--- /dev/null
+* Name : dirtree
+* Author : Chris Koeritz
+* Purpose:
+* A utility that shows the directory tree specified on the command line.
+* Copyright (c) 2004-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can
+* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at:
+* http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html
+* Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com
+#include <application/hoople_main.h>
+#include <basis/guards.h>
+#include <filesystem/directory_tree.h>
+#include <filesystem/filename.h>
+#include <loggers/console_logger.h>
+#include <structures/static_memory_gremlin.h>
+#include <structures/string_array.h>
+#include <textual/string_manipulation.h>
+using namespace application;
+using namespace basis;
+using namespace filesystem;
+using namespace loggers;
+using namespace structures;
+using namespace textual;
+#define LOG(to_print) EMERGENCY_LOG(program_wide_logger::get(), to_print)
+class dirtree : public application_shell
+ dirtree() : application_shell() {}
+ DEFINE_CLASS_NAME("dirtree");
+ int execute();
+ int print_instructions_and_exit() {
+ LOG(a_sprintf("\
+%s: This utility requires a directory name on the command line.\n\
+The subdirectories under that directory will be shown. If a second paramter\n\
+is provided, it is taken as a pattern that will be used to show the files in\n\
+those directories also. Otherwise, just the tree of directories is shown.\n\
+", filename(application::_global_argv[0]).basename().raw().s()));
+ return 23;
+ }
+astring hier_prefix(int depth, int kids)
+ astring indent = string_manipulation::indentation( (depth - 1) * 2);
+ if (!depth) return "";
+ else if (!kids) return indent + "|--";
+ else return indent + "+--";
+int dirtree::execute()
+ astring path;
+ if (application::_global_argc < 2) {
+ return print_instructions_and_exit();
+ }
+ path = application::_global_argv[1];
+ // check if we should show any of the files.
+ bool show_files = false;
+ astring pattern;
+ if (application::_global_argc >= 3)
+ pattern = application::_global_argv[2];
+ if (pattern.t()) {
+ show_files = true;
+ }
+// log(astring("Scanning directory tree at \"") + path + "\"");
+// log(astring("Using pattern-match \"") + pattern + "\"");
+ directory_tree dir(path, pattern.s(), !show_files);
+ if (!dir.good()) {
+ continuable_error(class_name(), "tree construction",
+ "the directory could not be read");
+ return 82;
+ }
+ dir_tree_iterator *ted = dir.start(directory_tree::prefix);
+ // create our iterator to traverse the tree in prefix order.
+ filename curr; // the current path the iterator is at.
+ string_array files; // the filenames held at the iterator.
+ int depth; // current depth in tree.
+ int kids; // number of children below this node.
+ while (directory_tree::current(*ted, curr, files)) {
+ // we have a good directory to show.
+ directory_tree::depth(*ted, depth);
+ directory_tree::children(*ted, kids);
+ astring name_to_log = curr.basename().raw();
+ if (!depth)
+ name_to_log = curr.raw();
+ LOG(hier_prefix(depth, kids) + name_to_log);
+ if (show_files) {
+ astring names;
+ for (int i = 0; i < files.length(); i++) names += files[i] + " ";
+ if (names.length()) {
+ astring split;
+ string_manipulation::split_lines(names, split, depth * 2 + 2);
+ LOG(split);
+ }
+ }
+ // go to the next place.
+ directory_tree::next(*ted);
+ }
+ directory_tree::throw_out(ted);
+ return 0;
+HOOPLE_MAIN(dirtree, )
+ // static dependencies found by buildor_gen_deps.sh:
+ #include <application/application_shell.cpp>
+ #include <application/command_line.cpp>
+ #include <application/windoze_helper.cpp>
+ #include <basis/astring.cpp>
+ #include <basis/common_outcomes.cpp>
+ #include <basis/environment.cpp>
+ #include <basis/guards.cpp>
+ #include <basis/mutex.cpp>
+ #include <basis/utf_conversion.cpp>
+ #include <configuration/application_configuration.cpp>
+ #include <configuration/configurator.cpp>
+ #include <configuration/ini_configurator.cpp>
+ #include <configuration/ini_parser.cpp>
+ #include <configuration/table_configurator.cpp>
+ #include <configuration/variable_tokenizer.cpp>
+ #include <filesystem/byte_filer.cpp>
+ #include <filesystem/directory.cpp>
+ #include <filesystem/directory_tree.cpp>
+ #include <filesystem/file_info.cpp>
+ #include <filesystem/file_time.cpp>
+ #include <filesystem/filename.cpp>
+ #include <filesystem/filename_list.cpp>
+ #include <filesystem/filename_tree.cpp>
+ #include <filesystem/huge_file.cpp>
+ #include <loggers/combo_logger.cpp>
+ #include <loggers/console_logger.cpp>
+ #include <loggers/critical_events.cpp>
+ #include <loggers/file_logger.cpp>
+ #include <loggers/program_wide_logger.cpp>
+ #include <nodes/node.cpp>
+ #include <nodes/packable_tree.cpp>
+ #include <nodes/path.cpp>
+ #include <nodes/tree.cpp>
+ #include <structures/bit_vector.cpp>
+ #include <structures/checksums.cpp>
+ #include <structures/object_packers.cpp>
+ #include <structures/static_memory_gremlin.cpp>
+ #include <structures/string_hasher.cpp>
+ #include <structures/string_table.cpp>
+ #include <structures/version_record.cpp>
+ #include <textual/byte_formatter.cpp>
+ #include <textual/parser_bits.cpp>
+ #include <textual/string_manipulation.cpp>
+ #include <timely/earth_time.cpp>
+ #include <timely/time_stamp.cpp>