if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1; fi
echo "Build starting at: $(date)"
- \rm -rf unit-test-reports
-# # update the libs first.
-# ant update
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1; fi
- # then build the trunk.
+# clean up some things.
+#maybe not needed.
+if [ ! -d unit-test-reports ]; then
+echo this chunk in build_xsedes could be removed to clean up unit tests
+\rm -rf unit-test-reports
+ # build the trunk.
ant -Dbuild.targetArch=64 build
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1; fi
- # fix memory limits.
-#hmmm: clean these up.
- if [ -f runContainer.sh ]; then
- sed -i -e "s/-Xmx512M/-Xmx2G/" "runContainer.sh"
- chmod 755 "runContainer.sh"
- fi
- if [ -f grid ]; then
-# sed -i -e "s/-Xmx512M/-Xmx1G/" "grid"
- chmod 755 "grid"
- fi
- if [ -f runContainer.bat ]; then
- sed -i -e "s/-Xmx512M/-Xmx2G/" "runContainer.bat"
- chmod 755 "runContainer.bat"
- fi
- if [ -f grid.bat ]; then
-# sed -i -e "s/-Xmx512M/-Xmx1G/" "grid.bat"
- chmod 755 "grid.bat"
- fi
echo "Build done at: $(date)"
+ success_sound
function rebuild_xsede()
+# a shortcut for doing a new build and creating a bootstrap container with it.
+function rebu_bootstrap()
+ rebuild_xsede
+ check_result "failed to rebuild xsede code"
+ bash $GENII_INSTALL_DIR/xsede_tools/library/bootstrap_quick_start.sh
+ check_result "failed to bootstrap a container"
+ success_sound
cd "$1"
+ function success_sound()
+ {
+ if [ ! -z "$CLAM_FINISH_SOUND" ]; then
+ fi
+ }
+ function error_sound()
+ {
+ if [ ! -z "$CLAM_ERROR_SOUND" ]; then
+ fi
+ }
# checks the result of the last command that was run, and if it failed,
# then this complains and exits from bash. the function parameters are
# used as the message to print as a complaint.
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "failed on: $*"
+ error_sound
exit 1