--- /dev/null
+# Author: Kevin Wentworth
+# Author: Chris Koeritz
+# This script "powers up" a cakephp site by running the database migrations,
+# cleaning out the ORM cache, and fixing file permissions.
+# Note that the mysql database must already exist and allow permissions to
+# the configured username/password in config/app.php.
+# This script is currently highly specific to site avenger.
+# General Info:
+# The naming scheme here is a little complex, but it's basically this...
+# A git repository is expected to be provided, and we will get all the code
+# for the web site from there. The repository is expected to have a single
+# application "name" and one or more "themes". By convention, the name
+# and the theme are often the same.
+# For example, let's say our app name is "turtle" and our theme name is "box".
+# The repo is checked out to a folder called "~/apps/turtle".
+# This script will want to use "turtle" as the app name.
+# It will have to be told the theme name, but will assume it's 'Turtle' to
+# start with. The concept of the theme comes from cakephp.
+export WORKDIR="$( \cd "$(\dirname "$0")" && \pwd )" # obtain the script's working directory.
+source "$WORKDIR/shared_site_mgr.sh"
+# get our defaults.
+source "$WORKDIR/site_avenger.config"
+# main body of script.
+# check for parameters.
+app_dirname="$1"; shift
+repo_name="$1"; shift
+theme_name="$1"; shift
+check_application_dir "$APPLICATION_DIR"
+# find proper webroot where the site will be initialized.
+if [ -z "$app_dirname" ]; then
+ # no dir was passed, so guess it.
+ find_app_folder "$APPLICATION_DIR"
+ test_app_folder "$APPLICATION_DIR" "$app_dirname"
+# where we expect to find our checkout folder underneath.
+# use our default values for the repository and theme if they're not provided.
+if [ -z "$repo_name" ]; then
+ repo_name="$app_dirname"
+if [ -z "$theme_name" ]; then
+ theme_name="$(capitalize_first_char ${app_dirname})"
+echo "Repository: $repo_name"
+echo "Theme name: $theme_name"
+# this should set the site_store_path variable if everything goes well.
+update_repo "$full_app_dir" "$CHECKOUT_DIR_NAME" "$DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_ROOT" "$repo_name"
+check_result "Updating the repository storage directory"
+# update the site to load dependencies.
+composer_repuff "$site_store_path"
+check_result "Installing site dependencies with composer"
+# set up the symbolic links needed to achieve siteliness.
+create_site_links "$site_store_path" "$theme_name"
+echo "Finished powering up the site in '${app_dirname}'."
--- /dev/null
+# Author: Kevin Wentworth
+# Author: Chris Koeritz
+# This contains a bunch of reusable functions that help out in managing websites.
+source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/launch_feisty_meow.sh"
+# configure feisty revision control to ignore vendor folders.
+export NO_CHECKIN_VENDOR=true
+# tests that the main storage folder for apps exists.
+function check_application_dir()
+ local appdir="$1"; shift
+ if [ ! -d "$appdir" ]; then
+ echo "Creating the apps directory: $appdir"
+ mkdir "$appdir"
+ check_result "Making apps directory when not already present"
+ fi
+# this function will seek out top-level directories in the target directory passed in.
+# if there is only one directory, then it is returned (in the app_dirname variable).
+# otherwise, the user is asked which directory to use.
+# important: this sets a global variable app_dirname to the application's directory name.
+function find_app_folder()
+ local appsdir="$1"; shift
+ # throw away any prior value so no confusion arises.
+ unset app_dirname
+ # count number of directories... if exactly one, then choose it.
+ numdirs=$(count_directories "$appsdir")
+ if [ $numdirs -eq 0 ]; then
+ sep
+ echo "There are no directories in the application directory:"
+ echo " $appsdir"
+ echo "Please create a directory for the site storage, based on the application"
+ echo "name that you want to work on. Or you can just pass the directory name"
+ echo "on the command line, e.g.:"
+ echo " $(basename $0) turtle"
+ sep
+ exit 1
+ elif [ $numdirs -eq 1 ]; then
+ app_dirname="$(basename $(find "$appsdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d) )"
+ check_result "Guessing application folder"
+ else
+ # if more than one folder, force user to choose.
+ # Reference: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1705/how-can-i-create-a-select-menu-in-a-shell-script
+ holdps3="$PS3"
+ PS3='Please pick a folder for site initialization: '
+ options=( $(find "$appsdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec basename {} ';') "Quit")
+ select app_dirname in "${options[@]}"; do
+ case $app_dirname in
+ "Quit") echo ; echo "Quitting from the script."; exit 1; ;;
+ *) echo ; echo "You picked folder '$app_dirname'" ; break; ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ -z "$app_dirname" ]; then
+ echo "The folder was not provided. This script needs a directory name"
+ echo "within which to initialize the site."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ PS3="$holdps3"
+ fi
+ test_app_folder "$appsdir" "$app_dirname"
+ check_result "Testing application folder: $app_dirname"
+ echo "Application folder is: $app_dirname"
+# ensures that the app directory name is valid.
