revised the command reference for a couple text bugs that kevin noticed.
new rolling file for setting apache2 environment variables; script to deploy still needed.
mod to powerup to force permissions on app dir.
good changes to revamp, now with some mysql powers.
of course that comes with great responsibility...
the site avenger scripts are configured by "app" files stored in the "config"
-directory (in $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/scripts/site_avenger/config). the scripts
+directory (in $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/site_avenger/config). the scripts
seek out a config file named after the application, e.g. they look for
"" if the application name is "winterportlibrary".
the basic config file "" is used for any application that is unknown
--- /dev/null
+# these variables are global for all sites.
+# you may want to override them in your specific site config file.
+SetEnv SSO_SERVER_LOCAL_URL "http://accounts.local"
+SetEnv SSO_UNIVERSAL_SECRET "jimmydodad"
echo "app dirname: The folder where the app will be stored."
echo "repository: The name of the git repository (short version, no URL)."
echo "theme name: The name to use for the cakephp theme."
-# echo "user name: The name of the user to chown the checkout to."
exit 0
app_dirname="$1"; shift
repo_name="$1"; shift
theme_name="$1"; shift
-#user_name="$1"; shift
-#echo "*** user name is $user_name"
if [ "$app_dirname" == "-help" -o "$app_dirname" == "--help" ]; then
-#if [ ! -z "$user_name" ]; then
-# echo "Chowning the apps folder to be owned by: $user_name"
-##hmmm: have to hope for now for standard group named after user
-# chown -R "$user_name:$user_name" "$BASE_APPLICATION_PATH"
-# test_or_die "Chowning $BASE_APPLICATION_PATH to be owned by $user_name"
+# go with the default user running the script.
+if [ ! -z "$user_name" -a "$user_name" != "root" ]; then
+ echo "Chowning the apps folder to be owned by: $user_name"
+#hmmm: have to hope for now for standard group named after user
+ chown -R "$user_name:$user_name" "$BASE_APPLICATION_PATH"
+ test_or_die "Chowning $BASE_APPLICATION_PATH to be owned by $user_name"
+echo "user name failed checks for chowning, was '$user_name'"
+# new requirement is to get the sql root password, since we need to do some sql db configuration.
+echo -n "Please enter the MySQL root account password: "
+read mysql_passwd
+if [ -z "$mysql_passwd" ]; then
+ echo "This script must have the sql root password to proceed."
+ exit 1
echo "Regenerating feisty meow loading dock."
echo successfully patched the samba configuration to enable writes on user home directories. way cool.
+# set up some crucial users in the mysql db that we seem to have missed previously.
+mysql -u root -p "$mysql_passwd" <<EOF
+ create user 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$mysql_passwd';
+ grant all privileges on *.* TO 'root'@'%' with grant option;
+ create user 'wampcake'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'bakecamp';
+ grant all privileges on *.* TO 'wampcake'@'%' with grant option;
+ create user 'lampcake'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'bakecamp';
+ grant all privileges on *.* TO 'lampcake'@'%' with grant option;
+test_or_die "configuring root, wampcake and lampcake users on mysql"