-#hmmm: move this to core
-# this makes the status of pipe N into the main return value.
-#function promote_pipe_return()
-# ( exit ${PIPESTATUS[$1]} )
# one unpleasantry to take care of first; cygwin barfs aggressively if the TMP directory
# is a DOS path, but we need it to be a DOS path for our GFFS testing, so that blows.
# to get past this, TMP gets changed below to a hopefully generic and safe place.
local directory="$1"; shift
+#hmmm: another piece of reusable code, to process the directory for printing.
# make a nice echoer since we want to use it inside conditions below.
local nicedir="$directory"
if [ $nicedir == "." ]; then
local blatt="echo -ne \nchecking in '$nicedir'... "
-#hmmm: we don't do a puff out on this directory to carefully update the git repo. is there a good reason why?
-# we know we at least have to get the remote version synched up to avoid severe tire damage, so it's sensible at
-# least to call do_revctrl_simple_update, but is there a reason not to call the careful git update instead?
-#AHA, below we do call a careful git update, which is at least partially redundant with calling do_revctrl_simple_update here.
-# how about pushing the do_revctrl_simple_update down into the two cases that use it and just not calling it for the git case?
-#hmmm: trying the better seeming approach below now.
pushd "$directory" &>/dev/null
if [ -f ".no-checkin" ]; then
echo "skipping check-in due to presence of .no-checkin sentinel file."
elif [ -d ".git" ]; then
if test_writeable ".git"; then
-#hmmm: trying this in front; i have a bad feeling we used to do it like this and there were problems from not committing first!
-# a new set of steps we have to take to make sure the branch integrity is good.
-do_revctrl_careful_update "$(\pwd)"
+ # take steps to make sure the branch integrity is good and we're up to date against remote repos.
+ do_revctrl_careful_update "$(\pwd)"
promote_pipe_return 0
exit_on_error "git add all new files"
-#hmmm: was there a reason to commit before doing the puffing out careful git update? i seem to think there was.
-# would be nice to remember that or recapture the reason, so we can be sure we're not committing too early.
# see if there are any changes in the local repository.
if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then
# tell git about all the files and get a check-in comment.
- # a new set of steps we have to take to make sure the branch integrity is good.
-#hold do_revctrl_careful_update "$(\pwd)"
- # we continue on to the push, even if there were no changes this time, because
+ # we continue on to the push, even if there were no obvious changes this run, because
# there could already be committed changes that haven't been pushed yet.
# upload any changes to the upstream repo so others can see them.
echo "$(git branch -vv | cut -d ' ' -f2)"
-# a helpful method that reports the git branch for the current directory's
-# git repository.
-function my_branch_name()
- echo "$(git branch -vv | grep '\*' | cut -d ' ' -f2)"
#this had a -> in it at one point for not matching, didn't it?
# this reports the upstream branch for the current repo.
##function parent_branch_name()
##echo "$(git branch -vv | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2)"
+# a helpful method that reports the git branch for the current directory's
+# git repository.
+function my_branch_name()
+ echo "$(git branch -vv | grep '\*' | cut -d ' ' -f2)"
# reports the status of the branch by echoing one of these values:
# okay: up to date and everything is good.
# needs_pull: this branch needs to be pulled from origins.
local branch_list=$(all_branch_names)
local bran
for bran in $branch_list; do
-# echo "synchronizing remote branch: $bran"
+ log_feisty_meow_event "synchronizing remote branch: $bran"
git checkout "$bran" | $TO_SPLITTER
promote_pipe_return 0
exit_on_error "git switching checkout to remote branch: $bran"
if [ ! -z "$remote_branch_info" ]; then
# we are pretty sure the remote branch does exist.
git pull --tags $PULL_ADDITION origin "$bran" | $TO_SPLITTER
-# we may want to choose to do fast forward, to avoid crazy multiple merge histories
-# without any changes in them. --no-ff
promote_pipe_return 0
exit_on_error "git pull of remote branch: $bran"
git pull --tags $PULL_ADDITION --all | $TO_SPLITTER
#is the above really important when we did this branch already in the loop?
#it does an --all, but is that effective or different? should we be doing that in above loop?
-# --no-ff
promote_pipe_return 0
exit_on_error "git pulling all upstream"
directory="$1"; shift
+#hmmm: another piece of reusable code, to process the directory for printing.
# make a nice echoer since we want to use it inside conditions below.
local nicedir="$directory"
if [ $nicedir == "." ]; then
if test_writeable ".git"; then
git pull --tags $PULL_ADDITION 2>&1 | grep -v "X11 forwarding request failed" | $TO_SPLITTER
-#ordinary pulls should be allowed to do fast forward: --no-ff
promote_pipe_return 0
exit_on_error "git pull of origin"