<h2 style=" text-align: center;">By Chris Koeritz</h2>
<h3 style=" text-align: center;"> Vintage: cakelampvm v002
Updated: 2017-11-16</h3>
- <p>The cakelampvm project provides a virtualbox VM that acts as an "internet
+ <p>The cakelampvm project provides a Virtualbox VM that acts as an "internet
in a bottle". The virtual machine provides DNS services (<a title="dns server"
href="http://www.bind9.net/">bind9</a>), a Web server (<a title="patchy"
href="https://httpd.apache.org/">Apache2</a>), a full <a title="ubuntu means compassion and humanity"
href="https://feistymeow.org/">Feisty Meow® codebase</a> .
Together, these services provide you with a very flexible and powerful
testbed for web development, especially suited for <a title="it's cake" href="https://cakephp.org/">CakePHP</a>.</p>
- <p>todo: arrange gritty details to back.</p>
- <p>todo: toc goes here.</p>
- <h6> </h6>
- <h2><span style="text-decoration: underline;">G</span>uest VM Configuration</h2>
+ <h2> Guest VM Configuration<a id="#config" name="#config"></a></h2>
<li>hostname: <a title="the vm's website, when configured properly" href="https://cakelampvm.com/">cakelampvm.com</a></li>
<li>local IP address:</li>
<li>main user: developer (password distributed separately)</li>
<li>mysql root password: (password distributed separately)</li>
- <h2>Powering up with the Feisty Meow® scripts</h2>
- <p>[First, let me drop the registered trademark symbol from here on
- in. I hope its presence above has been sufficiently clear for legal
- purposes, but now it will just get in the way. Also, capitalization
- really bores me, and it's the feisty meow codebase anyhow, so that's how
- it will be written henceforth.]</p>
- <p>The feisty meow scripts are a cohesive bash scripting environment for
- getting a variety of tasks done. The scripts recently incorporated
- the 'avbash' collection from Saco Designs and added those scripts to the
- "site_avenger" collection of scripts. These provide tools for
- bringing up CakePHP web sites and managing the collection of repositories
- for those sites. Each website is considered an "application", and
- the application name itself (e.g. "winterportlibrary") can often provide
- all the details for "powering up" the site. The feisty meow team has
- added additional scripts for managing DNS domains and Apache websites that
- provide the capability to "stand up" an entire website around an
- application, with accompanying domain.</p>
+ <h2>Powering up with the Feisty Meow® scripts<a id="#powerup" name="#powerup"></a></h2>
+ The feisty meow scripts are a cohesive bash scripting environment for
+ getting a variety of tasks done. The scripts recently incorporated the
+ "avbash" collection from Saco Designs and added those scripts to the
+ "site_avenger" collection of scripts. These provide tools for bringing
+ up CakePHP web sites and managing the collection of repositories for those
+ sites. Each website is considered an "application", and the
+ application name itself (e.g. "winterportlibrary") can often provide all the
+ details for "powering up" the site. The feisty meow team has added
+ additional scripts for managing DNS domains and Apache websites that provide
+ the capability to "stand up" an entire website around an application, with
+ accompanying domain.
