-echo "it is $(date +"%A at %H%M hours on day %e of the %B moon in the gregorian year %Y" | tr A-Z a-z) and our intrepid adventurer $USER is exploring a computer named $(hostname) (code-name $codename) and has found that the machine's OS platform is $(uname -m) and its current incarnation has been ${up}." | splitter
+echo "it is $(date +"%A at %H:%M hours on day %e of the %B moon in the gregorian year %Y" | tr A-Z a-z) and our intrepid adventurer $USER is exploring a computer named $(hostname) (code-name $codename) and has found that the machine's OS platform is $(uname -m) and its current incarnation has been ${up}." | splitter
#hmmm: splitter not accepting these args properly right now:
#--mincol 2 --maxcol 40