--- /dev/null
+#source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/launch_feisty_meow.sh"
+# cleans up the ownership for all my files and dirs.
+function redeveloper()
+ # first build a list of dirs based on their location in /home/archives.
+ local arch_builder="archons basement codebarn games imaginations musix pooling prewar_toaster stuffing toaster walrus"
+ local ARCHIVE_HOME=/home/archives
+ local dirname
+ local arch_addin
+ for dirname in $arch_builder; do
+ arch_addin+="$ARCHIVE_HOME/$dirname "
+ done
+#echo arch addin now is: $arch_addin
+ # special case that makes our software hierarchy folder, if it doesn't exist.
+ # everything else is only re-permed if it exists.
+ if [ ! -d "$DEFAULT_FEISTYMEOW_ORG_DIR" ]; then
+ test_or_die "making directory: $DEFAULT_FEISTYMEOW_ORG_DIR"
+ fi
+ # iterate across the list of dirs we want developer to own and change their ownership.
+ for dirname in /home/developer $DEFAULT_FEISTYMEOW_ORG_DIR /usr/local/developer /home/games $arch_addin; do
+ if [ -d "$dirname" ]; then
+ echo "redeveloper on '$dirname'"
+ sudo chown -R developer:developer "$dirname"
+ test_or_die "chowning for developer: $dirname"
+ fi
+ done
+ # special case for archives directory.
+ if [ -d /z/stuffing -o -L /z/stuffing ]; then
+ sudo chown developer:developer /z
+ test_or_die "chowning /z for developer"
+ sudo chmod g+rx,o+rx /z
+ test_or_die "chmodding /z/ for developer"
+ sudo chown developer:developer /z/stuffing
+ test_or_die "chowning /z/stuffing for developer"
+ sudo chmod g+rx,o-rwx /z/stuffing
+ test_or_die "chmodding /z/stuffing for developer"
+ pushd /z/stuffing &>/dev/null
+ if [ -d archives -o -L archives ]; then
+ sudo chown developer:developer archives
+ test_or_die "chowning /z/stuffing/archives for developer"
+ sudo chmod -R g+rwx archives
+ test_or_die "chmodding /z/stuffing/archives for developer"
+ fi
+ popd &>/dev/null
+ fi
+ # make the logs readable by normal humans.
+ sudo bash $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/security/normal_perm.sh /var/log
+ test_or_die "setting normal perms on /var/log"
+# this block should execute when the script is actually run, rather
+# than when it's just being sourced.
+if [[ $0 =~ .*redeveloper\.sh.* ]]; then
+ THISDIR="$( \cd "$(\dirname "$0")" && /bin/pwd )"
+ source "$THISDIR/../../core/launch_feisty_meow.sh"
+ test_or_die "sourcing the feisty meow launcher"
+ redeveloper
+ test_or_die "redeveloperding process"