we already have a variable for this word, so it shouldn't appear in any file except the defaults file.
one allowed exception is a script that acts on all site avenger folders, since that script doesn't use the rest of the site avenger scripting machinery and it's an appropriate usage for this particular script (act on all apps).
pushd "$full_app_dir" &>/dev/null
exit_on_error "Changing to app path '$full_app_dir'"
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then
echo "The application doesn't seem to use avcore: $full_app_dir"
+++ /dev/null
-# some code i wrote to add to revamp that turned out to be unsuitable.
-# but it corrects a problem in cakelampvm v002 release that i find annoying,
-# so here it is as its own file.
-# clean out some old files that were not checked in in mapsdemo.
-echo Doing some git repository maintenance in fred account.
-# change over to fred folder
-pushd /home/fred
-exit_on_error "changing dir to fred's home; what have you done with fred?"
-pushd apps/mapsdemo/avenger5
-exit_on_error "changing dir to mapsdemo app"
-rpuffer . &>/dev/null
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- # it seems our old files are still conflicting this.
- if [ -f config/config_google.php ]; then
- \rm -f config/config_google.php
- exit_on_error "removing old config for google"
- fi
- if [ -f config/app.php ]; then
- \rm -f config/app.php
- exit_on_error "removing old config for app"
- fi
- git reset --hard HEAD
- exit_on_error "resetting git's hard head"
- rpuffer .
-#hmmm: use output saver thing when that exists.
- exit_on_error "puffing out mapsdemo app after inadequate corrective action was taken"
-#...coolness, if we got to here.
# where the code should come from.
export DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_ROOT="git@github.com:kwentworth"
-# we checkout the git repository to a directory underneath the
-# app storage directory named this:
+# we checkout the git repository to a directory underneath the app storage
+# directory named this (see below for "this"), if that directory name is found.
+# this is a saco designs infrastructure standard.
export CHECKOUT_DIR_NAME="avenger5"
# the subfolder that the web browser will look for the site in,
# underneath the application's specific path.
# make sure we're allowed to auto-guess the folder name from our current dir.
if [ -z "$NO_AUTOMATIC_FOLDER_GUESS" ]; then
- # if we can find an avenger5 directory above our current PWD, then that
- # might tell us our name.
- if find_named_parent_dir "avenger5"; then
- # we can grab a name above the avenger5 location. let's try that.
+ # if we can find the special checkout directory name above our current PWD, then that
+ # might tell us our project name.
+ if find_named_parent_dir "$CHECKOUT_DIR_NAME"; then
+ # we can grab a name above the checkout dir name location. let's try that.
app_dirname="$(basename "$(dirname $PARENT_DIR_FOUND)" )"