-# this script acquires our local IP address and connects over to zooty
-# to write a status file there. this enables us to later connect backwards
-# to our home system without being hosed by the floating IP address.
-#hmmm: none of the user info below will work for others: parameterize it.
-tempdir=/tmp # where we generate our files.
-source $HOME/feisty_meow/scripts/core/launch_feisty_meow.sh
-if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then
- soundfile=$1
+# this script connects to a remote machine and records the IP address of the
+# local machine there. this enables the machine's owner to connect back to
+# the system even if the IP address floats around (changes).
+server="$1"; shift
+remote_user="$1"; shift
+local_user="$1"; shift
+if [ -z "$server" -o -z "$remote_user" -o -z "$local_user" ]; then
+ echo "This script will write a record of the IP address for the host where it is"
+ echo "run into a file in a remote computer. To do this feat, it needs the"
+ echo "following parameters:"
+ echo " $(basename $0) {server} {remote-user} {local-user}"
+ echo "Note that this script must be run as root, but it uses the local user's"
+ echo "capability to connect to the remote system without a password (given the"
+ echo "user's possession of an ssh certificate on the remote host). The remote"
+ echo "user, in other words, must have an entry in the ssh authorized_keys that"
+ echo "allows the local user to connect."
-ip_file="$(mktemp ${tempdir}/ip_${USER}_$(hostname | sed -e "s/\..*$//").XXXXXX)"
-# get live ip address
-pushd $tempdir
-wget http://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp -O "$ip_file"
+ip_file="$(hostname | sed -e "s/\..*$//")_ip_address.txt"
+echo ip file is $ip_file
-chmod 644 "$ip_file"
-my_ip=$(head "$ip_file")
-echo "my ip is [$my_ip]"
-# send the file over to the server.
+# go over to the server and write a file recording our IP address.
# note that the local_user here is expected to have a certificate that
# gets us access to the server. this needs to be on the local machine
-# for sftp to run without a login prompt.
-sudo -u $local_user sftp $username@$server <<eof
-mkdir gen
-cd gen
-put $ip_file $(hostname | sed -e "s/\..*$//")_ip.txt
+# to enable ssh to run without a login prompt.
+sudo -u $local_user ssh $remote_user@$server <<eof
+ if [ ! -d gen ]; then mkdir gen; fi
+ cd gen
+ echo "\$SSH_CLIENT" | awk '{ print \$1; }' >$ip_file
-\rm -f "$ip_file"