--- /dev/null
+# fred's bastion of drives...
+# link to shaggy's archive drive.
+shaggy:/z/archivonia /z/archivonia nfs exec,dev,suid,rw,user 0 0
+# NAS mounts...
+#nfs not currently allowing writes. grrrrr.
+#vitalstore:/DataVolume/chunky /z/chunky nfs exec,dev,suid,rw,user 0 0
+#vitalstore:/DataVolume/stuffing /z/stuffing nfs exec,dev,suid,rw,user 0 0
+#vitalstore:/DataVolume/walrus /z/walrus nfs exec,dev,suid,ro,user 0 0
+//vitalstore/chunky /z/chunky cifs credentials=/etc/samba/vitalstore_cifs.txt,uid=1008,gid=1008 0 0
+//vitalstore/stuffing /z/stuffing cifs credentials=/etc/samba/vitalstore_cifs.txt,uid=1008,gid=1008 0 0
+//vitalstore/walrus /z/walrus cifs credentials=/etc/samba/vitalstore_cifs.txt,uid=1008,gid=1008 0 0
+# only for the subversion server, currently hal.
+# //vitalstore/subversion /z/repo cifs credentials=/etc/samba/vitalstore_cifs.txt,uid=1008,gid=1008 0 0
--- /dev/null
+fred:x:1008:1008:fred hamster,,,:/home/fred:/bin/bash
+fredhuff:x:14000:14000:Fred Huffhines,,,,:/home/fredhuff:/bin/bash
+chronical:x:14001:14001:Chronical Koolhoven,,,,:/home/chronical:/bin/bash
+zeno:x:14002:14002:Zeno Olifone,,,,:/home/zeno:/bin/bash
+mojo:x:14003:14003:mojopickle haystack,,,,:/home/mojo:/bin/bash
+sedge:x:14004:14004:sedgeweaver jupiter,,,,:/home/sedge:/bin/bash
+ddm:x:14005:14005:DharmaDrum Magic,,,,:/home/ddm:/bin/bash
# fixes the permissions of files in the local games directory so that
# everyone can run or read them if the owner could.
-find /usr/local/games -type f -perm /100 -exec chmod a+x {} ';'
-find /usr/local/games -type f -perm /400 -exec chmod a+r {} ';'
+find /home/games -type f -perm /100 -exec chmod a+x {} ';'
+find /home/games -type f -perm /400 -exec chmod a+r {} ';'