--- /dev/null
+# this script works on a specialized type of git checkout that has been configured
+# to push to a "downstream" repository, while still pulling from its normal origin.
+# the downstream destination might be a github or sourceforge repository that is
+# loaded from a personal repository or server.
+# to set up the repository for relaying downstream, just do the normal checkout
+# or clone on it from the real origin. for example:
+# $ git clone git://feistymeow.org/feisty_meow
+# and then add the downstream remote repository:
+# $ git remote add downstream https://github.com/fredhamster/feisty_meow.git
+# once the repository has been created, you can synch all updates that
+# have been checked into the origin repository with the downstream version
+# by running this command:
+# push_repo_downstream ~/relay_repo_folder
+#hmmm: make this support multiple dirs?
+dir="$1"; shift
+if [ -z "$dir" ]; then
+ dir=.
+pushd "$dir"
+# get everything from the origin.
+git pull
+# get everything from the origin.
+git pull
+# turn off occasionally troublesome setting before checkin.
+unset GIT_SSH
+# send the little boat down the stream to the dependent repository.
+git push origin master <"$PASSWORD_FILE"
+++ /dev/null
-# this script updates a "relay" repository (let us call it B) that is used
-# to mirror things from repository A (the source) into another repository C
-# (the target).
-# this is useful, for example, to maintain one's own master git archive for
-# a codebase, but also push updates for that codebase into a sourceforge git
-# repository.
-# rats: how did i set up that archive?
-# we need to have those steps someplace.
-# the remote config is like this so far:
-#fred@serene $ git remote -v
-#origin ssh://fred_t_hamster@git.code.sf.net/p/feistymeow/trunk (fetch)
-#origin ssh://fred_t_hamster@git.code.sf.net/p/feistymeow/trunk (push)
-#upstream git@feistymeow.org:feisty_meow (fetch)
-#upstream git@feistymeow.org:feisty_meow (push)
-# so, we've got it hooked together with a named remote called "upstream" that is
-# actually our source location, and the target is actually the "origin" remote for
-# the repository.
-dir="$1"; shift
-if [ -z "$dir" ]; then
- dir=.
-# this file needs to have our sourceforge password in it.
-if [ ! -f "$PASSWORD_FILE" ]; then
- echo "This script requires a password stored in the file:"
- echo " $PASSWORD_FILE"
- exit 1
-pushd "$dir"
-git fetch upstream
-git merge upstream/master
-unset GIT_SSH
-git push origin master <"$PASSWORD_FILE"