# add a bunch of folders to the list for checkin & checkout. these are
# definitely personal, and some of them are fairly dated (the yeti and
# hoople folders, for example).
- REPOSITORY_LIST+="cloud ebooks web antique inova_codebase yeti xsede/docs xsede/secrets xsede/xsede_tests xsede/code/fred-trunk "
+ REPOSITORY_LIST+="cloud ebooks web antique inova_codebase yeti gffs/docs gffs/secrets gffs/xsede_tests gffs/code/fred-trunk "
# point to our local certificate for ssh usage.
export SVN_SSH="ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa_sourceforge"
# we need these for the XSEDE and GenesisII environment.
The tantric pledges, like a dented vessel, are restored by the
practitioner's strength.
--Jamgon Kongtrul
When is it possible to restore a vow that has been transgressed? All the
tantras and transmissions state that if a monk has incurred a defeat with
concealment, the transgressed vow, like a broken clay pot, cannot be repaired.
source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/functions.sh"
-zip -r "/z/stuffing/archives/genesis2_wiki_as_of_$(date_stringer).zip" /z/uvaweb/doc/wiki -x "*/xcg_releases/*" -x "*/xsede_beta/*" -x "*/GenesisII*gz" -x "*/act126_installers/*" -x "*/genesis2-*"
+zip -r "/z/stuffing/archives/genesis2_wiki_as_of_$(date_stringer).zip" /z/uvaweb/doc/wiki -x "*/xcg_releases/*" -x "*/xsede_beta/*" -x "*/GenesisII*gz" -x "*/act126_installers/*" -x "*/genesis2-*" -x "*/udc3_releases/*" -x "*/xsede_releases/*" -x "*/gffseu_releases/*"