--- /dev/null
+# process manager helper methods for bash.
+# relies on the built-in process management to run a bunch of processes
+# in the background, but will limit total number running to a maximum.
+# demonstration method at the end of the file shows how to use the
+# process managing methods.
+# by chris koeritz
+#hmmm: revisions desired someday:
+# + allow number of max processes to be passed in.
+# +
+# number of background processes.
+# maximum number of simultaneous background processes.
+# number of processes to wait for if we hit the maximum.
+function start_background_action()
+ # launch the commands provided as parms in a subshell.
+ (for i in "${@}"; do eval "$i" ; done)&
+ #echo bg_count pre inc is $bg_count
+ ((bg_count++))
+ #echo bg_count post inc is $bg_count
+function take_inventory()
+ start_background_action \
+ 'echo "taking inventory..."' \
+ 'bash $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/inventory.sh'
+function nechung()
+ start_background_action \
+ 'echo "your nechung oracle pronouncement of the moment..."' \
+ '$BINDIR/nechung'
+function login_on_xcg()
+ start_background_action \
+ 'echo "summing directory output coming up..."' \
+ 'perl $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/files/summing_dir.pl'
+# takes the number of processes to wait for, or just waits for one of them.
+function wait_on_backgrounders()
+ local wait_count="$1"; shift
+ target_count=$(($bg_count - $wait_count))
+ if (($target_count < 1)); then target_count=1; fi
+ echo before waiting, count is $bg_count
+ while (($bg_count > $target_count - 1)); do
+ # wait for one job, let bash pick which.
+ wait -n
+ echo bg_count pre dec is $bg_count
+ ((bg_count--))
+ echo bg_count post dec is $bg_count
+ done
+ echo "done waiting, background process count is down to $bg_count."
+# happily launches off different actions as background processes.
+ while true; do
+ # pick a thing to do.
+ which=$(($RANDOM % 3))
+#hmmm: not asynch yet! make it so!
+ case $which in
+ 0) take_inventory;;
+ 1) nechung;;
+ 2) login_on_xcg;;
+ esac
+ # we have reached the limit on processes and need to wait for a few, defined by
+ # procs_to_await variable at top.
+ if (($bg_count > $max_bg_procs - 1)); then
+ echo "have reached $max_bg_procs background processes threshold; waiting for $procs_to_await of them to complete."
+ wait_on_backgrounders $procs_to_await
+ fi
+ done