--- /dev/null
+# This function parses a line from a CSV file (you pass the line as the
+# argument) into elements in an array. The CSV elements must be enclosed
+# in double-quotes and then separated by a comma.
+# Commas are replaced by tildes as the separator character in an attempt to
+# allow elements to contain commas. If elements also contain tildes, a new
+# separation character can be substituted by setting the variable
+# UNIQUE_SEPARATOR to the value of that new separator character.
+# Right now double-quote characters are also removed from the final output,
+# so if one of you elements contains double-quotes this function will remove
+# those double-quotes from within your element.
+# Author: Chris Koeritz
+declare -a csv_split=()
+# you can override the chosen separator if your data has tildes in it...
+if [ -z "$UNIQUE_SEPARATOR" ]; then
+# parses a line of CSV text and turns it into an array called "csv_split".
+# one defect of this approach is that if there are occurrences of the separator
+# character in the middle of the quoted strings, they will not be handled
+# properly.
+function parse_csv_line()
+ local parm="$1"; shift
+#echo line before is: $parm
+ csv_split=()
+ # fix the line so we don't mistake embedded commas as separators.
+ to_split="$(echo "$parm" | sed -e "s/\" *, *\"/\"$UNIQUE_SEPARATOR\"/g")"
+#echo line afterwards is: $to_split
+ # swap the IFS so we can find the breaks.
+ local csv_temp=($to_split)
+ # loop through and strip out the quotes.
+ i=0
+ while [ $i -lt ${#csv_temp[*]} ]; do
+ csv_split[$i]="$(echo ${csv_temp[$i]} | sed -e 's/"//g')"
+ i=$((i+1))
+ done