X-Git-Url: https://feistymeow.org/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=database%2Ffortunes.dat;h=e56625ae0a913b3b5bfd4d4790cbb5e0203a814f;hb=f248fbae2a7096a6e65436920e088205bbeb04fa;hp=385f11e540a12db7b77ff0b135acc90c3eb7f53f;hpb=f26564a5505401f61c1aa22f121a77e629810fc9;p=feisty_meow.git diff --git a/database/fortunes.dat b/database/fortunes.dat index 385f11e5..e56625ae 100644 --- a/database/fortunes.dat +++ b/database/fortunes.dat @@ -37940,4 +37940,245 @@ benefit of all beings are called bodhisattvas. Through wisdom, they direct their minds to enlightenment, and through their compassion, they have concern for beings. This wish for perfect enlightenment for the sake of others is what we call bodhichitta, and it is the starting point on the path. +~ +The Notion of Self + + When we talk about the notion of self in Buddhism, it is important to bear +in mind that there are different degrees or types. There are some types of +sense of self which are not only to be cultivated but also to be reinforced +and enhanced. For instance, in order to have a strong determination to seek +buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings, one needs a very strong +sense of confidence, which is based upon a sense of commitment and courage. +This requires a strong sense of self. Unless one has that identity or sense +of self, one will not be able to develop the confidence and courage to +strongly seek this aim. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ +Genuine peace of mind is rooted in affection and compassion. There is a very +high level of sensitivity and feeling involved. So long as we lack inner +discipline, an inner calmness of mind, then no matter what external facilities +or conditions we may have, they will never give us the feeling of joy and +happiness that we seek. On the other hand, if we possess this inner +quality—that is, calmness of mind, a degree of stability within—then even +if we lack various external facilities that are normally considered necessary +for a happy and joyful life, it is still possible to live a happy and joyful +life. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ +COMPLICATED SIMPLICITY + + Emptiness is the simplest and most unelaborated thing we could imagine, but +then there is this whole literature about all these very discursive details +with all their subpoints. There are five paths and ten bhumis, and each path +is divided into a number of stages, with certain numbers of obscurations +having to be relinquished on each one of those subpaths. Most people just +think, "Who wants or needs to know all that? Don’t we have too many +thoughts already? I thought this was about letting go of all reference +points." + Of course nobody really wants to know all those details and in a sense we +all know them already, because they are the details of the many reference +points that we already have in our mind. The fact that these sutras and their +commentaries talk about our obscurations is precisely the point why they seem +so endless and complicated—because our minds are complicated. Emptiness is +extremely simple, but our convoluted minds that do not get this simplicity are +very complicated. It is not that the Buddha and the other speakers in the +sutras and the commentaries really like to, but they need to address each one +of those knots in our minds, which are like knots in space. +~ +If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have +to be a horrible warning. + -- Catherine Aird +~ +THE MIND OF CLEAR LIGHT + + Is spiritual practice really worthwhile? Is it really possible to eliminate +from within ourselves the forces that give rise to suffering? As is said, +“The ultimate nature of mind is clear light.” Consciousness has many +levels, and although the coarser levels are affected by the defiling forces, +the most subtle level remains free of gross negativities. In the Vajrayana +this subtle level of consciousness is called the mind of clear light. + The delusions and emotional afflictions as well as the dualistic mind of +right and wrong, love and hatred, etc., are associated only with the coarse +levels of consciousness. At the moment, we are totally absorbed in the +interplay of these coarse states, so we must begin our practice by working +within them. This means consciously encouraging love over hate, patience in +place of anger, emotional freedom rather than attachment, kindness over +violence, and so forth. Doing this brings immediate peace and calm to the +mind, thus making higher meditation possible. + Then, because grasping at a self and at phenomena as being truly existent is +the cause of all the vast range of distorted states of mind, one cultivates +the wisdom that eliminates this ego-grasping. To overcome ego-grasping is to +overcome the entire host of mental distortions. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ +It is the general Buddhist procedure that one’s own pleasure and pain are +acheived by oneself and not from the outside, and that, therefore, sentient +beings themselves must understand and implement practices to bring about their +own happiness. Thus, the most efficacious way to help others is through +teaching what should be adopted in practice and what should be discarded from +among current behavior. There is no way to do this unless you come to know +all of the topics involved in what should be adopted in practice and what +should be discarded—you must become omniscient. As mentioned earlier, there +is no way to accomplish this except by removing the obstructions to +omniscience, and one who has overcome, utterly and forever, the obstructions +to omniscience is a Buddha. