added a diagnostic for when the recustomize script cannot run (when perl doesn't have File::Diff or File::Which yet).
| (web)
Retrieve a clone of the feisty meow code:
-=> git clone git://
+# git clone git://
The remainder of these notes assume that the code is stored in
~/feisty_meow (aka $HOME/feisty_meow).
Set up the feisty_meow scripts; this is only needed once, when you first get
the codebase. It can also regenerate the scripts using the latest version.
-=> bash ~/feisty_meow/scripts/core/
+# bash ~/feisty_meow/scripts/core/
Load the script environment into the current shell.
-=> source ~/feisty_meow/scripts/core/
+# source ~/feisty_meow/scripts/core/
With the feisty meow script environment loaded, several aliases are now
available for building the codebase and they are used in the sections below.
installed with either apt-get or CPAN.
Install using apt-get:
-=> sudo apt-get install libfile-which-perl libtext-diff-perl
+# sudo apt-get install libfile-which-perl libtext-diff-perl
or Install using perl's CPAN:
-=> sudo cpan install Text::Diff File::Which
+# sudo cpan install Text::Diff File::Which
How to install the build dependencies for feisty meow
| Ubuntu / Debian:
-| => sudo apt-get install build-essential librtmp-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libssl-dev
+| # sudo apt-get install build-essential librtmp-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libssl-dev
| Centos / Redhat / Fedora:
-| => sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ openssl-devel.x86_64 curl-devel
+| # sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ openssl-devel.x86_64 curl-devel
| Microsoft Windows:
| Download and install the Cygwin environment first from, which is
How to build the feisty meow codebase
Run the following command to build the feisty meow libraries and applications.
-=> bash ~/feisty_meow/scripts/generator/
+# bash ~/feisty_meow/scripts/generator/
After the build is complete, the feisty meow applications can be found in
$FEISTY_MEOW_BINARIES (environment variable).
How to clean up the files generated by the build
This command cleans out all the generated files:
-=> bash ~/feisty_meow/scripts/generator/ clean
+# bash ~/feisty_meow/scripts/generator/ clean
What are the feisty meow dependencies?
echo making a simple starting log file for container...
if [ ! -d "$GFFS_LOGS" ]; then
mkdir -p "$GFFS_LOGS"
- check_result Making GFFS logs directory.
+ test_or_fail Making GFFS logs directory.
echo building the code freshly, although not with a clean first...
-check_result Building GFFS source code.
+test_or_fail Building GFFS source code.
echo starting container now and spooling its log file...
(bash $GFFS_TOOLKIT_ROOT/library/ &>$TMP/main_container_restarting.log & )
# checks the result of the last command that was run, and if that failed,
# then this complains and exits from bash. the function parameters are
# used as the message to print as a complaint.
- function check_result()
+ function test_or_fail()
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo -e "failed on: $*"
+ echo -e "\n\nfailed on: $*"
exit 1
+ # like test_or_fail, but will keep going after complaining.
+ function test_or_continue()
+ {
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\nfailed on: $*"
+ error_sound
+ fi
+ }
# wraps secure shell with some parameters we like, most importantly to enable X forwarding.
function ssh()
regenerate >/dev/null
pushd "$FEISTY_MEOW_LOADING_DOCK/custom" &>/dev/null
incongruous_files="$(bash "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/files/" "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/customize/$custom_user" "$FEISTY_MEOW_LOADING_DOCK/custom")"
+ local fail_message="\nare the perl dependencies installed? if you're on ubuntu or debian, try this:\n
+ $(grep "apt.*perl" $FEISTY_MEOW_APEX/readme.txt)\n"
#echo "the incongruous files list is: $incongruous_files"
# disallow a single character result, since we get "*" as result when nothing exists yet.
if [ ${#incongruous_files} -ge 2 ]; then
echo "cleaning unknown older overrides..."
perl "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/files/" $incongruous_files
+ test_or_continue "running safedel. $fail_message"
popd &>/dev/null
echo "copying custom overrides for $custom_user"
mkdir -p "$FEISTY_MEOW_LOADING_DOCK/custom" 2>/dev/null
perl "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/text/" "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/customize/$custom_user" "$FEISTY_MEOW_LOADING_DOCK/custom"
+ test_or_continue "running cpdiff. $fail_message"
if [ -d "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/customize/$custom_user/scripts" ]; then
echo "copying custom scripts for $custom_user"
\cp -R "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/customize/$custom_user/scripts" "$FEISTY_MEOW_LOADING_DOCK/custom/"
if [ -d "$src" ]; then
ln -s "$src" "$target"
- check_result "Creating symlink from '$src' to '$target'"
+ test_or_fail "Creating symlink from '$src' to '$target'"
echo "Created symlink from '$src' to '$target'."
