X-Git-Url: https://feistymeow.org/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=infobase%2Ffortunes.dat;h=02011d7d60c49196fb77d01e4885225dc4db9c68;hb=5d05aedb7a37c567db9bdc7bc61012de9cdf3e1e;hp=850e34eda4cda46f4fc185bff2d6e670e10116f5;hpb=f26516784767e463ae4bf2e9e9e6b8dc12e9e6a4;p=feisty_meow.git diff --git a/infobase/fortunes.dat b/infobase/fortunes.dat index 850e34ed..02011d7d 100644 --- a/infobase/fortunes.dat +++ b/infobase/fortunes.dat @@ -28186,7 +28186,7 @@ But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden. -- Shakyamuni Buddha ~ -You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by it. +You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. -- Shakyamuni Buddha ~ Buddhists take a vow of morality in the context of first taking refuge--in @@ -41729,4 +41729,439 @@ And the Red Queen's off with her head Remember what the dormouse said Feed your head Feed your head - +~ +How can we integrate these teachings into our lives? I think that only +happens when we are faced with challenges and respond to them in a new way, +not according to habitual self-importance. In other words, we respond by +applying the exchange of self and other. When tonglen becomes our familiar +way of being, the entire path unfolds easily in front of us. This difficult +modern age turns out to be the perfect setting for our spiritual practice, +proving far more hospitable to our growth than past eras of idealized calm and +simplicity. When we figure out for ourselves how to apply the wisdom of books +to whatever difficult circumstances arise in life, then that wisdom becomes +part of our mind. We become transformed. My hope for every reader—as well +as for myself—is that we will apply these lojong teachings again and again +until they become part of who we are. + -- Dzigar Kongtrul and Joseph Waxman, in "The Intelligent Heart: A Guide + to the Compassionate Life", published by Shambhala Publications +~ +Siddhis? Cities. + +Honolulu: a relaxed city, like an uncrowded bar where everyone is clean and +rested. + +Los Angeles: a scattered city, like a teenager's sexual curiosity. + +San Francisco: a clean city, like an elegant, genteel Christian graveyard. + +Santa Fe: a picturesque city, like a painter’ s bright, simple palette, +imitating Tibet. + +Boston: a sophisticated city, like London without queens and dukes and falling +bridges. + +New York: a no-more-nothingness city, +where gentle, quiet audiences sit in theaters listening to classical concerts; +where rough, noisy audiences sit in stadiums in pandemonium watching boxing; +where there are clean people with dirty minds; +where there are dirty people with clean minds; +where hundreds of nihilist people reject spiritual teachings; +where hundreds of spiritual teachers reject samsara's teachings; +where poor people sleep underground on low subway platforms; +where rich people sleep aboveground in high skyscraper penthouses; +where many non-practitioners stay for their nightclub retreat to find pleasure; +practitioners leave for their countryside retreat to find pleasure. + - Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, from "A Brief Fantasy History of a Himalayan", + published by Shambhala Publications +~ +As a blind man feels when he finds a pearl in a dustbin, so am I amazed by the +miracle of awakening rising in my consciousness. It is the nectar of +immortality that delivers us from death, the treasure that lifts us above +poverty into the wealth of giving to life, the tree that gives shade to us +when we roam about scorched by life, the bridge that takes us across the +stormy river of life, the cool moon of compassion that calms our mind when it +is agitated, the sun that dispels darkness, the butter made from the milk of +kindness by churning it with the dharma. It is a feast of joy to which all +are invited. + -- from "Teachings of the Buddha", written by Shantideva, edited by Jack + Kornfield, published by Shambhala Publications +~ +Even though we may actually recognize the nature of awareness, we should not +hold on to that mindfulness tightly, thinking, “I have indeed recognized it." +If we do hold on to it tightly, it will be like when a thread is twisted too +taut: one cannot sew with it, because it knots up. In the same way, if one +is too tense, one's mindfulness will be obscured. If mindfulness is not +grasped too tightly but left in the natural flow, sometimes it will be clear +and sometimes not. But we should not get caught up in whether it is clear or +not. If genuine mindfulness is left without being altered, gradually we will +come to know, through our own experience, “This is awareness, and this is +ignorance; this is mind, and this is wisdom.” + -- Dilgo Khyentse, from "Primordial Purity", published by Shambhala + Publications +~ +He says Tibetans are unique because we value the practice of Buddhism. He +gives the example of Tibetan mothers who in the course