this plays havoc on any hidden files matching my extensions, where they get renamed from whatever the application in charge of them wanted them to be named. so, no longer renaming anything that starts with a dot.
local charnfile="$(mktemp $TMP/zz_charn.XXXXXX)"
#hmmm: any way to do the below more nicely or reusably?
- find "${dirs[@]}" -follow -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f | \
+#hmmm: yes! a variable with a list of files that are considered TEXT_FILE_EXTENSIONS or something like that.
+#hmmm: yes continued! also a variable for BINARY_FILE_EXTENSIONS to avoid those, where we need to in other scripts.
+ find "${dirs[@]}" -follow -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -and -not -iname ".[a-zA-Z0-9]*" | \
grep -i \
"csv\|doc\|docx\|eml\|html\|jpeg\|jpg\|m4a\|mov\|mp3\|ods\|odt\|pdf\|png\|ppt\|pptx\|rtf\|txt\|vsd\|vsdx\|xls\|xlsx\|xml\|zip" | \
sed -e 's/^/"/' | sed -e 's/$/"/' | \