<p>The site avenger scripts are documented separately within the feisty meow
codebase. Consult the <span style="text-decoration: underline;">f</span><a
title="quickstart" href="https://feistymeow.org/feisty_meow/readme.txt">eisty
meow command reference</a> file.</p>
<p>(The feisty meow codebase is already configured for the developer account
on the cakelampvm virtual machine.)</p>
- <h2>How to set up virtualbox for your host PC</h2>
+ <h2>How to set up virtualbox for your host PC<a id="#virtualbox-setup" name="#virtualbox-setup"></a></h2>
<li>Download and install virtualbox:
machines. Before starting it, perform the following network
configuration sections.</li>
- <h3>Configure the Host-Only network on virtualbox</h3>
+ <h3>Configure the Host-Only network on virtualbox<a id="#host-only" name="#host-only"></a></h3>
<p>Configuring host-only networking for the VM makes the VM completely local
to your machine. The cakelampvm will not be accessible on the
internet or from the LAN, and can only be accessed by your host PC.</p>
<p>Additional information on host-only (and other) network adapter types is
at: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch06.html#network_nat_service<br>
- <h3>Configure the Nat Network on virtualbox</h3>
+ <h3>Configure the Nat Network on virtualbox<a id="#nat-network" name="#nat-network"></a></h3>
<li> Go to virtual box "Preferences" (global preferences, not for a
specific vm).</li>
These are my settings, with IPv6 left disabled:<br>
<img alt="nat net config" src="images/nat_network_config.png"></li>
- <h2>Start up the VM</h2>
+ <h2>Start up the VM<a id="#start-vm" name="#start-vm"></a></h2>
<p>Using the virtualbox interface, you should now be able to start your
virtual machine. Virtualbox will complain if it detects any
remaining configuration problems in the VM, but it should start
this with:</p>
<pre>ssh developer@cakelampvm.com (or equivalent with your ssh client)</pre>
<p>And then provide the password to log in.</p>
- <p>A feature called "X forwarding" is enabled, so if you start graphical
- applications on the VM, you can display them from an appropriately
- configured host. (If you're running Linux as the host for the VM,
- you can definitely run remote windows. Windows may not support
- that.)</p>
- <p>#### check this!!!</p>
- <h2>Using the guest VM's DNS services</h2>
+ <p>If a feature called "X forwarding" is enabled in your ssh client, then
+ you can start graphical applications on the VM and display them on your
+ local machine. This works right away on most Linux hosts, but can
+ also work on PCs with X window system installed. The section below
+ describes how to set up Cygwin to run X server, which enable X forwarding
+ to your local display.</p>
+ <p>...{insert that info}...</p>
+ <h2>Using the guest VM's DNS services<a id="#dns-from-vm" name="#dns-from-vm"></a></h2>
<p>The cakelampvm has been set up to provide a DNS server which will answer
- name requests for all of the sites that the VM hosts.</p>
+ name lookup requests on any of the sites that the cakelampvm is hosting
+ for you. It will also serve as a general DNS server for any other
+ domains that need to be looked up.</p>
<p>To use the cakelampvm DNS, modify your host operating system network
configuration by adding or changing the DNS server to use the guest VM's
- DNS service. This is available at the local address
- The DNS server can be tested with nslookup, dig and
- other tools.</p>
+ DNS service. The cakelampvm is available at the local IP address
+ (The DNS server can be tested with nslookup, dig and
+ other tools.)</p>
<p>Note that the cakelampvm DNS should be listed first, if one intends to
- override any DNS names that actually exist out on the internet.</p>
- <p>If the DNS server is properly set up, then these ping commands should get
- answering responses:</p>
+ override any DNS names that actually exist out on the internet. We
+ have also found it most effective to have only the cakelampvm as your DNS
+ server, because a secondary DNS server can "take over" providing the name
+ lookups, and thus foul up DNS requests that should succeed for your
+ VM-hosted sites.</p>
+ <p>It is important to remember to switch back to a normal DNS server
+ configuration when you shut off the cakelampvm, or your machine will not
+ know the names of any sites on the internet any more!</p>
+ <p>Once the DNS server is properly set up, these ping commands should get
+ answering responses (from</p>
<pre>ping cakelampvm.com</pre>
<pre>ping defaultcake.cakelampvm.com</pre>
<pre>ping mapsdemo.cakelampvm.com</pre>
<pre>iface enp0s8 inet dhcp</pre>
<p> </p>
<h2>Handy Techniques</h2>
+ <h3>Assorted Guides and Cheat-Sheets</h3>
+ <p>Cheat sheet for Vim: <a title="vim commands" href="https://vim.rtorr.com/">https://vim.rtorr.com/</a></p>
+ <p>Git branching model that seems to work well: <a title="release and patch process"
+ href="http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/">http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/</a></p>
+ <p><br>
+ </p>
<h3>Get the network address on the guest vm</h3>
<p>Run this command: ifconfig</p>
<p>In the results, look for "inet addr". There may be more than one,
+ <p><span style="font-style: italic;"><br>
+ </span></p>
+ <p><span style="font-style: italic;"><br>
+ </span></p>
+ <p><span style="font-style: italic;"><br>
+ </span></p>
+ <p><span style="font-style: italic;">remaining work:</span></p>
+ <p>todo: arrange gritty details to back.</p>
+ <p>todo: toc goes after intro paragraph.</p>
+ <h6> </h6>
+ <h2><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><br>
+ </span></h2>
+ <p> </p>