pushd apps/mapsdemo/avenger5
test_or_die "changing dir to mapsdemo app"
-# gets rid of the old version of configs.
-git stash
-test_or_die "stashing unwanted mapsdemo changes"
-git stash drop
-# intentionally ignore error, if there was nothing to drop.
+rpuffer . &>/dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ # it seems our old files are still conflicting this.
+ if [ -f config/config_google.php ]; then
+ \rm -f config/config_google.php
+ test_or_die "removing old config for google"
+ fi
+ if [ -f config/app.php ]; then
+ \rm -f config/app.php
+ test_or_die "removing old config for app"
+ fi
+ git reset --hard HEAD
+ test_or_die "resetting git's hard head"
+ rpuffer .
+#hmmm: use output saver thing when that exists.
+ test_or_die "puffing out mapsdemo app after inadequate corrective action was taken"
-rpuffer apps
-test_or_die "puffing out apps directory"
+#...coolness, if we got to here.