-# this set of functions serve the main purpose of adding new domains or subdomains to the bind9 DNS server on the current host.
-# it is currently highly specific to running a bunch of domains on a linux VM, where the VM has one IP address.
-# note that bind 'named' must already be configured.
-# also, it is assumed that if a subdomain is being added, then the containing domain has already been configured and is
-# configured in a file similar to "blah.com.conf" in /etc/bind.
+# this set of functions serve the main purpose of adding new domains or
+# subdomains to the bind9 DNS server on the current host. it is currently
+# highly specific to running a bunch of domains on a linux VM, where the VM
+# has one IP address. note that the bind 'named' must already be configured.
+# also, it is assumed that, if a subdomain is being added, then the containing
+# domain has already been configured and is configured in a file similar to
+# "blah.com.conf" in /etc/bind.
# Author: Chris Koeritz
export FEISTY_MEOW_APEX="$( \cd "$WORKDIR/../.." && \pwd )"
source "$FEISTY_MEOW_APEX/scripts/core/launch_feisty_meow.sh"
+source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/system/common_sysadmin.sh"
# some defaults that are convenient for current purposes.
# existing values will be respected over our defaults.
-# creates a totally new domain config file for DNS.
-function write_new_domain_file()
- local domain_name="$1"; shift
- local domain_file="/etc/bind/${domain_name}.conf"
- echo "adding a totally new domain called $domain_name"
- echo "using the config file: $domain_file"
- if [ -f $domain_file ]; then
- echo
- echo "The domain configuration file already exists at:"
- echo " $domain_file"
- echo "Since we don't want to tear that down if it has specialized configuration"
- echo "data in it, we will just leave it in place and consider our job done."
- echo
- exit 0
- fi
- echo "
-\$TTL 1W
- 2017100801 ; serial
- 2H ; refresh
- 8M ; retry
- 14D ; expiry
- 6H ) ; minimum
-${domain_name}. IN A ${IP_ADDRESS}
- IN HINFO \"linux server\" \"${DISTRO}\"
-" >"$domain_file"
- # our personalized configuration approach wants the real owner to own the file.
- chown "$(logname):$(logname)" $domain_file
- test_or_die "setting ownership on: $domain_file"
-# hooks up a new config file into bind's list of zones.
-function add_zone_for_new_domain()
- local domain_name="$1"; shift
- local domain_file="/etc/bind/${domain_name}.conf"
- echo "adding a new domain configured by ${domain_file} into"
- echo "the named.conf.local configuration file."
- # append the reference to the new conf file in the zone list.
- echo "
-zone \"${domain_name}\" in {
- file \"${domain_file}\";
- type master;
- allow-query { any; };
-" >> /etc/bind/named.conf.local
- # keep ownership for the real user.
- chown "$(logname):$(logname)" /etc/bind/named.conf.local
- test_or_die "setting ownership on: /etc/bind/named.conf.local"
-# adds a new subdomain under a containing domain.
-function add_new_subdomain()
- local new_domain="$1"; shift
- # split up the full domain name into subdomain portion and containing domain.
- local subdomain="${new_domain%.*.*}"
- local containing_domain="${new_domain#*.}"
- echo "adding a subdomain $subdomain to containing domain $containing_domain"
- local domain_file="/etc/bind/${containing_domain}.conf"
- # see if config file already exists; if not, complain.
- if [ ! -f "$domain_file" ]; then
- echo "The domain configuration file for $new_domain is missing."
- echo "It should already be present in: $domain_file"
- echo "Please add the containing domain before trying to add a subdomain."
- exit 1
- fi
- # see if subdomain already present in config.
- if [ $(grep -q "$new_domain" "$domain_file") ]; then
- echo "The subdomain $subdomain already seems to exist in the domain"
- echo "configuration file: $domain_file"
- echo "Please edit the config file to remove the subdomain before trying"
- echo "to re-add the subdomain."
- exit 1
- fi
- # append the new subdomain into the config file.
- echo "
-${subdomain}.${containing_domain}. IN A ${IP_ADDRESS}
- IN HINFO \"linux server\" \"${DISTRO}\"
-" >> /etc/bind/${containing_domain}.conf
- # keep ownership for real user.
- chown "$(logname):$(logname)" "/etc/bind/${containing_domain}.conf"
- test_or_die "setting ownership on: /etc/bind/${containing_domain}.conf"
-function restart_bind()
- echo restarting DNS server.
- service bind9 restart
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "The bind service did not restart properly. Please check the error logs."
- exit 1
- fi
- echo DNS server restarted.
# main body of script.
if [[ $EUID != 0 ]]; then
--- /dev/null
+# this is a library of functions shared by scripts in the system folder.
+# Author: Chris Koeritz
+#export WORKDIR="$( \cd "$(\dirname "$0")" && \pwd )" # obtain the script's working directory.
+#export FEISTY_MEOW_APEX="$( \cd "$WORKDIR/../.." && \pwd )"
+#source "$FEISTY_MEOW_APEX/scripts/core/launch_feisty_meow.sh"
+# creates a totally new domain config file for DNS.
