+# compares the files and directory names in two different top-level directories
+# and prints a report of the differences.
dir1="$1"; shift
dir2="$1"; shift
echo The directories to be compared must already exist.
exit 1
+if [ "$dir1" == "$dir2" ]; then
+ echo "The two directories are the exact same folder name. So that's silly."
+ exit 1
out1="$(mktemp "$TMP/compare_dirs_output.XXXXXX")"
out2="$(mktemp "$TMP/compare_dirs_output.XXXXXX")"
pushd "$dir1" &>/dev/null
-#find . -type d >"$out1"
find . >"$out1"
sort "$out1" >"$out1".sort
popd &>/dev/null
pushd "$dir2" &>/dev/null
-#find . -type d >"$out2"
find . >"$out2"
sort "$out2" >"$out2".sort
popd &>/dev/null