# common aliases for feisty_meow are located here. # most should work in any bash environment. alias aliases=alias #alias arch='if [ -f /bin/arch ]; then /bin/arch; else uname -m; fi' alias cd..='\cd ..' alias cd...='\cd ../..' alias cd....='\cd ../../..' alias cd.....='\cd ../../../..' alias copy='\cp -i -v ' alias cp='\cp -i -v ' alias cvs='perl $SHELLDIR/rev_control/cvs_fix.pl' alias del='perl $SHELLDIR/files/safedel.pl' alias deltree='perl $SHELLDIR/files/safedel.pl' alias df='\df -m' alias dir='perl $SHELLDIR/files/summing_dir.pl' alias du='\du -h' alias dvd_rip='vobcopy -m' alias erase='perl $SHELLDIR/files/safedel.pl' alias l='\ls -FC $color_add' alias ls='\ls -FC $color_add' alias lsd='ls -l' alias md='mkdir' alias mo='less' alias more='less' alias move='mv -i -v ' alias mplayer='\mplayer -ao arts' alias mv='\mv -i -v ' alias np='gvim' alias path='echo $PATH' alias play='bash $SHELLDIR/multimedia/sound_play.sh' alias rmdir='perl $SHELLDIR/files/zapdirs.pl' alias rd='perl $SHELLDIR/files/zapdirs.pl' #regen-- this might be better as a function. alias regenerate='bash $SHELLDIR/core/bootstrap_shells.sh ; perl $SHELLDIR/core/generate_aliases.pl ; echo ; nechung' alias reroot='chown -R root:root /root' alias rm='perl $SHELLDIR/files/safedel.pl' alias ren='\mv -v -i ' alias up='cd ..' alias whence=which alias xterm='xterm $myxtermflags' alias xtroff='xtroff $myxflags' #hmmm: move these to the custom area? # Standard CAK aliases that add to or extend Unix commands. alias bye='. $SHELLDIR/core/goodbye.sh' alias calc='kcalc' alias cls='clear_colormap; clear' if [ "$OS" != "Windows_NT" ]; then if [ -n "$IS_DARWIN" ]; then # case for mac os x. alias exp='open' elif [ ! -z "$(which nautilus)" ]; then alias exp='nautilus' else #check if konqueror exists also? fall back to uhhh midnight cmdr? alias exp='konqueror' fi else alias explorer="bash $SHELLDIR/winders/exploder.sh" alias exp="bash $SHELLDIR/winders/exploder.sh" fi alias pwd="/bin/pwd|sed -e 's/^\/home\/$USER/~/'" alias notepad='gedit' if [ "$OS" = "Windows_NT" ]; then # aliases we only use on the winders side. alias vi='gvim' fi alias whereami='echo whoa dude, try not to think about it...' alias why='echo just because.' # call the generated aliases file, if it exists. if [ -f "$GENERADIR/p_alias.sh" ]; then if [ ! -z "$SHELL_DEBUG" ]; then echo launching generated aliases.; fi source $GENERADIR/p_alias.sh if [ ! -z "$SHELL_DEBUG" ]; then echo done with generated aliases.; fi fi # remove the fredization macro if it was defined, helping to avoid running # the shell scripts twice for users like root that don't always load this # stuff. unalias fredme >/dev/null 2>&1