layout = false; if (!Configure::read('debug')): throw new NotFoundException('Please replace src/Template/Pages/home.ctp with your own version.'); endif; $cakeDescription = 'Maps Demo - showing what we can do to google maps'; ?> Html->charset() ?> <?= $cakeDescription ?> Html->meta('icon') ?> Html->css('base.css') ?> Html->css('cake.css') ?> Html->css('home.css') ?>
Html->image('/img/charlottesville_minimap.png') ?>

Maps are not the territory.

Based on CakePHP Red Velvet.

Please be aware that this page will not be shown if you turn off debug mode unless you replace src/Template/Pages/home.ctp with your own version.




connect(); } catch (Exception $connectionError) { $connected = false; $errorMsg = $connectionError->getMessage(); if (method_exists($connectionError, 'getAttributes')): $attributes = $connectionError->getAttributes(); if (isset($errorMsg['message'])): $errorMsg .= '
' . $attributes['message']; endif; endif; } ?>


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Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to flexibility.


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