+function test_app_folder()
+ local appsdir="$1"; shift
+ local dir="$1"; shift
+ local combo="$appsdir/$dir"
+ if [ ! -d "$combo" ]; then
+ echo "Creating app directory: $combo"
+ mkdir "$combo"
+ check_result "Making application directory when not already present"
+ fi
+# eases some permissions to enable apache to write log files and do other shopkeeping.
+function fix_site_perms()
+ local site_dir="$1"; shift
+ if [ -f "$site_dir/bin/cake" ]; then
+ chmod -R a+rx "$site_dir/bin/cake"
+ check_result "Enabling execute bit on cake binary"
+ fi
+ if [ -d "$site_dir/logs" ]; then
+ chmod -R g+w "$site_dir/logs"
+ check_result "Enabling group write on site's Logs directory"
+ fi
+ if [ -d "$site_dir/tmp" ]; then
+ chmod -R g+w "$site_dir/tmp"
+ check_result "Enabling group write on site's tmp directory"
+ fi
+# tosses out any cached object data that originated from the database.
+function clear_orm_cache()
+ local site_dir="$1"; shift
+ if [ -f "$site_dir/bin/cake" ]; then
+ # flush any cached objects from db.
+ "$site_dir/bin/cake" orm_cache clear
+ check_result "Clearing ORM cache"
+ fi
+# updates the revision control repository passed in. this expects that the
+# repo will live in a folder called "checkout_dirname" under the app path,
+# which is the standard for our deployed sites.
+# important: this also sets a global variable called site_store_path to the full
+# path of the application.
+function update_repo()
+ local full_app_dir="$1"; shift
+ local checkout_dirname="$1"; shift
+ local repo_root="$1"; shift
+ local repo_name="$1"; shift
+ # forget any prior value, since we are going to validate the path.
+ unset site_store_path
+ pushd "$full_app_dir" &>/dev/null
+ check_result "Switching to our app dir '$full_app_dir'"
+ local complete_path="$full_app_dir/$checkout_dirname"
+ # see if the checkout directory exits. the repo_found variable is set to
+ # non-empty if we find it and it's a valid git repo.
+ repo_found=
+ if [ -d "$checkout_dirname" ]; then
+ # checkout directory exists, so let's check it.
+ pushd "$checkout_dirname" &>/dev/null
+ check_result "Switching to our checkout directory: $checkout_dirname"
+ # ask for repository name (without .git).
+ if git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # this is a valid git repo.
+ repo_found=yes
+ fi
+ # we don't consider the state of having the dir exist but the repo be wrong as good.
+ if [ -z "$repo_found" ]; then
+ echo "There is a problem; this folder is not a valid repository:"
+ echo " $full_app_dir"
+ echo "This script cannot continue unless the git repository is valid."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ popd &>/dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "$repo_found" ]; then
+ # a repository was found, so update the version here and leave.
+ echo "Repository $repo_name exists. Updating it."
+ rgetem
+ check_result "Recursive checkout on: $complete_path"
+ else
+ # clone the repo since it wasn't found.
+ echo "Cloning repository $repo_name now."
+ git clone "$repo_root/$repo_name.git" $checkout_dirname
+ check_result "Git clone of repository: $repo_name"
+ fi
+ fix_site_perms "$complete_path"
+ # construct the full path to where the app will actually live.
+ site_store_path="$complete_path"
+ popd &>/dev/null
+# this function goes to the directory specified and makes it right with
+# composer install. this is as opposed to composer update, which could
+# change the state.
+function composer_repuff()
+ local site_store_path="$1"; shift
+ pushd "$site_store_path" &>/dev/null
+ check_result "Switching to our app dir '$site_store_path'"
+ echo "Updating site with composer..."
+ composer -n install
+ check_result "Composer installation step on '$site_store_path'."
+ echo "Site updated."
+#hmmm: argh global
+ dir="$site_store_path/$CHECKOUT_DIR_NAME/vendor/siteavenger/avcore"
+ if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
+ echo "Running avcore database migrations..."
+ logfile="$TMP/problem-avcore_db_migration-$(date_stringer).log"
+ ./bin/cake migrations migrate -p Avcore &>"$logfile"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "** FAILED: Database migrations for avcore. Check log file in: $logfile"
+ # we keep going, because some sites aren't ready for this yet.
