+++ /dev/null
-# fixes the permissions of files in the local games directory so that
-# everyone can run or read them if the owner could.
-sudo find /home/games -type f -perm /100 -exec chmod a+x {} ';'
-sudo find /home/games -type f -perm /400 -exec chmod a+r {} ';'
-sudo find /home/games -type d -exec chmod a+rx {} ';'
+++ /dev/null
-# Thanks to Kevin Wika for this shell.
-source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/launch_feisty_meow.sh"
-trap '' HUP
-trap '' INT
-trap '' QUIT
-trap '' STOP
-trap '' EXIT
-trap '' TSTP
-read password <$PASSWORDFILE
-echo "$(date_stringer): terminal locked" >>$LOGFILE
-stty -echo
-while [[ $attempt != $password ]]
- do
- if [ ! -z "$attempt" ]; then
- echo "$(date_stringer): $attempt" >>$LOGFILE
- fi
- clear
- echo -n "password: "
- read attempt
- done
-stty echo
-echo -e "$(date_stringer): successful login\n" >>$LOGFILE
-echo "Your Password has been Accepted."