over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country
is about.
-- Barack Obama, after the US government shutdown of 2013 had ended.
+When the teachings say we need to reduce our fascination with the things of
+this life, it does not mean that we should abandon them completely. It means
+avoiding the natural tendency to go from elation to depression in reaction to
+life’s ups and downs, jumping for joy when you have some success, or wanting
+to jump out the window if you do not get what you want. Being less concerned
+about the affairs of this life means assuming its ups and downs with a broad
+and stable mind.
+ -- His Holiness the Dalai Lama, in "On the Path to Enlightenment: Heart
+ Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters", from Shambhala Publications and
+ Snow Lion Publications.