+function write_new_domain_file()
+ local domain_name="$1"; shift
+ local domain_file="/etc/bind/${domain_name}.conf"
+ echo "adding a totally new domain called $domain_name"
+ echo "using the config file: $domain_file"
+ if [ -f $domain_file ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "The domain configuration file already exists at:"
+ echo " $domain_file"
+ echo "Since we don't want to tear that down if it has specialized configuration"
+ echo "data in it, we will just leave it in place and consider our job done."
+ echo
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ echo "
+\$TTL 1W
+ 2017100801 ; serial
+ 2H ; refresh
+ 8M ; retry
+ 14D ; expiry
+ 6H ) ; minimum
+${domain_name}. IN A ${IP_ADDRESS}
+ IN HINFO \"linux server\" \"${DISTRO}\"
+" >"$domain_file"
+ # our personalized configuration approach wants the real owner to own the file.
+ chown "$(logname):$(logname)" $domain_file
+ test_or_die "setting ownership on: $domain_file"
+# hooks up a new config file into bind's list of zones.
+function add_zone_for_new_domain()
+ local domain_name="$1"; shift
+ local domain_file="/etc/bind/${domain_name}.conf"
+ echo "adding a new domain configured by ${domain_file} into"
+ echo "the named.conf.local configuration file."
+ # append the reference to the new conf file in the zone list.
+ echo "
+zone \"${domain_name}\" in {
+ file \"${domain_file}\";
+ type master;
+ allow-query { any; };
+" >> /etc/bind/named.conf.local
+ # keep ownership for the real user.
+ chown "$(logname):$(logname)" /etc/bind/named.conf.local
+ test_or_die "setting ownership on: /etc/bind/named.conf.local"
+# adds a new subdomain under a containing domain.
+function add_new_subdomain()
+ local new_domain="$1"; shift
+ # split up the full domain name into subdomain portion and containing domain.
+ local subdomain="${new_domain%.*.*}"
+ local containing_domain="${new_domain#*.}"
+ echo "adding a subdomain $subdomain to containing domain $containing_domain"
+ local domain_file="/etc/bind/${containing_domain}.conf"
+ # see if config file already exists; if not, complain.
+ if [ ! -f "$domain_file" ]; then
+ echo "The domain configuration file for $new_domain is missing."
+ echo "It should already be present in: $domain_file"
+ echo "Please add the containing domain before trying to add a subdomain."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # see if subdomain already present in config.
+ if [ $(grep -q "$new_domain" "$domain_file") ]; then
+ echo "The subdomain $subdomain already seems to exist in the domain"
+ echo "configuration file: $domain_file"
+ echo "Please edit the config file to remove the subdomain before trying"
+ echo "to re-add the subdomain."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # append the new subdomain into the config file.
+ echo "
+${subdomain}.${containing_domain}. IN A ${IP_ADDRESS}
+ IN HINFO \"linux server\" \"${DISTRO}\"
+" >> /etc/bind/${containing_domain}.conf
+ # keep ownership for real user.
+ chown "$(logname):$(logname)" "/etc/bind/${containing_domain}.conf"
+ test_or_die "setting ownership on: /etc/bind/${containing_domain}.conf"
+function restart_bind()
+ echo restarting DNS server.
+ service bind9 restart
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "The bind service did not restart properly. Please check the error logs."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo DNS server restarted.
--- /dev/null
+# performs the inverse function of add_domain by deconfiguring a domain
+# in bind. the domain needs to have been set up by add_domain, or this will
+# not succeed.
+# Author: Chris Koeritz
+export WORKDIR="$( \cd "$(\dirname "$0")" && \pwd )" # obtain the script's working directory.
+export FEISTY_MEOW_APEX="$( \cd "$WORKDIR/../.." && \pwd )"
+source "$FEISTY_MEOW_APEX/scripts/core/launch_feisty_meow.sh"
+source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/system/common_sysadmin.sh"
+# some defaults that are convenient for current purposes.
+# existing values will be respected over our defaults.
+#if [ -z "$IP_ADDRESS" ]; then
+# # in our scheme, the single IP address that all our domains map to.
+#if [ -z "$SERVER_ADMIN" ]; then
+# # the email address (where first dot is replaced by @) for the administrator of the domain.
+# SERVER_ADMIN="developer.cakelampvm.com"
+#if [ -z "$MAIN_NAME_SERVER" ]; then
+# # the name of the name server for the new domains (should already be configured).
+# MAIN_NAME_SERVER="ns.cakelampvm.com"
+#if [ -z "$MAIL_SERVER" ]; then
+# # the name of the mail server for a new domain (should already be configured).
+# MAIL_SERVER="mail.cakelampvm.com"
+#if [ -z "$DISTRO" ]; then
+# # the distribution name to be listed in info for the new domain or subdomain.
+# DISTRO="ubuntu"
+# main body of script.
+if [[ $EUID != 0 ]]; then
+ echo "This script must be run as root or sudo."
+ exit 1
+old_domain="$1"; shift
+if [ -z "$old_domain" ]; then
+ echo "This script needs a domain name to remove from DNS."
+ exit 1
+# if domain name has three or more components, then remove a subdomain.
+# otherwise, remove a full domain.
+if [[ $old_domain == *"."*"."* ]]; then
+ # remove a subdomain from the containing domain.
+ remove_subdomain "$old_domain"
+ restart_bind
+ # remove the full domain in DNS.
+ remove_domain_file "$old_domain"
+ remove_zone_for_domain "$old_domain"
+ restart_bind