of a day point +repeatedly toward suffering. They tell their children: don’t kill the ant, +it will suffer; don’t pour hot water on the soil, the earthworm will feel +the sting and the heat will cause it great pain; don’t pull the dog’s tail +so hard. We are told to think for the animals and insects who cannot voice +their pain but for whom suffering is as acute as it is for humans. From a +young age, he says, we are reminded that nobody is free from suffering. I +agree that my Tibetan friends are instinctively more likely to brush away +flies or mosquitoes instead of crushing or swatting them. But why is +compassion so important? What about our land, our independence? Will +compassion free our land? + -- Tsering Wangmo Dhompa, in "Coming Home to Tibet: A Memoir of Love, Loss, +and Belonging", published by Shambhala Publications +~ + At the end of every meditation session, recognize what kind of healing +experience you are feeling. You could be feeling peace, warmth, bliss, +spaciousness, boundlessness, richness, sacredness, or strength. If you have +multiple experiences, it can help to recognize the most prominent one. + The goal is to calmly enjoy the particular experience, resting in +awareness of what you are feeling, without grasping at it or analyzing it or +needing to think about it in words. Just remain one with the experience, in +open awareness, in silence, like water that has merged in water. + Purpose: This meditation is for sowing the seed of experience of the +meditation, not on the rough surface of concepts or afflicting emotions but at +the deeper and calmer level of the open mind. Merging your awareness with the +experience ensures the fruition of the meditation with greatest certainty. +Open awareness helps unite your mind with the result of healing. + This meditation could also lead to, or be, the awareness state of the +enlightened nature itself. + -- by Tulku Thondup, in "Boundless Healing", published by Shambhala Publications +~ + Amazing! + These precious freedoms and endowments are rare as a daytime star; + Even when found, like a candle flame in the wind, + They could vanish in an instant! + Pondering this, most people seem like mad sea captains. + + The root of practice is renunciation. + So if you don’t use the key points of mind training + To till the soil of your mind, hardened toward liberation, + When death comes and you beat your chest with regret, + it will be too late! + + -- Jigme Lingpa, from "Steps to the Great Perfection: The Mind-Training + Tradition of the Dzogchen Masters", published by Shambhala Publications +~ +We don’t have to try to surrender. That sounds too effortful. Then we will +have a surrender competition. There is going to be a spiritual marathon, a +spiritual Olympics, how about that? Indeed, there is a spiritual Olympics. +It is not officially announced. Many people are working really hard trying to +be the best meditator, the best ascetic, the most enlightened. So don’t try +to surrender with your personal will or deliberate effort. It sounds like too +much work, trying to surrender to everything. Instead, go inside. That is +all you need to do sometimes. Go inside and let yourself be in touch with +your heart. You know how to be in touch with your heart. Your heart is +waiting to be recognized. This is why the Tibetan masters often said there +are many forms or levels of meditation. The highest level is what they call +effortless meditation. When they teach how to meditate, especially the +masters from the Nyingma tradition, they always say, "Don’t do anything." +Rest in the present moment. Relax in the natural state of your mind, because +if you can relax, rest in the natural state of your own mind, then you will be +in touch with your own heart, with your original heart, with your innocent +heart, and then surrender is very easy because all of your heart wants it. + -- Anam Thubten, from "Embracing Each Moment: A Guide to the Awakened Life", + published by Shambhala Publications +~ + One day the Dalai Lama went to Ganden accompanied by his security agent +Kumbula. They went in ordinary clothes on ordinary horses and left Lhasa +traveling east. When they got to the ferries they met with an elderly man +heading back home from Lhasa where he had taken a load of wood on a donkey. +The Dalai Lama entered into a conversation with him. "Where are you off to?" +he asked. "I am going back home," the man replied. "I have taken a load of +wood to the Norbulinka to the kitchens there." This was when a new building +called the Chensel Palace was being constructed. New taxes had been +introduced to pay for it and part of the tax was the requisitioning of pack +animals to transport rocks. "He already has some very beautiful palaces but +still he is building a new one. People have to spend a lot of their time +there and use their animals for building this new palace. It is that fellow +Kumbula