--- /dev/null
+# dumps out the log files according to the provided pattern, but makes sure that
+# each one is dumped in chronological order, and any compressed logs are unpacked
+# first.
+function assemble_log_file()
+ logpath="$1"; shift
+ # build an array of all the file names, in reverse order since we want the oldest
+ # files listed first.
+ full_set=($(ls -1 -r "$logpath"*))
+ if [ ${#full_set[*]} -lt 1 ]; then
+ echo "No log files were found matching the pattern '$full_set'"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ logdump="$(mktemp /tmp/$USER_logdump.XXXXXX)"
+ for logy in ${full_set[*]}; do
+#echo logy is $logy
+ if [[ $logy =~ .*\.gz ]]; then
+ gzip -d -c "$logy" >>"$logdump"
+ else
+ cat "$logy" >>"$logdump"
+ fi
+ done
+ cat "$logdump"
+ \rm -f "$logdump"
+logpath="$1"; shift
+if [ -z "$logpath" ]; then
+ echo "$(basename $0 .sh): Log file dumper"
+ echo
+ echo "This script requires a log path, which should be the prefix of some log files"
+ echo "that it will dump out. All files matching the prefix are printed to standard"
+ echo "output, and the log entries will be printed in chronological order. Any"
+ echo "compressed log files will be unpacked first before printing."
+ echo
+ echo "Example:"
+ echo -e "\t$(basename $0 .sh) /var/log/syslog"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+assemble_log_file "$logpath"