuthToken() { if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { Log::debug('starting session for set last oauth token'); session_start(); } if (isset ( $_SESSION [$this->STORED_OAUTH_TOKEN()] ) && $_SESSION [$this->STORED_OAUTH_TOKEN()]) { $token = $_SESSION [$this->STORED_OAUTH_TOKEN()]; unset($_SESSION[$this->STORED_OAUTH_TOKEN()]); return $token; } else { return null; } } /** * sets up and configures the Google client object using a 'client_secret.json' file * stored in the config directory. A scope name or an array of scopes should be passed * in the "scopes" parameter. if the "redirectUri" parameter is not null, then this is set * as the singular redirection URI (which is needed if the client secret has several redirect * URIs listed). */ public function createGoogleClient($scopes, $redirectUri = null) { $client = new Google_Client (); // see for info on creating the secret. $client->setAuthConfig ( 'config/client_secret.json' ); // use the redirect link if they gave us one. if ($redirectUri) { $client->setRedirectUri ( $redirectUri ); } // register for offline access, so we don't need user to be logged in. $client->setAccessType ( "offline" ); // enable incremental authorization. $client->setIncludeGrantedScopes ( true ); // add the scope(s) we're interested in here. $client->addScope ( $scopes ); return $client; } /** * *deprecated* creates a google client configured by discrete parameters. * * note: does not free one to use just any redirect url for login; that's set at credential creation time. */ public function createGoogleClientUsingParameters($clientId, $clientSecret, $applicationName, $redirectUri, $scopes) { $client = new Google_Client (); // see for info on creating the secret. $client->setClientId ( $clientId ); $client->setClientSecret ( $clientSecret ); $client->setApplicationName ( $applicationName ); $client->setRedirectUri ( $redirectUri ); // register for offline access, so we don't need user to be logged in. $client->setAccessType ( "offline" ); // enable incremental authorization. $client->setIncludeGrantedScopes ( true ); // add the scope we're interested in here. $client->addScope ( $scopes); return $client; } /** * checks whether the google client object's token is still valid. if not, the token is refreshed. * this will only work with tokens that were originally requested for offline access and that possess * the refresh token. * if the refresh was done, the newly revitalized token is returned and must be stored. * if the token is already okay, then null is returned (which avoids tricky comparisons to * determine if an update happened). */ public function freshenTokenInClient($client) { if (! $client->isAccessTokenExpired ()) { // no refresh needed. return null; } // currently assuming the new access token also contains the old refresh token. // this has been borne out by results from google. Log::debug ( 'noticed that the access token has expired!' ); // retrieve a new access token using our refresh token. $refresher = $client->getRefreshToken (); $client->fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken ( $refresher ); $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken (); //bad! do not show this in real app. //Log::debug ( 'got a new access token after refresh: ' . var_export ( $accessToken, true ) ); // return the new and tasty token. return $accessToken; } /** * throws out the specified access token, which means that the app will have to reauthorize * to get another token. */ public function revokeToken($token) { $client = new Google_Client (); // apparently the client needs very little setup to perform this if we have the whole token? $client->revokeToken ( $token ); } } /* * hmmm: still need a method for doing additive authorizations, where we request new scopes and * have them bundled onto our existing access token. would need to store the token afterwards also. */