who decided yet another palace is needed in Norbulinka even though +there are a lot there already. He is not a bad fellow, this Kumbula," the old +man continued, "but he really does load up the ordinary people with his taxes +and requisitions. This fellow Kumbula, he always has to be starting some new +project or other, he is that sort of fellow." Now Kumbula was right there +with the Dalai Lama, and a bit later the old fellow started up again. "This +Kumbula is definitely too quick to start up new projects, if you ask me; but +you know, he is no fool either, and he is loyal to the Dalai Lama. He is +useful to the Dalai Lama, no doubt about that." The gist of his remarks was +that the ordinary man like himself found the taxation burdensome. The Dalai +Lama was very pleased with the conversation. + "Rinpoche," the old man said, thinking the Dalai Lama was just a +distinguished looking older monk, "have some tea with me." They had some tea +and tsampa together and then the old fellow pulled out a bottle of barley beer +and offered it to the Dalai Lama. "I am a monk, I do not drink beer," the +Dalai Lama protested. "Do not be silly," he said, "a lot of the monks are +drinking beer nowadays, go ahead and have a swig." "Is that so?" said the +Dalai Lama. "A lot of the monks nowadays are drinking beer are they?" "Piles +of them," the old fellow replied, "though I am pleased to see that you do not +accept my offer." After the old man had downed his beer with some bread he +was carrying, they set off in the direction of Ganden together, talking as +they went. As they began to approach Ganden, at the place called Dechen, they +caught sight of a large smoke offering and the monks of Ganden lined up to +welcome a special guest. The old fellow said, "They are making a big welcome +up there for someone today, I wonder who is coming." The Dalai Lama said, "I +am not positive, but I suspect it is for me." Then the old fellow began to +suspect that he was there with the Dalai Lama and he thought he had better +make a run for it. As he tried to flee the Dalai Lama caught hold of him and +would not let him go. He took the old man right in through the gates of +Ganden Monastery and told the people there not to let him leave, but to give +him a good meal and something excellent to drink. After he had been well-fed +and looked after, the Dalai Lama sent word to bring him. + The old man was beside himself with fear, thinking he was going to be +given a terrible punishment, but the Dalai Lama treated him as a friend and +told him to sit down, right opposite to where Kumbula was sitting. "Hey, old +fellow," he said, "I must introduce you to Kumbula. This is Kumbula." He was +overcome with embarrassment, but the Dalai Lama said that he should not be. +"You spoke your heart, you spoke what you felt was true and there is no shame +in that. You described faults as faults and good qualities as good qualities. +Some people only complain but you did not do that. Some, again, cover up +faults and say nothing but good and that is not right either. You spoke +honestly and openly, and I am very happy." He gave him fifty white silver +sangs as a parting gift, a large sum of money, and said that the problems +would be looked into. It was from then that the levies on the people for +Norbulinka building projects stopped. + -- Ven. Lobsang Gyatso, translated by Ven. Dr. Gareth Sparham, "Memoirs + of a Tibetan Lama", published by Shambhala Publications +~ +The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor +to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and +earnestly. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on +the present moment. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +You only lose what you cling to. -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Pain is certain, suffering is optional. -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it +at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to +die. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Most problems, if you give them enough time and space, will eventually wear +themselves out + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +If the problem can be solved why worry? If the problem cannot be solved +worrying will do you no good. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates +people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant +relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Set your heart on doing good. Do it over and over again, and you will be +filled with joy. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are, it solely relies on +what you think. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to others. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Wear your ego like a loose fitting garment. -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +People with opinions just go around bothering one another. