echo "Regenerating feisty meow loading dock."
echo "Updating developer welcome file."
# only update hello if they've still got the file there. we don't want to
# install a better editor app.
echo "The script is about to install the bluefish editor and some dependencies.
If the app is not already installed, then this process takes only about a
minute on a slower home DSL internet connection..."
# which we've done as a prefix on the config for some reason. makes the
# code below easy at least.
if [ -L /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf ]; then
+ sep
# the old site is in place still, so let's update that.
echo "Updating default web sites to latest version."
# fix up the apache site so that HSTS is disabled. otherwise we can't view
# the https site for cakelampvm.com once the domain name switch has occurred.
# we operate only on our own specialized tls conf file. hopefully no one has messed with it besides revamp.
# note the use of the character class :blank: below to match spaces or tabs.
search_replace "^[[:blank:]]*Header always set Strict-Transport-Security.*" "# not good for cakelampvm.com -- Header always set Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains;\"" /etc/apache2/conf-library/tls-enabling.conf
# as being on the vm. this is already true for some specific sites, but we
# want the wildcard enabled to ease the use of DNS for windows folks.
grep -q "\*[[:blank:]]*IN A[[:blank:]]*" /etc/bind/cakelampvm.com.conf
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# already present.
echo the bind settings for wildcard domains off of cakelampvm.com seems to already be present.
echo "
; our bind magic, a wildcard domain, for all other sites with cakelampvm.com
; in the domain. this forces any other sites besides the ones above to route
; to the actual vm IP address, which currently is singular and very fixated.
* IN A
IN HINFO "linux vm" "ubuntu"
" >> /etc/bind/cakelampvm.com.conf
echo "successfully added wildcard domains to the cakelampvm.com bind configuration."
# fix samba configuration for (ass-headed) default of read-only in user homes.
-# why add a necessary feature if you're just going to cripple it by default?
+# why cripple a necessary feature by default?
pattern="[#;][[:blank:]]*read only = yes"
replacement="read only = no"
# set up some crucial users in the mysql db that we seem to have missed previously.
mysql -u root -p"$mysql_passwd" <<EOF
create user 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$mysql_passwd';
grant all privileges on *.* TO 'root'@'%' with grant option;
# add the latest version of the cakelampvm environment variables for apache.
# drop existing file, if already configured. ignore errors.
-a2disconf env_vars_cakelampvm
+a2disconf env_vars_cakelampvm &>/dev/null
# plug in the new version, just stomping anything there.
# note: we only expect to have one version of the env_vars dir at a time in place in feisty...
# sequel--tell them they're great and show the hello again also.
-echo "
test_or_die "regenerating feisty meow scripts"
chown -R "$(logname)":"$(logname)" /home/$(logname)/.[a-zA-Z0-9]*