function dossify_and_run_commands()
+ # we only mess with the command line on windows...
+ if [ "$OS" == "Windows_NT" ]; then
+ # for non windows, just run the commands straight up.
+ $*
+ return $?
+ fi
declare -a darc_commands=()
for i in "$@"; do
- # we only mess with the command line on windows.
- if [ "$OS" == "Windows_NT" ]; then
- if [[ "$i" =~ ^-[a-zA-z][/\"].* ]]; then
-#echo matched on our pattern for parameters
- flag="${i:0:2}"
- filename="$(unix_to_dos_path ${i:2})"
-#echo "first two chars are $flag"
-#echo "last after that are $filename"
-#echo combined is $combined
- darc_commands+=("$flag$filename")
- else
- darc_commands+=($(unix_to_dos_path $i))
- fi
- else
- darc_commands+=("$i")
+ if [[ "$i" =~ ^-[a-zA-z][/\"].* ]]; then
+echo found parameter to fix...
+ flag="${i:0:2}"
+ filename="$(unix_to_dos_path ${i:2})"
+echo "first two chars are $flag"
+echo "last after that are $filename"
+ recombined="$flag$filename"
+echo combined flag and file is $recombined
+ darc_commands+=("$recombined")
+ else
+ darc_commands+=($(unix_to_dos_path $i))
+ declare -a real_commands=()
+ for i in "${darc_commands[@]}"; do
+ real_commands+=($(echo $i | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g'))
+ done
echo commands are now: >>/tmp/wrapdoze.log
- for i in "${darc_commands[@]}"; do
+ for i in "${real_commands[@]}"; do
echo $i >>/tmp/wrapdoze.log
#end temp
- # now actually run the possibly chewed command.
- "${darc_commands[@]}"
+ # now actually run the chewed command.
+ cmd /c "${real_commands[@]}"
dossify_and_run_commands "$@"