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Greater in battle +than the man who would conquer +a thousand-thousand men, +is he who would conquer +just one-- +himself. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self. -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +With our thoughts we make the world. -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they +do you if you do not act on upon them? + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not +considered a good man because he is a good talker. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Silence is an empty space, space is the home of the awakened mind. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and +soul to it + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our +thoughts and made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with an evil +thought, suffering follows him as the wheel follows the hoof of the beast that +draws the wagon... If a man speaks or acts with a good thought, happiness +follows him like a shadow that never leaves him. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +The mind is everything. What you think you become. -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +The fool who knows he is a fool is that much wiser. -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Every human being is the author of his own health or disease. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create +distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Three things can not hide for long: the Moon, the Sun, and the Truth. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe +in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe +in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do +not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. +Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many +generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything +agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, +then accept it and live up to it. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would +change. + -- Shakyamuni Buddha +~ +brain fully charged +(at lockn 2016...) + +It really seemed like every band built on the one just prior to it, so that as +each day moved on, the acts just generated more and more energy and awesome +music, storing it up in a celestial battery. the peak of it all for me was +the phish show on the last night, which was so high energy and saturated with +fun and healthy vibes that I felt like "i never need to feel fear again". +that feeling lasted for days after the festival was over. hopefully memory of +that thought never fades. +~ + Don’t become easily discouraged. If you never try to go beyond that +stage of initial discouragement because there are thoughts arising in your +meditation, you are never going to have the true experiences of meditation. +You need to go beyond that initial stage. You need to keep trying. If you +keep making that effort to go beyond that initial discouragement, you will +arrive at the experience of not getting caught up in your thoughts and mental +events. + Sometimes you may even observe an increase in the frequency of thoughts. +When that happens, don’t get discouraged. My enlightened master Jigme +Phuntsok Rinpoche says: + "One sign that your meditation is beginning to be effective is that both +subtle thoughts and obvious thoughts become more noticeable than before. This +is not a bad sign; it’s a good sign. When water rushes in a strong river +current, you don’t see the fish or rocks beneath the rapids. But when the +current slows and the water becomes clear, then you can see the fish, the +rocks, and everything below the surface distinctly. Similarly, if you never +pay attention to your mind, and your thoughts and emotions are uncontrolled, +you don’t even know how many thoughts go by. But when your mind becomes +more stable and calm, you begin to see your thoughts more clearly. Don’t be +discouraged. Take heart at this sign. Don’t hold yourself too loosely or +too tightly. Maintain your meditation in the right way without concern and +gradually your meditation experience will increase and stabilize." + Remember: Do not follow the past. Do not anticipate the future. Remain +in the present moment. Leave your mind alone. Those four simple, +straightforward instructions give us a chance to go beyond our mental events +and, eventually, to experience the natural state of mind. + -- Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche, in "Our Pristine Mind", published by Shambhala + Publications +~ + Knowing full well that his aim is to achieve enlightenment, Sujata adopts +a parallel program to help sustain him. Symbolically feeding Gautama with +each offering to the priests, she utters the dedication prayer, + May the Bodhisattva take my food and thereby truly attain perfect and +completely unexcelled awakening! + After six