+ else
+ \rm "$logfile"
+ echo "Database for avcore migrated."
+ fi
+ fi
+ clear_orm_cache
+ popd &>/dev/null
+# this function creates the links needed to make the site function properly given our
+# various dependencies and infrastructure.
+function create_site_links()
+ local site_store_path="$1"; shift
+ local theme_name="$1"; shift
+ echo "Creating symbolic links for site assets..."
+ # jump into the site path so we can start making relative links.
+ pushd "$site_store_path" &>/dev/null
+ check_result "Switching to our app dir '$site_store_path'"
+ pushd webroot &>/dev/null
+ # remove all symlinks that might plague us.
+ find . -maxdepth 1 -type l -exec rm -f {} ';'
+ check_result "Cleaning out links in webroot"
+ # link in the avcore plugin.
+ make_safe_link "../vendor/siteavenger/avcore/webroot" avcore
+ # make the link for our theme as a lower-case version of the theme.
+ themelower=${theme_name,,}
+ make_safe_link "../plugins/$theme_name/webroot" "$themelower"
+ # link in any favicon files.
+ if [ -d "../plugins/$theme_name/favicon" ]; then
+ local fave
+ for fave in "../plugins/$theme_name/favicon"/*; do
+ make_safe_link "$fave" .
+ done
+ fi
+ # get back out of webroot.
+ popd &>/dev/null
+ # hop up a level above where we had been.
+ pushd .. &>/dev/null
+ # link 'public' to webroot.
+ if [ -L public ]; then
+ # public is a symlink.
+ \rm public
+ check_result "Removing public directory symlink"
+ elif [ -d public ]; then
+ # public is a folder with default files.
+#hmmm: is that safe?
+ \rm -rf public
+ check_result "Removing public directory and contents"
+ fi
+ # create the main 'public' symlink
+#hmmm: argh global
+ make_safe_link $CHECKOUT_DIR_NAME/webroot public
+ check_result "Creating link to webroot called 'public'"
+#hmmm: public/$themelower/im will be created automatically by system user with appropriate permissions
+ echo Created symbolic links.
+ popd &>/dev/null
+ popd &>/dev/null
+# fetches composer to make sure it's up to date.
+# (if powerup runs, composer install doesn't update git origin.)
+function update_composer_repository()
+ local site_store_path="$1"; shift
+ pushd "$site_store_path" &>/dev/null
+ if git config remote.composer.url &>/dev/null; then
+ git pull composer
+ echo "Updated the composer repository."
+ else
+ echo "No composer repository was found for updating."
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+# Author: Kevin Wentworth
+# Author: Chris Koeritz
+# checks the chosen site into the online git repository.
+export WORKDIR="$( \cd "$(\dirname "$0")" && \pwd )" # obtain the script's working directory.
+source "$WORKDIR/shared_site_mgr.sh"
+# get our defaults.
+source "$WORKDIR/site_avenger.config"
+# main body of script.
+# check for parameters.
+app_dirname="$1"; shift
+repo_name="$1"; shift
+check_application_dir "$APPLICATION_DIR"
+# find proper webroot where the site will be initialized.
+if [ -z "$app_dirname" ]; then
+ # no dir was passed, so guess it.
+ find_app_folder "$APPLICATION_DIR"
+ test_app_folder "$APPLICATION_DIR" "$app_dirname"
+# where we expect to find our checkout folder underneath.
+# use our default values for the repository and theme if they're not provided.
+if [ -z "$repo_name" ]; then
+ repo_name="$app_dirname"
+echo "Repository: $repo_name"
+# this should set the site_store_path variable if everything goes well.
+update_repo "$full_app_dir" "$CHECKOUT_DIR_NAME" "$DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_ROOT" "$repo_name"
+check_result "Updating the repository storage directory"
+update_composer_repository "$site_store_path"
+# now finally do the real check-in for our site.
+pushd "$site_store_path" &>/dev/null
+echo "Finished checking in the site at ${app_dirname}."
+echo bailing before deprecated code is run.; exit 0
+# see if there are any unmerged files, if so, do not try to push files
+if [[ `git ls-files -u` ]]; then
+ echo "Git: local changes!"
+ echo "Aborting. Please resolve manually and re-run this script"
+ # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5143795/how-can-i-check-in-a-bash-script-if-my-local-git-repo-has-changes
+ # see if there are any new files that need pushing (status will show new files)
+ if [[ `git status --porcelain` ]]; then
+ # changes
+ git add . -A
+ git commit -m "SERVER. Adding user uploaded files. [via sitepush]"
+ git push origin master
+ echo "Git: changes pushed to [master]"
+ else
+ # no changes
+ echo "Git: nothing to push. [master] up to date."
+ fi