# This defines some general, useful functions.
+#hmmm: starting to get a bit beefy in here. perhaps there is a good way to refactor the functions into more specific folders, if they aren't really totally general purpose?
# test whether we've been here before or not.
type function_sentinel &>/dev/null
+ # count the number of sub-directories in a directory and echo the result.
+ function count_directories()
+ {
+ local appsdir="$1"; shift
+ numdirs="$(find "$appsdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l)"
+ echo $numdirs
+ }
+ # takes a string and capitalizes just the first character. any capital letters in the remainder of
+ # the string are made lower case. the processed string is returned by an echo.
+ function capitalize_first_char()
+ {
+ local to_dromedary="$1"; shift
+ to_dromedary="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${to_dromedary:0:1})$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< ${to_dromedary:1})"
+ echo "$to_dromedary"
+ }
+ # given a source path and a target path, this will make a symbolic link from
+ # the source to the destination, but only if the source actually exists.
+ function make_safe_link()
+ {
+ local src="$1"; shift
+ local target="$1"; shift
+ if [ -d "$src" ]; then
+ ln -s "$src" "$target"
+ check_result "Creating symlink from '$src' to '$target'"
+ fi
+ echo "Created symlink from '$src' to '$target'."
+ }
+ ##############
+ # NOTE: no more function definitions are allowed after this point.
function function_sentinel()
return 0;