years of this, the gods notify her that Gautama has ceased his +austerities and urge her to take further action. Due to her abundant good +karma in past lives, she is preordained to serve him. Sujata sets to work +preparing the rice milk offering in the fashion of the one thousand cows +milked to feed the five hundred and so forth. In observing miracles around +the cooking pot, she prays that they foretell the Bodhisattva’s imminent +supreme awakening. She brings the rice porridge in a golden bowl to Gautama +where he is sitting along the river and offers it to him after reverentially +making prostrations. According to this story, the Bodhisattva regains his +former strength and splendor upon consuming Sujata’s excellent food. In +this version, it is his first meal after the six years of austerities and has +instantly restored him to wholeness. After bathing and meditating at the +river, Gautama proceeds to the tree of enlightenment. All these events have +taken place within the span of one day. + -- Wendy Garling, in "Stars at Dawn", published by Shambhala Publications +~ +True compassion is spacious and wise as well as resourceful. This type of +compassion could be called intelligent love or intelligent affection. We know +how to express our affection so that it does not destroy a person but instead +helps him or her to develop. It is more like a dance than a hug. And the +music behind it is that of intellect. + -- " 'Intellect and Intuition,' in The Heart of the Buddha: Entering the + Tibetan Buddhist Path", by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, published by + Shambhala Publications +~ + Gampopa recognized in Dusum Khyenpa an exceptional being and declared that +he would amply spread Buddhism throughout Tibet. He added that he would be +liberated in this life from samsara, cyclic existence. Over many years the +Karmapa received from this great bodhisattva the teachings that Gampopa +himself had been given by his masters. First, Gampopa transmitted to him the +teachings of the Kadampa tradition, including the classical scholastic studies +known as the “gradual path,” which emphasize the development of +renunciation and altruism. They henceforth became an educational constant for +the Kagyu lineage and the basis of the study of the Vajrayana. Dusum Khyenpa +then received from his master the teachings and transmissions related to the +tantras. One day, when Gampopa bestowed upon his disciple the Hevajra +initiation, the Karmapa perceived his master in the form of the deity himself. + Gampopa then urged Dusum Khyenpa to go on retreat into the neighboring +caves in order to actualize what had been transmitted. After only nine days +of meditation, he spontaneously experienced a strong feeling of warmth and +bliss. He removed his monk robes and dressed himself in the simple attire of +white cotton—repa—worn by yogis. He meditated for nine months, +concentrating in particular on the practice of calm abiding (samatha), which +allows practitioners to pacify and stabilize their mind. Having excelled in +this, he continued his retreat for three more years, perfecting his meditative +capacities on the understanding of the nature of mind through penetrating +vision (vipashyana) practice. Finally Gampopa conferred upon him the ultimate +instructions of the Kagyu lineage. He then considered that the realization of +his disciple was henceforth stable. + From then on the life of Dusum Khyenpa was divided between retreat and +travel. He traveled throughout central Tibet, receiving instructions from +other teachers or dispensing his own teachings. Nonetheless, until his master +passed away, he often returned to Gampopa to receive other transmissions. +Gampopa encouraged the Karmapa to go on retreat in the near future at Kampo +Gangra in eastern Tibet, prophesying that it would be in this location that +Dusum Khyenpa would attain complete enlightenment. + -- from "History of the Karmapas", by Lama Kunsang, Lama Pemo, and Marie + Aubèle, published by Shambhala Publications +~ +One cannot force or grasp a spiritual experience, because it is as delicate as +the whisper of the wind. But one can purify one’s motivation, one’s body, +and train oneself to cultivate it. Because we come from a culture which +teaches us there is always something external to be obtained which will lead +us to fulfillment, we lose contact with our innate wisdom. As the Indian +Tantric Buddhist saint Saraha says in one of his dohas (poems expressing the +essence of his understanding): + Though the house-lamps have been lit, + The blind live on in the dark. + Though spontaneity is all-encompassing + And close, to the deluded it remains + Always far away. + -- Tsultrim Allione, in "Women of Wisdom", published by Shambhala Publications +~ +being royalty is nothing compared to being composed from parts of a far +flung star explosion, as we all are. + -- fred t. hamster