got tired of typing the same old parameters to rsync, or sometimes still accidentally calling rcp instead, so now have an alias called 'netpush' that just does an 'rsync -avz' to move files or folders to remote (or local) targets. remember to use the syntax for the destination with the hostname, colon, and path. for example: netpush myfile surya:. (copies myfile to the machine surya in the home directory of the user).
define_yeti_alias md='mkdir'
define_yeti_alias move='mv -i -v '
define_yeti_alias mv='\mv -i -v '
+define_yeti_alias netpush='rsync -avz'
define_yeti_alias notepad='gedit'
define_yeti_alias pwd="/bin/pwd|sed -e 's/^\/home\/$USER/~/'"
define_yeti_alias rd='perl $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/files/'