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ + In meditation, imagine that in front of you are three persons—an enemy, a +friend, and a neutral person. At that time, in our minds we have (1) a sense +of closeness for one of them, thinking, “This is my friend”; (2) a sense +of dislike even when imagining the enemy; and (3) a sense of ignoring the +neutral person. Now, we have to think about the reasons why we generate these +feelings—the reasons being that temporarily one of them helped us whereas +the other temporarily harmed us, and the third did neither. However, when we +think in terms of the long course of beginningless rebirth, none of us could +decide that someone who has helped or harmed us in this life has been doing so +for all lifetimes. + When you contemplate this way, eventually you arrive at a point where a +strong generation of desire or hatred appears to you to be just senseless. +Gradually, such a bias weakens, and you decide that one-sided classification +of persons as friends and enemies has been a mistake. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ + Generally speaking, even if money brings us happiness, it tends to be the +kind that money can buy: material things and sensory experiences. And these, +we discover, become a source of suffering themselves. As far as actual +possessions are concerned, we must admit that they often cause us more, not +less, difficulty in life. The car breaks down, we lose our money, our most +precious belongings are stolen, our house is damaged by fire. Or we worry +about these things happening. + The problem is not materialism as such. Rather it is the underlying +assumption that full satisfaction can arise from gratifying the senses alone. +Unlike animals whose quest for happiness is restricted to survival and to the +immediate gratification of sensory desires, we human beings have the capacity +to experience happiness at a deeper level, which, when achieved, can overwhelm +unhappy experiences. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ +We humans are social beings. We come into the world as the result of +others' actions. We survive here in dependence on others. Whether we like +it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives in which we do not benefit +from others' activities. For this reason it is hardly surprising that most +of our happiness arises in the context of our relationships with others. Nor +is it so remarkable that our greatest joy should come when we are motivated by +concern for others. But that is not all. We find that not only do altruistic +actions bring about happiness, but they also lessen our experience of +suffering. Here I am not suggesting that the individual whose actions are +motivated by the wish to bring others happiness necessarily meets with less +misfortune than the one who does not. Sickness, old age, mishaps of one sort +or another are the same for us all. But the sufferings which undermine our +internal peace—anxiety, doubt, disappointment—these are definitely less. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ +If we view the world’s religions from the widest possible viewpoint and +examine their ultimate goal, we find that all of the major world religions, +whether Christianity or Islam, Hinduism or Buddhism, are dedicated to the +achievement of permanent human happiness. They are all directed toward that +goal. All religions emphasize the fact that the true follower must be honest +and gentle, in other words, that a truly religious person must always strive +to be a better human being. To this end, the different world religions teach +different doctrines which will help transform the person. In this regard, all +religions are the same, there is no conflict. This is something we must +emphasize. We must consider the question of religious diversity from this +viewpoint. And when we do, we find no conflict. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ +Emptiness vs. Non-Existence +The doctrines of emptiness and selflessness do not imply the non-existence of +things. Things do exist. When we say that all phenomena are void of self- +existence, it does not mean that we are advocating non-existence, that we are +repudiating that things exist. Then what is it we are negating? We are +negating, or denying, that anything exists from its own side without depending +on other things. Hence, it is because things depend for their existence upon +other causes and conditions that they are said to lack independent self- +existence. