#!/usr/bin/perl # # A simple counter program which maintains counts for # all files in a single counts file. Some systems may # not allow "." files to be created, so you should # rename the count file. # # # # get name of accessed document # $doc = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_URI'}; $host= $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}; $path= $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}; $server= $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}; # # open counts file for read & write # get an exclusive lock on it # open(COUNTS, "+< /usr/lib/cgi-bin/hit_counts") || die("error: can't open hit_counts.\n"); flock(COUNTS, 2); # will wait for lock # # read counts database into associative array # while () { chop; ($count, $file) = split(/:/, $_); $counts{$file} = $count; } # strip off silly www hostname bits. if ($server =~ /^www\./) { $server =~ s/^www\.//; } # translate some domains into other domains to avoid maintaining multiple # hit count lists for the same sites that have different names. if ($server =~ /^gruntose\.org/) { $server =~ s/^gruntose\.org/gruntose.com/; } if ($server =~ /^gruntose\.net/) { $server =~ s/^gruntose\.net/gruntose.com/; } if ($server =~ /^cromp\.net/) { $server =~ s/^cromp\.net/cromp.org/; } if ($server =~ /^hoople\.net/) { $server =~ s/^hoople\.net/hoople.org/; } # # increment count of hit document, but not if I'm the # one accessing it. # #we could do without that line probably. # # increment count for this file # $counts{$server.$doc}++; # # rewrite count file # put file marker back at beginning # seek(COUNTS, 0, 0); foreach $file (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %counts) { print COUNTS $counts{$file}, ":", $file, "\n"; } close(COUNTS); # # print count string to STDOUT # print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; print $counts{$server.$doc};