echo running tests on set_var_if_undefined.
set_var_if_undefined flagrant forknordle
- check_result "testing if defined variable would be whacked"
+ test_or_fail "testing if defined variable would be whacked"
if [ $flagrant != petunia ]; then
echo set_var_if_undefined failed to leave the test variable alone
exit 1
# copy up the archived bluray discs, and possibly future archived formats.
netcp /z/archons/* $BARKY/bkup_archons/
-check_result "synching archons"
+test_or_fail "synching archons"
# copy over our somewhat attenuated but still important walrus archives.
netcp /z/walrus/* $BARKY/walrus/
-check_result "synching walrus"
+test_or_fail "synching walrus"
# copy all the music files for future reference.
netcp /z/musix/* $BARKY/musix/
-check_result "synching musix"
+test_or_fail "synching musix"
# back up the photo archives.
netcp /z/imaginations/* $BARKY/imaginations/
-check_result "synching imaginations"
+test_or_fail "synching imaginations"
source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/"
cp $HOME/.thunderbird/oqv30zg4.default/ImapMail/ $CLOUD_BASE/magic_cabinet/mail_filters/zooty_serene_hamstertronic_$(date_stringer).filters
-check_result "copying filters"
+test_or_fail "copying filters"
cp $HOME/.thunderbird/oqv30zg4.default/ImapMail/ $CLOUD_BASE/magic_cabinet/mail_filters/uva_email_$(date_stringer).filters
-check_result "copying UVa filters"
+test_or_fail "copying UVa filters"
if [ ! -d "$SPOOLING_OUTPUT_DIR" ]; then
- check_result Creating spooling output directory.
+ test_or_fail Creating spooling output directory.
# copies the files for a particular game out to a spooling folder.
# simplistic approach here; just go to the folder and pull the changes.
pushd "$full_app_dir" &>/dev/null
-check_result "Changing to app path '$full_app_dir'"
+test_or_fail "Changing to app path '$full_app_dir'"
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then
pushd "$dir" &>/dev/null
git pull
- check_result "Pulling git repo for avcore under '$full_app_dir'"
+ test_or_fail "Pulling git repo for avcore under '$full_app_dir'"
echo "Finished updating the avcore portion of site in ${app_dirname}."
# this should set the site_store_path variable if everything goes well.
update_repo "$full_app_dir" "$CHECKOUT_DIR_NAME" "$DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_ROOT" "$repo_name"
-check_result "Updating the repository storage directory"
+test_or_fail "Updating the repository storage directory"
# update the site to load dependencies.
composer_repuff "$site_store_path"
-check_result "Installing site dependencies with composer"
+test_or_fail "Installing site dependencies with composer"
# set up the symbolic links needed to achieve siteliness.
if [ ! -d "$appdir" ]; then
echo "Creating the apps directory: $appdir"
mkdir "$appdir"
- check_result "Making apps directory when not already present"
+ test_or_fail "Making apps directory when not already present"
exit 1
elif [ $numdirs -eq 1 ]; then
app_dirname="$(basename $(find "$appsdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d) )"
- check_result "Guessing application folder"
+ test_or_fail "Guessing application folder"
# if more than one folder, force user to choose.
# Reference:
test_app_folder "$appsdir" "$app_dirname"
- check_result "Testing application folder: $app_dirname"
+ test_or_fail "Testing application folder: $app_dirname"
echo "Application folder is: $app_dirname"
if [ ! -d "$combo" ]; then
echo "Creating app directory: $combo"
mkdir "$combo"
- check_result "Making application directory when not already present"
+ test_or_fail "Making application directory when not already present"
if [ -f "$site_dir/bin/cake" ]; then
chmod -R a+rx "$site_dir/bin/cake"
- check_result "Enabling execute bit on cake binary"
+ test_or_fail "Enabling execute bit on cake binary"
if [ -d "$site_dir/logs" ]; then
chmod -R g+w "$site_dir/logs"
- check_result "Enabling group write on site's Logs directory"
+ test_or_fail "Enabling group write on site's Logs directory"
if [ -d "$site_dir/tmp" ]; then
chmod -R g+w "$site_dir/tmp"
- check_result "Enabling group write on site's tmp directory"
+ test_or_fail "Enabling group write on site's tmp directory"
if [ -f "$site_dir/bin/cake" ]; then
# flush any cached objects from db.
"$site_dir/bin/cake" orm_cache clear
- check_result "Clearing ORM cache"
+ test_or_fail "Clearing ORM cache"
unset site_store_path
pushd "$full_app_dir" &>/dev/null
- check_result "Switching to our app dir '$full_app_dir'"
+ test_or_fail "Switching to our app dir '$full_app_dir'"
local complete_path="$full_app_dir/$checkout_dirname"
if [ -d "$checkout_dirname" ]; then
# checkout directory exists, so let's check it.
pushd "$checkout_dirname" &>/dev/null
- check_result "Switching to our checkout directory: $checkout_dirname"
+ test_or_fail "Switching to our checkout directory: $checkout_dirname"
# ask for repository name (without .git).
if git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then
# a repository was found, so update the version here and leave.
echo "Repository $repo_name exists. Updating it."