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ +If we view the world’s religions from the widest possible viewpoint and +examine their ultimate goal, we find that all of the major world religions, +whether Christianity or Islam, Hinduism or Buddhism, are dedicated to the +achievement of permanent human happiness. They are all directed toward that +goal. All religions emphasize the fact that the true follower must be honest +and gentle, in other words, that a truly religious person must always strive +to be a better human being. To this end, the different world religions teach +different doctrines which will help transform the person. In this regard, all +religions are the same, there is no conflict. This is something we must +emphasize. We must consider the question of religious diversity from this +viewpoint. And when we do, we find no conflict. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ + The process of overcoming our defilements goes in conjunction with gaining +higher levels of realisation. In fact, when we speak of gaining higher levels +of realisation in Buddhism we are speaking primarily of the processes through +which our wisdom and insight deepen. It is actually the wisdom aspect that +enables the practitioner to move from one level to the next on the path. + The attainment of the levels of the path is explained in condensed form in +the Heart Sutra, where we find the mantra tadyatha om gate gate paragate +parasamgate bodhi svaha. Tadyatha means It is thus; gate gate means go, go; +paragate means go beyond and transcend; parasamgate means go utterly beyond, +go thoroughly beyond; and bodhi svaha means firmly rooted in enlightenment. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ +ENDURING SUCCESS + It is often seen that human beings can endure problems quite well, but +cannot endure success. When we are successful and have everything we desire, +it can easily go to our heads. There is a great danger of losing our common +sense and becoming careless and arrogant. As it is said, "Nothing corrupts a +person more than power." Very powerful people sometimes become so proud that +they no longer care about their actions or about the effect they have on +others. Losing any sense of right and wrong, they create severe problems for +themselves and everyone else. + Even if we have all the success we could dream of—fame, wealth, and so +on—we must understand that these things have no real substance. Attachment +does not come from having things, but from the way our mind reacts to them. +It is fine to participate in good circumstances, provided we can see that they +have no real essence. They may come and they may go. When seeing this, we +will not become so attached. Even if we lose our wealth we will not be badly +affected, and while it is there we will enjoy it without being senseless and +arrogant. + -- Ringu Tulku, from "Daring Steps: Traversing the Path of the Buddha", + edited and translated by Rosemarie Fuchs, page 92. +~ +The role of other sentient beings + + In relation to the attainment of liberation from cylic existence, which is +known also as "definite goodness," the role of other sentient beings is +indispensable. In the Buddhist understanding, the key spiritual practices +that lead to the attainment of liberation are the Three Higher +Trainings—higher training in morality, in meditation, and in wisdom. The +last two are based upon the foundation of the first, namely the training in +morality. As I said before, the presence of other sentience beings is +indispensable for this training. This is how we come to the powerful +realisation that the role of other sentient beings is essential in all areas +of our mundane and spiritual activities. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama +~ + To avoid being hurt by thorns and brambles, we might consider covering all +the mountains with leather. That would be impossible, but putting on shoes +would serve the same purpose. Similarly, if we tried to subdue all our outer +enemies, we would never succeed. Once one was eliminated, another would rise +against us. While doing this, our anger would continue to breed new foes. +The only way to overcome our enemies is to turn inward and kill the real one, +which is our own hatred. + -- Ringu Tulku, from "Daring Steps: Traversing the Path of the Buddha", + edited and translated by Rosemarie Fuchs. +~ + One should not view one’s dharma practice as being something decorative, +regarding statues and images as material possessions or as furnishings for +one’s house, or thinking that because there is an empty space on a wall one +might as well put up a thangka for decoration. That kind of attitude should +not be cultivated. When you arrange the statues or thangkas, you should do so +out of a deep respect from the mind, moved by your faith and conviction. If +you can arrange these physical representations—statues and so forth—out of +deep respect and faith, that’s all right. On the other hand, the attitude +that they are merely material possessions is dangerous and destructive. I +think that some people who have a cupboard or the like in which they keep all +their precious possessions may arrange an altar on it just for the sake of +decoration. This is very wrong. + Having such motivations is not the proper way to become a Buddhist; the +proper way to become a Buddhist is to bring about some positive change within +the mind. Any practice that can give you more courage when you are undergoing +a very difficult time and that can provide you with some kind of solace and +calmness of mind is a true practice of the dharma. + -- H.H. the Dalai Lama