Do they know this kid likes his chemistry set a little too much?
-- The Sopranos
+The Nine Expressions of Dance
+The upper part of one's body should have the demeanor of a lion.
+The waist should maintain the demeanor of elegance.
+The wrists and ankles should maintain a demeanor of dexterity.
+The thigh muscles should maintain a relaxed demeanor.
+The blood should maintain a fiery red demeanor.
+The countenance should maintain a handsome demeanor.
+The movements should maintain a slow demeanor.
+The knees should maintain a supple demeanor.
+The feet and head should maintain a demeanor of happiness.
+And overall [the dancer] should maintain a demeanor
+That is both heroic and magnificent.
+ -- by Konchog Lhadrepa and Charlotte Davis, from "The Art of Awakening:
+ A User's Guide to Tibetan Buddhist Art and Practice", published by
+ Shambhala Publications
# says goodbye when leaving a shell.
define_yeti_alias bye='. $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/processes/goodbye.sh'
define_yeti_alias cputemp='acpi -t'
# makes root user's home directory's permissions right.
define_yeti_alias reroot='chown -R root:root /root'
-# yes, these are really helpful...
+# space 'em all fixes naming for all of the files of the appropriate types in the current directory.
+define_yeti_alias spacemall='spacem *.txt *.pdf *.jpg *.png *.odt *.ods *.JPG *.docx *.m4a *.mp3 *.eml *.html 2>> ~/.tmp/zz_spacem.log'
+# yes, these what/who/why functions are really helpful...
define_yeti_alias whoareyou='echo -e "Hello, I am a computer named $(hostname)\nand I am very pleased to meet you."'
define_yeti_alias whereami='echo whoa dude, try not to think about it...'
define_yeti_alias why='echo We all wonder what the point of the universe is at times. If you figure it all out, please write us.'