- check_result "Recursive checkout on: $complete_path"
+ test_or_fail "Recursive checkout on: $complete_path"
# clone the repo since it wasn't found.
echo "Cloning repository $repo_name now."
git clone "$repo_root/$repo_name.git" $checkout_dirname
- check_result "Git clone of repository: $repo_name"
+ test_or_fail "Git clone of repository: $repo_name"
fix_site_perms "$complete_path"
local site_store_path="$1"; shift
pushd "$site_store_path" &>/dev/null
- check_result "Switching to our app dir '$site_store_path'"
+ test_or_fail "Switching to our app dir '$site_store_path'"
echo "Updating site with composer..."
composer -n install
- check_result "Composer installation step on '$site_store_path'."
+ test_or_fail "Composer installation step on '$site_store_path'."
echo "Site updated."
#hmmm: argh global
# jump into the site path so we can start making relative links.
pushd "$site_store_path" &>/dev/null
- check_result "Switching to our app dir '$site_store_path'"
+ test_or_fail "Switching to our app dir '$site_store_path'"
pushd webroot &>/dev/null
# remove all symlinks that might plague us.
find . -maxdepth 1 -type l -exec rm -f {} ';'
- check_result "Cleaning out links in webroot"
+ test_or_fail "Cleaning out links in webroot"
# link in the avcore plugin.
make_safe_link "../vendor/siteavenger/avcore/webroot" avcore
if [ -L public ]; then
# public is a symlink.
\rm public
- check_result "Removing public directory symlink"
+ test_or_fail "Removing public directory symlink"
elif [ -d public ]; then
# public is a folder with default files.
#hmmm: is that safe?
\rm -rf public
- check_result "Removing public directory and contents"
+ test_or_fail "Removing public directory and contents"
# create the main 'public' symlink
#hmmm: argh global
make_safe_link $CHECKOUT_DIR_NAME/webroot public
- check_result "Creating link to webroot called 'public'"
+ test_or_fail "Creating link to webroot called 'public'"
#hmmm: public/$themelower/im will be created automatically by system user with appropriate permissions
# this should set the site_store_path variable if everything goes well.
update_repo "$full_app_dir" "$CHECKOUT_DIR_NAME" "$DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_ROOT" "$repo_name"
-check_result "Updating the repository storage directory"
+test_or_fail "Updating the repository storage directory"
# this should set the site_store_path variable if everything goes well.
update_repo "$full_app_dir" "$CHECKOUT_DIR_NAME" "$DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_ROOT" "$repo_name"
-check_result "Updating the repository storage directory"
+test_or_fail "Updating the repository storage directory"
local full_path="$BASE_PATH/$our_app"
if [ ! -d "$full_path" ]; then
mkdir -p $full_path
- check_result "The app storage path could not be created.\n Path in question is: $full_path"
+ test_or_fail "The app storage path could not be created.\n Path in question is: $full_path"
# now give the web server some access to the folder. this is crucial since the folders
while [[ $chow_path != $HOME ]]; do
echo chow path is now $chow_path
chmod g+rx "$chow_path"
- check_result "Failed to add group permissions on the path: $chow_path"
+ test_or_fail "Failed to add group permissions on the path: $chow_path"
# reassert the user's ownership of any directories we might have just created.
chown $(logname) "$chow_path"
- check_result "changing ownership to user failed on the path: $chow_path"
+ test_or_fail "changing ownership to user failed on the path: $chow_path"
chow_path="$(dirname "$chow_path")"
#hmmm: why all the hard-coded paths below?
/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=1024
-check_result "creating swap file"
+test_or_fail "creating swap file"
/bin/chmod 600 /var/swap.1
-check_result "setting swap file permissions"
+test_or_fail "setting swap file permissions"
/sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1
-check_result "formatting swap file as swap partition"
+test_or_fail "formatting swap file as swap partition"
/sbin/swapon /var/swap.1
-check_result "enabling new swap partition"
+test_or_fail "enabling new swap partition"
source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/"
sudo apt-get update -y
-check_result "problem while doing 'apt-get update'"
+test_or_fail "problem while doing 'apt-get update'"
# new magic to tell dpkg to go with existing config files. let's see if it works!
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold"
-check_result "problem while doing 'apt-get dist-upgrade'"
+test_or_fail "problem while doing 'apt-get dist-upgrade'"