function print_instructions()
- echo "$(basename $0 .sh) [app dirname] [repository] [theme name] [user name]"
+ echo "$(basename $0 .sh) [app dirname] [repository] [theme name] "
+#[user name]
echo "All parameters are optional, and intelligent guesses for them will be made."
echo "app dirname: The folder where the app will be stored."
echo "repository: The name of the git repository (short version, no URL)."
echo "theme name: The name to use for the cakephp theme."
- echo "user name: The name of the user to chown the checkout to."
+# echo "user name: The name of the user to chown the checkout to."
exit 0
app_dirname="$1"; shift
repo_name="$1"; shift
theme_name="$1"; shift
-user_name="$1"; shift
+#user_name="$1"; shift
-echo "*** user name is $user_name"
+#echo "*** user name is $user_name"
if [ "$app_dirname" == "-help" -o "$app_dirname" == "--help" ]; then
-if [ ! -z "$user_name" ]; then
- echo "Chowning the apps folder to be owned by: $user_name"
-#hmmm: have to hope for now for standard group named after user
- chown -R "$user_name:$user_name" "$APPLICATION_DIR"
- test_or_die "Chowning $APPLICATION_DIR to be owned by $user_name"
+#if [ ! -z "$user_name" ]; then
+# echo "Chowning the apps folder to be owned by: $user_name"
+##hmmm: have to hope for now for standard group named after user
+# chown -R "$user_name:$user_name" "$APPLICATION_DIR"
+# test_or_die "Chowning $APPLICATION_DIR to be owned by $user_name"
echo about to do powerup with: app="$APPLICATION_NAME" repo="$REPO_NAME" theme="$THEME_NAME"
echo default repo is "$DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_ROOT"
-#hmmm: maybe can get rid of user name parm if this works?
-echo before redo login permissions
-sudo su -i -u $(logname)
-echo after redo login permissions
-echo user=$USER
# pass the real user name who should own the files.
-powerup "$APPLICATION_NAME" "$REPO_NAME" "$THEME_NAME" "$(logname)"
+sudo su -u $(logname) bash "$WORKDIR/" "$APPLICATION_NAME" "$REPO_NAME" "$THEME_NAME"
+# "$(logname)"