particularly important to do the best you can.(p.82)
-- H.H. the Dalai Lama, "How to Expand Love: Widening the Circle of Loving
Relationships", translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins
+ What is very important for us to recognise is our own falsity. This is not
+a judgement that sometimes we are authentic and sometimes we are false. It
+means that everything about us in our ordinary sense of self is false because
+it is grounded on a misapprehension of the nature of reality.... It is like
+somebody in University who is having their final examinations. They go into
+the wrong examination room and not reading the questions very clearly they
+write very long answers on their own subject that is unfortunately not the one
+they are being examined on. It does not matter how good the answer is they
+will fail, for they are not addressing the question.
+ The basic question is always: "Who are you?", "Who am I?" but we do not
+understand it and so we answer with a ceaseless narrative of self definition.
+This covers over the freshness of the question, the possibility of looking and
+seeing, and so all our answers are stale, the reworking of self-protective
+versions constructed out of unexamined elements. We have many, many, many
+answers and all of them are false. That's why it is very important when you
+do meditations, to put your full energy one-pointedly into the practice, to
+try to repair the initial basic fault that has torn subject and object apart.
+ It is very important to stop being ashamed of being false. For we have to
+see how falsity arises, how obscuration develops. We want to look directly at
+our falsity and learn its tricks so that we will not be caught by them. This
+helps to open the space in which we can recognise our own nature.
+ "When you understand the falsity of your confusion remain unartificially,
+effortlessly in the natural mode (dharmakaya)."(p.90)
+ -- "Being Right Here: A Dzogchen Treasure Text of Nuden Dorje entitled 'The
+ Mirror of Clear Meaning' with commentary by James Low", published by Snow
+ Lion Publications